What is this?


The International Network for the Demographic Evaluation of Populations and Their Health (INDEPTH) is a global network of research centres that conduct longitudinal health and demographic evaluation of populations in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). INDEPTH aims to strengthen global capacity for Health and Demographic Surveillance Systems (HDSSs), and to mount multi-site research to guide health priorities and policies in LMICs, based on up-to-date scientific evidence. Read More...

What is a Health and Demographic Surveillance System?

A health demographic surveillance system (HDSS) is a set of field and computing operations to handle the longitudinal follow-up of well-defined entities or primary subjects (individuals, households, and residential units) and all related demographic and health outcomes within a clearly circumscribed geographic area. Unlike a cohort study, an HDSS follows up the entire population of such a geographic area.

What is the INDEPTH Data Repository?

The data collected by the INDEPTH Network members constitute a valuable resource of population and health data for LMIC countries. This repository aims to make well documented anonymised longitudinal microdata from these Centres available to data users.

What is iSHARE2?

iSHARE2 is a project funded by the Wellcome Trust to:

  • Enhance the research data management capacity of INDEPTH member centres and enable them to develop, document, extract, harmonise and quality-assure analytical datasets from their operational databases.

  • Lead a major expansion in INDEPTH data sharing by establishing and maintaining this INDEPTH Network data repository.

  • Strengthen and maintain the skills, procedures and infrastructure necessary to assure quality and responsibly share longitudinal datasets of public health importance with the scientific and policy community

  • Support the building of data management capacity for the Network by providing course content and placements for students and trainees in research data management.

What is the goal of iSHARE2?

    The INDEPTH Network's MISSION is to harness the collective potential of the world's community-based longitudinal demographic surveillance initiatives in resource constrained countries to provide a better, empirical understanding of health and social issues, and to apply this understanding to alleviate the most severe health and social challenges. The GOAL of the INDEPTH Network Data Repository is THEREFORE to enable INDEPTH member HDSSs and associated researchers to contribute and share fully documented, high-quality datasets with the scientific community in support of the Network's MISSION.

Who all are the members of iSHARE2 Core Team?

Click to view the Core Team

Which sites have joined iSHARE2?

Click to view the Member Sites


INDEPTH Data Repository still contains all publications from the INDEPTH Member Centres and not just citations resulting from datasets on the repository.