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Aaby, Peter, Henrik Ravn, Adam Roth, Amabelia Rodrigues, Ida Maria Lisse, Birgitte Rode Diness, Karen Rokkedal Lausch, Najaaraq Lund, Julie Rasmussen, Sofie Biering-Sørensen, Hilton Whittle, and Christine Stabell Benn.
Early diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccination associated with higher female mortality and no difference in male mortality in a cohort of low birthweight children: an observational study within a randomised trial
Arch. Dis. Child. 97, no. 8 (2012): 685-691.
Aaby, Peter, Adam Roth, Henrik Ravn, Bitiguida Mutna Napirna, Amabelia Rodrigues, Ida Maria Lisse, Lone Stensballe, Birgitte Rode Diness, Karen Rokkedal Lausch, Najaaraq Lund, Sofie Biering-Sørensen, Hilton Whittle, and Christine Stabell Benn.
Randomized trial of BCG vaccination at birth to low-birth-weight children: beneficial nonspecific effects in the neonatal period?
J. Infect. Dis. 204, no. 2 (2011): 245-252.
Adato, Michelle, Francie Lund, and Phakama Mhlongo.
Methodological Innovations in Research on the Dynamics of Poverty: A Longitudinal Study in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
World Development 35, no. 2 (2007): 247-263.
Bärnighausen, Till, Thomas A McWalter, Zachary Rosner, Marie-Louise Newell, and Alex Welte.
HIV incidence estimation using the BED capture enzyme immunoassay: systematic review and sensitivity analysis
Epidemiology 21, no. 5 (2010): 685-697.
Bärnighausen, Till, Claudia Wallrauch, Alex Welte, Thomas A McWalter, Nhlanhla Mbizana, Johannes Viljoen, Natalie Graham, Frank Tanser, Adrian Puren, and Marie-Louise Newell.
HIV incidence in rural South Africa: comparison of estimates from longitudinal surveillance and cross-sectional cBED assay testing
PLoS ONE 3, no. 11 (2008).
Beguy, Donatien, Caroline W Kabiru, Eliya M Zulu, and Alex C Ezeh.
Timing and sequencing of events marking the transition to adulthood in two informal settlements in Nairobi, Kenya
J Urban Health (2011).
Bellows, Ben, Catherine Kyobutungi, Martin Kavao Mutua, Charlotte Warren, and Alex Ezeh.
Increase in facility-based deliveries associated with a maternal health voucher programme in informal settlements in Nairobi, Kenya
Health Policy Plan 28, no. 2 (2013): 134-142.
Benn, Christine Stabell, Sofia Lund, Ane Fisker, Mathias Jul Jørgensen, and Peter Aaby.
Should infant girls receive micronutrient supplements?
Int J Epidemiol 38, no. 2 (2009): 586-590.
Bjerregaard-Andersen, Morten, Najaaraq Lund, Frida Staarup Jepsen, Luis Camala, Margarida Alfredo Gomes, Kaare Christensen, Lene Christiansen, Dorte Møller Jensen, Peter Aaby, Henning Beck-Nielsen, Christine Stabell Benn, and Morten Sodemann.
A prospective study of twinning and perinatal mortality in urban Guinea-Bissau
BMC Pregnancy Childbirth (2012).
Bonner, Kimberly, Alex Mwita, Peter D. McElroy, Susan Omari, Ally Mzava, Christian Lengeler, Naomi Kaspar, Rose Nathan, Joyce Ngegba, Romanus Mtung'e, and Nick Brown.
Design, implementation and evaluation of a national campaign to distribute nine million free LLINs to children under five years of age in Tanzania
Malar. J. (2011).
Menken, Jane, Sanjay Juvekar, Cornelius Debpuur, F Xavier Gómez-Olivé, Alex Ezeh, Nirmala Naidoo, Nguyen Chuc, Salim Abdullah, Kathleen Kahn, Somnath Chatterji, Nawi Ng, Ayaga Bawah, Paul Kowal, Mohammad Hakimi, Fred Binka, Siddhivinayak Hirve, Abraham Hodgson, Osman Sankoh, Stephen M Tollman, Catherine Kyobutungi, Mathew A Mwanyangala, Hoang Van Minh, Abdur Razzaque, Kim P Streatfield, Stig Wall, Siswanto Wilopo, and Peter Byass.
Ageing and adult health status in eight lower-income countries: the INDEPTH WHO-SAGE collaboration
Global Health Action (2010).
Case, A., V. Hosegood, and Frances Lund.
The reach and impact of Child Support Grants: evidence from KwaZulu-Natal
de Sherbinin, Alex, Leah Vanwey, Kendra McSweeney, Rimjhim Aggarwal, Alisson Barbieri, Sabina Henry, Lori M. Hunter, and Wayne Twine.
Rural Household Demographics, Livelihoods and the Environment
Glob Environ Change (2008).
Emina, Jacques, Donatien Beguy, Eliya Zulu, Alex Ezeh, Kanyiva Muindi, Patricia Elung’ata, John Otsola, and Yazoumé Yé.
Monitoring of health and demographic outcomes in poor urban settlements: evidence from the Nairobi Urban Health and Demographic Surveillance System
Falkingham, Jane C, Gloria Chepngeno-Langat, Catherine Kyobutungi, Alex Ezeh, and Maria Evandrou.
Does socioeconomic inequality in health persist among older people living in resource-poor urban slums?
J Urban Health (2011).
Fotso, Jean-Christophe, Alex Ezeh, Nyovani Madise, and James Ciera.
Progress towards the child mortality millennium development goal in urban sub-Saharan Africa: the dynamics of population growth, immunization, and access to clean water
Fotso, Jean-Christophe, Alex Ezeh, Nyovani Madise, Abdhallah Ziraba, and Reuben Ogollah.
What does Access to Maternal Care Mean Among the Urban Poor? Factors Associated with Use of Appropriate Maternal Health Services in the Slum Settlements of Nairobi, Kenya
Matern Child Health J 13, no. 1 (2009): 130-137.
Gyimah, Stephen Obeng, Ivy Kodzi, Jacques Emina, Nicholas Cofie, and Alex Ezeh.
Religion, religiosity and premarital sexual attitudes of young people in the informal settlements of Nairobi, Kenya
J Biosoc Sci 45, no. 1 (2013): 13-29.
Izugbara, Chimaraoke, Alex Ezeh, and Jean-Christophe Fotso.
The persistence and challenges of homebirths: perspectives of traditional birth attendants in urban Kenya
Health Policy Plan 24, no. 1 (2009): 36-45.
J Madise, Nyovani, Abdhalah K Ziraba, Joseph Inungu, Samoel A Khamadi, Alex Ezeh, Eliya M Zulu, John Kebaso, Vincent Okoth, and Matilu Mwau.
Are slum dwellers at heightened risk of HIV infection than other urban residents? Evidence from population-based HIV prevalence surveys in Kenya
Health Place 18, no. 5 (2012): 1144-1152.
Kabiru, Caroline W, Donatien Beguy, Joanna Crichton, and Alex C Ezeh.
Self-reported drunkenness among adolescents in four sub-Saharan African countries: associations with adverse childhood experiences
Child Adolesc Psychiatry Ment Health (2010).
Khatib, Rashid A., Gerry F. Killeen, Salim M. K. Abdulla, Elizeus Kahigwa, Peter D. McElroy, Rene P. M. Gerrets, Hassan Mshinda, Alex Mwita, and S. Patrick Kachur.
Markets, voucher subsidies and free nets combine to achieve high bed net coverage in rural Tanzania
Malar. J. (2008).
Khatib, Rashid A., Jacek Skarbinski, Joseph D. Njau, Catherine A. Goodman, Berty F. Elling, Elizeus Kahigwa, Jacquelin M. Roberts, John R. MacArthur, Julie R. Gutman, Abdunoor M. Kabanywanyi, Ernest E. Smith, Masha F. Somi, Thomas Lyimo, Alex Mwita, Blaise Genton, Marcel Tanner, Anne Mills, Hassan Mshinda, Peter B. Bloland, Salim M. Abdulla, and S. Patrick Kachur.
Routine delivery of artemisinin-based combination treatment at fixed health facilities reduces malaria prevalence in Tanzania: an observational study
Malar. J. (2012).
Kimani-Murage, Elizabeth W, Penny A Holding, Jean-Christophe Fotso, Alex C Ezeh, Nyovani J Madise, Elizabeth N Kahurani, and Eliya M Zulu.
Food security and nutritional outcomes among urban poor orphans in Nairobi, Kenya
J Urban Health (2011).
Kodzi, Ivy Abla, Stephen Obeng Gyimah, Jacques Emina, and Alex Chika Ezeh.
Religious involvement, social engagement, and subjective health status of older residents of informal neighborhoods of Nairobi
J Urban Health (2011).
Kowal, Paul, Kathleen Kahn, Nawi Ng, Nirmala Naidoo, Salim Abdullah, Ayaga Bawah, Fred Binka, Nguyen T K Chuc, Cornelius Debpuur, Alex Ezeh, F Xavier Gómez-Olivé, Mohammad Hakimi, Siddhivinayak Hirve, Abraham Hodgson, Sanjay Juvekar, Catherine Kyobutungi, Jane Menken, Hoang Van Minh, Mathew A Mwanyangala, Abdur Razzaque, Osman Sankoh, P Kim Streatfield, Stig Wall, Siswanto Wilopo, Peter Byass, Somnath Chatterji, and Stephen M Tollman.
Ageing and adult health status in eight lower-income countries: the INDEPTH WHO-SAGE collaboration
Glob Health Action (2010).
Kyobutungi, Catherine, Thaddaeus Egondi, and Alex Ezeh.
The health and well-being of older people in Nairobi's slums
Ezeh, Alex, Thaddaeus Egondi, and Catherine Kyobutungi.
The health and well-being of older people in Nairobi’s slums
Global Health Action (2010).
Kyobutungi, Catherine, Alex C Ezeh, Eliya Zulu, and Jane Falkingham.
HIV/AIDS and the health of older people in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya: results from a cross sectional survey
BMC Public Health (2009).
Kyobutungi, Catherine, Abdhalah Ziraba, Alex Ezeh, and Yazoumé Yé.
The burden of disease profile of residents of Nairobi's slums: Results from a Demographic Surveillance System
Lund, Najaaraq, Andreas Andersen, Ivan Monteiro, Peter Aaby, and Christine Stabell Benn.
No effect of oral polio vaccine administered at birth on mortality and immune response to BCG. A natural experiment
Vaccine 30, no. 47 (2012): 6694-6699.
Macete, Eusebio V, Jahit Sacarlal, John J Aponte, Amanda Leach, Margarita M Navia, Jessica Milman, Caterina Guinovart, Inacio Mandomando, Yolanda López-Púa, Marc Lievens, Alex Owusu-Ofori, Marie-Claude Dubois, Conor P Cahill, Marguerite Koutsoukos, Marla Sillman, Ricardo Thompson, Filip Dubovsky, W Ripley Ballou, Joe Cohen, and Pedro L Alonso.
Evaluation of two formulations of adjuvanted RTS, S malaria vaccine in children aged 3 to 5 years living in a malaria-endemic region of Mozambique: a Phase I/IIb randomized double-blind bridging trial
Trials (2007).
Maia, Marta F., Ailie Robinson, Alex John, Joseph Mgando, Emmanuel Simfukwe, and Sarah J. Moore.
Comparison of the CDC Backpack aspirator and the Prokopack aspirator for sampling indoor- and outdoor-resting mosquitoes in southern Tanzania
Parasit Vectors (2011).
Manzi, Fatuma, Joanna Schellenberg, Yuna Hamis, Adiel K. Mushi, Kizito Shirima, Alex Mwita, Azma Simba, Neema Rusibamayila, Mary Kitambi, Marcel Tanner, Pedro Alonso, Hassan Mshinda, and David Schellenberg.
Intermittent preventive treatment for malaria and anaemia control in Tanzanian infants; the development and implementation of a public health strategy
Trans. R. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. (2009).
Mberu, Blessing Uchenna, Alex Chika Ezeh, Gloria Chepngeno-Langat, James Kimani, Samuel Oti, and Donatien Beguy.
Family Ties and Urban–Rural Linkages among Older Migrants in Nairobi Informal Settlements
Mng'ong'o, Frank C., Joseph J. Sambali, Eustachkius Sabas, Justine Rubanga, Jaka Magoma, Alex J. Ntamatungiro, Elizabeth L. Turner, Daniel Nyogea, Jeroen H. J. Ensink, and Sarah J. Moore.
Repellent plants provide affordable natural screening to prevent mosquito house entry in tropical rural settings--results from a pilot efficacy study
PLoS ONE (2011).
Mudege, Netsayi N., and Alex C. Ezeh.
Gender, aging, poverty and health: Survival strategies of older men and women in Nairobi slums
Journal of Aging Studies 23, no. 4 (2009): 245-257.
Mugittu, Kefas, Modesta Ndejembi, Allen Malisa, Martha Lemnge, Zulfikar Premji, Alex Mwita, Watoky Nkya, Johannes Kataraihya, Salim Abdulla, Hans-Peter Beck, and Hassan Mshinda.
Therapeutic efficacy of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine and prevalence of resistance markers in Tanzania prior to revision of malaria treatment policy: Plasmodium falciparum dihydrofolate reductase and dihydropteroate synthase mutations in monitoring in vivo re
Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. (2004).
Ngware, Moses W., Moses Oketch, and Alex C. Ezeh.
Quality of Primary Education Inputs in Urban Schools: Evidence From Nairobi
Education and Urban Society 43, no. 1 (2011): 91-116.
Ngware, Moses Waithanji, Moses Oketch, Alex Chika Ezeh, Maurice Mutisya, and Charles Epari Ejakait.
Assessing the impact of free primary education using retrospective and prospective data: lessons from the Nairobi case study
Oduro, Abraham Rexford, George Wak, Daniel Azongo, Cornelius Debpuur, Peter Wontuo, Felix Kondayire, Paul Welaga, Ayaga Bawah, Alex Nazzar, John Williams, Abraham Hodgson, and Fred Binka.
Profile of the Navrongo Health and Demographic Surveillance System
Int J Epidemiol (2012).
Oketch, Moses, Maurice Mutisya, Moses Ngware, Alex C. Ezeh, and Charles Epari.
Free primary education policy and pupil school mobility in urban Kenya
International Journal of Educational Research 49, no. 6 (2010): 173-183.
Okumu, Fredros O., Beatrice Chipwaza, Edith P. Madumla, Edgar Mbeyela, Geoffrey Lingamba, Jason Moore, Alex J. Ntamatungro, Deo R. Kavishe, and Sarah J. Moore.
Implications of bio-efficacy and persistence of insecticides when indoor residual spraying and long-lasting insecticide nets are combined for malaria prevention
Malar. J. (2012).
Okumu, Fredros O., Edith P. Madumla, Alex N. John, Dickson W. Lwetoijera, and Robert D. Sumaye.
Attracting, trapping and killing disease-transmitting mosquitoes using odor-baited stations - The Ifakara Odor-Baited Stations
Parasit Vectors (2010).
Okumu, Fredros O., Edgar Mbeyela, Godfrey Lingamba, Jason Moore, Alex J. Ntamatungiro, Deo R. Kavishe, Michael G. Kenward, Elizabeth Turner, Lena M. Lorenz, and Sarah J. Moore.
Comparative field evaluation of combinations of long-lasting insecticide treated nets and indoor residual spraying, relative to either method alone, for malaria prevention in an area where the main vector is Anopheles arabiensis
Parasit Vectors (2013).
Oliveira, Inés, Andreas Andersen, Alcino Furtado, Candida Medina, David da Silva, Zacarias J da Silva, Peter Aaby, Alex Lund Laursen, Christian Wejse, and Jesper Eugen-Olsen.
Assessment of simple risk markers for early mortality among HIV-infected patients in Guinea-Bissau: a cohort study
BMJ Open 2, no. 6 (2012).
Oliveira, Inés, Søren Jensen-Fangel, David da Silva, Agostinho Ndumba, Candida Medina, Albino Nanadje, Dlama N Rasmussen, Frauke Rudolf, Christian Wejse, Zacarias J da Silva, Morten Sodemann, and Alex L Laursen.
Epidemic Stevens-Johnson syndrome in HIV patients in Guinea-Bissau: a side effect of the drug-supply policy?
AIDS 24, no. 5 (2010): 783-785.
Owusu-Agyei, Seth, Daniel Ansong, Kwaku Asante, Sandra Kwarteng Owusu, Ruth Owusu, Naana Ayiwa Wireko Brobby, David Dosoo, Alex Osei Akoto, Kingsley Osei-Kwakye, Emmanuel Asafo Adjei, Kwadwo Owusu Boahen, Justice Sylverken, George Adjei, David Sambian, Stephen Apanga, Kingsley Kayan, Johan Vekemans, Opokua Ofori-Anyinam, Amanda Leach, Marc Lievens, Marie-Ange Demoitie, Marie-Claude Dubois, Joe Cohen, W. Ripley Ballou, Barbara Savarese, Daniel Chandramohan, John Owusu Gyapong, Paul Milligan, Sampson Antwi, Tsiri Agbenyega, Brian Greenwood, and Jennifer Evans.
Randomized controlled trial of RTS,S/AS02D and RTS,S/AS01E malaria candidate vaccines given according to different schedules in Ghanaian children
PLoS ONE (2009).
Petersen, Inge, Arvin Bhana, Victoria Campbell-Hall, Sithembile Mjadu, Crick Lund, Sharon Kleintjies, Victoria Hosegood, and Alan J Flisher.
Planning for district mental health services in South Africa: a situational analysis of a rural district site
Health Policy Plan 24, no. 2 (2009): 140-150.
Posel, Dorrit, James A. Fairburn, and Frances Lund.
Labour migration and households: A reconsideration of the effects of the social pension on labour supply in South Africa
Economic Modelling 23, no. 5 (2006): 836-853.
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