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Citation Information

Type Journal Article - PLoS ONE
Title Extensive HIV-1 intra-host recombination is common in tissues with abnormal histopathology
Volume 4
Issue 3
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2009
URL http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Extensive+HIV-1+intra-host+recombination+is+common+in+tissu​es+with+abnormal+histopathology
Lamers, Susanna L, Marco Salemi, Derek C Galligan, Tulio de Oliveira, Gary B Fogel, Sara C Granier, Li Zhao, Joseph N Brown, Alanna Morris, Eliezer Masliah, and Michael S McGrath. "Extensive HIV-1 intra-host recombination is common in tissues with abnormal histopathology." PLoS ONE 4, no. 3 (2009).