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Citation Information

Type Journal Article - Malar. J.
Title Development of a TaqMan Allelic Discrimination assay for detection of single nucleotides polymorphisms associated with anti-malarial drug resistance
Volume 11
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2012
URL http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Development+of+a+TaqMan+Allelic+Discrimination+assay+for+de​tection+of+single+nucleotides+polymorphisms+associated+with+anti-malarial+drug+resistance
Kamau, Edwin, Saba Alemayehu, Karla C Feghali, LaDonna S Tolbert, Bernard Ogutu, and Christian F Ockenhouse. "Development of a TaqMan Allelic Discrimination assay for detection of single nucleotides polymorphisms associated with anti-malarial drug resistance." Malar. J. (2012).