Central Data Catalog


1 Benn, C. S., B. R. Diness, A. B. Fisker, D. Christoffersen, and H. Friis. "Højdosis A-vitamin-tilskud sænker børnedødelighed i lavindkomstlande: kan det blive bedre?." (2006).
2 Benn, Christine Stabell, Birgitte Rode Diness, Adam Roth, Ernesto Nante, Ane Baerent Fisker, Ida Maria Lisse, Maria Yazdanbakhsh, Hilton Whittle, Amabelia Rodrigues, and Peter Aaby. "Effect of 50,000 IU vitamin A given with BCG vaccine on mortality in infants in Guinea-Bissau: randomised placebo controlled trial." BMJ 336, no. 7658 (2008): 1416-1420.
3 Benn, Christine Stabell, Ane Fisker, and Peter Aaby. "Heterogeneous effects on child survival in neonatal vitamin A supplementation trials." Lancet 377, no. 9774 (2011): 1314-1315;.
4 Benn, Christine Stabell, Ane Baerent Fisker, Birgitte Rode Diness, and Peter Aaby. "Neonatal vitamin a supplementation: sex-differential effects on mortality?." J. Infect. Dis. 194, no. 5 (2006).
5 Benn, Christine Stabell, Ane Baerent Fisker, Mathias Jul Jørgensen, and Peter Aaby. "Why worry: vitamin A with DTP vaccine?." Vaccine 25, no. 5 (2007): 777-779.
6 Benn, Christine Stabell, Ane Baerent Fisker, Mathias Jul Jørgensen, and Peter Aaby. "Conflicting evidence for neonatal vitamin A supplementation." Vaccine 26, no. 33 (2008): 4111-4112.
7 Benn, Christine Stabell, Ane Baerent Fisker, Bitiguida Mutna Napirna, Adam Roth, Birgitte Rode Diness, Karen Rokkedal Lausch, Henrik Ravn, Maria Yazdanbakhsh, Amabelia Rodrigues, Hilton Whittle, and Peter Aaby. "Vitamin A supplementation and BCG vaccination at birth in low birthweight neonates: two by two factorial randomised controlled trial." BMJ (2010).
8 Benn, Christine Stabell, Ane Baerent Fisker, Amabelia Rodrigues, Henrik Ravn, Erliyani Sartono, Hilton Whittle, Maria Yazdanbakhsh, and Peter Aaby. "Sex-differential effect on infant mortality of oral polio vaccine administered with BCG at birth in Guinea-Bissau. A natural experiment." PLoS ONE 3, no. 12 (2008).
9 Benn, Christine Stabell, Sofia Lund, Ane Fisker, Mathias Jul Jørgensen, and Peter Aaby. "Should infant girls receive micronutrient supplements?." Int J Epidemiol 38, no. 2 (2009): 586-590.
10 Benn, Christine Stabell, Cesario Martins, Amabelia Rodrigues, Henrik Ravn, Ane Baerent Fisker, Dorthe Christoffersen, and Peter Aaby. "The effect of vitamin A supplementation administered with missing vaccines during national immunization days in Guinea-Bissau." Int J Epidemiol 38, no. 1 (2009): 304-311.
11 Benn, Christine Stabell, Amabelia Rodrigues, Maria Yazdanbakhsh, Ane Baerent Fisker, Henrik Ravn, Hilton Whittle, and Peter Aaby. "The effect of high-dose vitamin A supplementation administered with BCG vaccine at birth may be modified by subsequent DTP vaccination." Vaccine 27, no. 21 (2009): 2891-2898.
12 Danneskiold-Samsøe, Niels, Ane Bærent Fisker, Mathias Jul Jørgensen, Henrik Ravn, Andreas Andersen, Ibraima Djogo Balde, Christian Leo-Hansen, Amabelia Rodrigues, Peter Aaby, and Christine Stabell Benn. "Determinants of vitamin a deficiency in children between 6 months and 2 years of age in Guinea-Bissau." BMC Public Health (2013).
13 Diness, Birgitte R, Ane B Fisker, Adam Roth, Maria Yazdanbakhsh, Erliyani Sartono, Hilton Whittle, Jose E Nante, Ida M Lisse, Henrik Ravn, Amabelia Rodrigues, Peter Aaby, and Christine S Benn. "Effect of high-dose vitamin A supplementation on the immune response to Bacille Calmette-Guerin vaccine." Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 86, no. 4 (2007): 1152-1159.
14 Fisker, AB, P Aaby, C Bale, I Balde, S Biering-Sørensen, J Agergaard, C Martins, BM Bibby, and CS Benn. "Does the effect of vitamin A supplements depend on vaccination status? An observational study from Guinea-Bissau.." BMJ Open 2, no. 1 (2012).
16 Fisker, Ane Bærent, Peter Aaby, Amabelia Rodrigues, Morten Frydenberg, Bo Martin Bibby, and Christine Stabell Benn. "Vitamin A supplementation at birth might prime the response to subsequent vitamin A supplements in girls. Three year follow-up of a randomized trial." PLoS ONE 6, no. 8 (2011).
17 Fisker, Ane Bærent, Christine Stabell Benn, Birgitte Rode Diness, Cesario Martins, Amabelia Rodrigues, Peter Aaby, and Bo Martin Bibby. "The Effect of 50 000 IU Vitamin A with BCG Vaccine at Birth on Growth in the First Year of Life." J Trop Med (2011).
18 Hornshøj, Linda, Christine Stabell Benn, Manuel Fernandes, Amabelia Rodrigues, Peter Aaby, and Ane Bærent Fisker. "Vaccination coverage and out-of-sequence vaccinations in rural Guinea-Bissau: an observational cohort study." BMJ Open 2, no. 6 (2012).
19 Jørgensen, Mathias J, Ane B Fisker, Erliyani Sartono, Andreas Andersen, Christian Erikstrup, Ida M Lisse, Maria Yazdanbakhsh, Peter Aaby, and Christine S Benn. "The effect of at-birth vitamin A supplementation on differential leucocyte counts and in vitro cytokine production: an immunological study nested within a randomised trial in Guinea-Bissau." Br. J. Nutr. (2012).
20 Jørgensen, Mathias Jul, Ane Bærent Fisker, Christian Erikstrup, Mogens H Claesson, and Christine Stabell Benn. "SNP may modify the effect of vitamin A supplementation at birth on cytokine production in a whole blood culture assay." Br. J. Nutr. 107, no. 5 (2012): 615-620.
21 Kristensen, K, L G Stensballe, J Bjerre, D Roth, N Fisker, T Kongstad, A L Svendsen, and B W Nielsen. "Risk factors for respiratory syncytial virus hospitalisation in children with heart disease." Arch. Dis. Child. 94, no. 10 (2009): 785-789.
22 Rasmussen, J., A. Andersen, A. B. Fisker, H. Ravn, M. Sodemann, A. Rodrigues, C. S. Benn, and P. Aaby. "Mid-upper-arm-circumference and mid-upper-arm circumference z-score: the best predictor of mortality?." Eur J Clin Nutr (2012).
23 Sartono, Erliyani, Ida M Lisse, Elisabeth M Terveer, Paula J M van de Sande, Hilton Whittle, Ane B Fisker, Adam Roth, Peter Aaby, Maria Yazdanbakhsh, and Christine S Benn. "Oral polio vaccine influences the immune response to BCG vaccination. A natural experiment." PLoS ONE 5, no. 5 (2010).
24 Yakymenko, D, CS Benn, C Martins, BR Diness, AB Fisker, A Rodrigues, and P Aaby. "The impact of different doses of vitamin A supplementation on male and female mortality. A randomised trial from Guinea-Bissau.." BMC Pediatr (2011).