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Citation Information

Type Journal Article - Clin. Vaccine Immunol.
Title Evaluation of a simplified dual-platform flow cytometric method for measurement of lymphocyte subsets and T-cell maturation phenotypes in the population of Nouna, Burkina Faso
Volume 14
Issue 6
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2007
Page numbers 775-781
URL http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Evaluation+of+a+simplified+dual-platform+flow+cytometric+me​thod+for+measurement+of+lymphocyte+subsets+and+T-cell+maturation+phenotypes+in+the+population+of+Nou​na,+Burkina+Faso
Böhler, T, M von Au, N Klose, K Müller, B Coulibaly, F Nauwelaers, H P Spengler, G Kynast-Wolf, and H-G Kräusslich. "Evaluation of a simplified dual-platform flow cytometric method for measurement of lymphocyte subsets and T-cell maturation phenotypes in the population of Nouna, Burkina Faso." Clin. Vaccine Immunol. 14, no. 6 (2007): 775-781.