Central Data Catalog


1 Fekadu, A., D. Kebede, A. Alem, D. Fekadu, S. Mogga, A. Negash, G. Medhin, T. Beyero, and T. Shibre. "Clinical outcome in bipolar disorder in a community-based follow-up study in Butajira, Ethiopia." Acta Psychiatr Scand (2006).
2 Kebede, D., A. Alem, T. Shibre, A. Negash, A. Fekadu, D. Fekadu, N. Deyassa, L. Jacobsson, and G. Kullgren. "Onset and clinical course of schizophrenia in Butajira-Ethiopia--a community-based study." Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol (2003).
3 Kebede, Derege, Atalay Alem, Teshome Shibire, Negussie Deyassa, Alemayehu Negash, Teferra Beyero, Ghirmay Medhin, and Abebaw Fekadu. "Symptomatic and functional outcome of bipolar disorder in Butajira, Ethiopia." J Affect Disord (2006).
4 Kebede, Derege, Abebaw Fekadu, Atalay Alem, Teferra Beyero, Teshome Shibire, and Negussie Deyessa. "The distribution of mental disorders among an isolated island community in southern Ethiopia." Ethiop. Med. J. (2005).
5 Negash, A., D. Kebede, A. Alem, Z. Melaku, N. Deyessa, T. Shibire, A. Fekadu, D. Fekadu, L. Jacobsson, and G. Kullgren. "Neurological soft signs in bipolar I disorder patients." J Affect Disord (2004).
6 Shibre, T., D. Kebede, A. Alem, S. Kebreab, Z. Melaku, N. Deyassa, A. Negash, A. Fekadu, D. Fekadu, G. Medhin, C. Negeri, L. Jacobsson, and G. Kullgren. "Neurological soft signs (NSS) in 200 treatment-naïve cases with schizophrenia: a community-based study in a rural setting." Nord J Psychiatry (2002).
7 Shibre, T., D. Kebede, A. Alem, A. Negash, N. Deyassa, A. Fekadu, D. Fekadu, L. Jacobsson, and G. Kullgren. "Schizophrenia: illness impact on family members in a traditional society--rural Ethiopia." Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol (2003).