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Abecasis, Ana B, Yunpeng Wang, Pieter Libin, Stijn Imbrechts, Tulio de Oliveira, Ricardo J Camacho, and Anne-Mieke Vandamme.
Comparative performance of the REGA subtyping tool version 2 versus version 1
Infect. Genet. Evol. 10, no. 3 (2010): 380-385.
Alcantara, Luiz Carlos Junior, Sharon Cassol, Pieter Libin, Koen Deforche, Oliver G Pybus, Marc Van Ranst, Bernardo Galvão-Castro, Anne-Mieke Vandamme, and Tulio de Oliveira.
A standardized framework for accurate, high-throughput genotyping of recombinant and non-recombinant viral sequences
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Amornkul, Pauli N, Hilde Vandenhoudt, Peter Nasokho, Frank Odhiambo, Dufton Mwaengo, Allen Hightower, Anne Buvé, Ambrose Misore, John Vulule, Charles Vitek, Judith Glynn, Alan Greenberg, Laurence Slutsker, and Kevin M De Cock.
HIV prevalence and associated risk factors among individuals aged 13-34 years in Rural Western Kenya
PLoS ONE 4, no. 7 (2009).
Amuri, Mbaraka, Steve Mitchell, Anne Cockcroft, and Neil Andersson.
Socio-economic status and HIV/AIDS stigma in Tanzania
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Ansah, Evelyn Korkor, Solomon Narh-Bana, Sabina Asiamah, Vivian Dzordzordzi, Kingsley Biantey, Kakra Dickson, John Owusu Gyapong, Kwadwo Ansah Koram, Brian M Greenwood, Anne Mills, and Christopher J M Whitty.
Effect of removing direct payment for health care on utilisation and health outcomes in Ghanaian children: a randomised controlled trial
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Ardington, Cally, Anne Case, and Victoria Hosegood.
Labor supply responses to large social transfers: Longitudinal evidence from South Africa
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Arroyo, Miguel A., Warren B. Sateren, David Serwadda, Ronald H. Gray, Maria J. Wawer, Nelson K. Sewankambo, Noah Kiwanuka, Godfrey Kigozi, Fred Wabwire-Mangen, Michael Eller, Leigh Anne Eller, Deborah L. Birx, Merlin L. Robb, and Francine E. McCutchan.
Higher HIV-1 incidence and genetic complexity along main roads in Rakai District, Uganda
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Bazant, Eva S, Michael A Koenig, Jean-Christophe Fotso, and Samuel Mills.
Women's use of private and government health facilities for childbirth in Nairobi's informal settlements
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Biering-Sørensen, Sofie, Grethe Søndergaard, Karen Vitting Andersen, Anne-Marie Nybo Andersen, and Laust Hvas Mortensen.
Time trends in socio-economic factors and risk of hospitalisation with infectious diseases in pre-school children 1985-2004: a Danish register-based study
Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol 26, no. 3 (2012): 226-235.
Borrmann, Steffen, William M Sallas, Sonia Machevo, Raquel González, Anders Björkman, Andreas Mårtensson, Mary Hamel, Elizabeth Juma, Judy Peshu, Bernhards Ogutu, Abdoulaye Djimdé, Umberto D'Alessandro, Anne-Claire Marrast, Gilbert Lefèvre, and Steven E Kern.
The effect of food consumption on lumefantrine bioavailability in African children receiving artemether-lumefantrine crushed or dispersible tablets (Coartem) for acute uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria
Trop. Med. Int. Health 15, no. 4 (2010): 434-441.
Brambilla, Don, Cheryl Jennings, Grace Aldrovandi, James Bremer, Anne Marie Comeau, Sharon A Cassol, Ruth Dickover, J Brooks Jackson, Jane Pitt, John L Sullivan, Ann Butcher, Lynell Grosso, Patricia Reichelderfer, and Susan A Fiscus.
Multicenter evaluation of use of dried blood and plasma spot specimens in quantitative assays for human immunodeficiency virus RNA: measurement, precision, and RNA stability
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Does money empower the elderly? Evidence from the Agincourt demographic surveillance site, South Africa
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Cook, John T, Deborah A Frank, Carol Berkowitz, Maureen M Black, Patrick H Casey, Diana B Cutts, Alan F Meyers, Nieves Zaldivar, Anne Skalicky, Suzette Levenson, Tim Heeren, and Mark Nord.
Food insecurity is associated with adverse health outcomes among human infants and toddlers
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de Oliveira, Tulio, Koen Deforche, Sharon Cassol, Mika Salminen, Dimitris Paraskevis, Chris Seebregts, Joe Snoeck, Estrelita Janse van Rensburg, Annemarie M J Wensing, David A van de Vijver, Charles A Boucher, Ricardo Camacho, and Anne-Mieke Vandamme.
An automated genotyping system for analysis of HIV-1 and other microbial sequences
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de Oliveira, Tulio, Marco Salemi, Michelle Gordon, Anne-Mieke Vandamme, Estrelita Janse van Rensburg, Susan Engelbrecht, Hoosen M Coovadia, and Sharon Cassol.
Mapping sites of positive selection and amino acid diversification in the HIV genome: an alternative approach to vaccine design?
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Eller, Michael A, Kim G Blom, Veronica D Gonzalez, Leigh Anne Eller, Prossy Naluyima, Oliver Laeyendecker, Thomas C Quinn, Noah Kiwanuka, David Serwadda, Nelson K Sewankambo, Boonrat Tasseneetrithep, Maria J Wawer, Ronald H Gray, Mary A Marovich, Nelson L Michael, Mark S de Souza, Fred Wabwire-Mangen, Merlin L Robb, Jeffrey R Currier, and Johan K Sandberg.
Innate and adaptive immune responses both contribute to pathological CD4 T cell activation in HIV-1 infected Ugandans
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Essendi, Hildah, Samuel Mills, and Jean-Christophe Fotso.
Barriers to formal emergency obstetric care services' utilization
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Flach, Britta, Prossy Naluyima, Kim Blom, Veronica D Gonzalez, Leigh Anne Eller, Oliver Laeyendecker, Thomas C Quinn, David Serwadda, Nelson K Sewankambo, Maria J Wawer, Ronald H Gray, Nelson L Michael, Fred Wabwire-Mangen, Merlin L Robb, Michael A Eller, and Johan K Sandberg.
Differential loss of invariant NKT cells and FoxP3+ regulatory T cells in HIV-1 subtype A and subtype D infections
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Goodman, Catherine, S. Patrick Kachur, Salim Abdulla, Peter Bloland, and Anne Mills.
Drug shop regulation and malaria treatment in Tanzania--why do shops break the rules, and does it matter?
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Goodman, Catherine, S. Patrick Kachur, Salim Abdulla, Peter Bloland, and Anne Mills.
Concentration and drug prices in the retail market for malaria treatment in rural Tanzania
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Goodman, Catherine, S. Patrick Kachur, Salim Abdulla, Eleuther Mwageni, Joyce Nyoni, Joanna A. Schellenberg, Anne Mills, and Peter Bloland.
Retail supply of malaria-related drugs in rural Tanzania: risks and opportunities
Trop. Med. Int. Health (2004).
Goudge, Jane, James Akazili, John Ataguba, August Kuwawenaruwa, Josephine Borghi, Bronwyn Harris, and Anne Mills.
Social solidarity and willingness to tolerate risk- and income-related cross-subsidies within health insurance: experiences from Ghana, Tanzania and South Africa
Health Policy Plan (2012).
Goudge, Jane, Tebogo Gumede, Lucy Gilson, Steve Russell, Stephen M. Tollman, and Anne Mills.
Coping with the cost burdens of illness: combining qualitative and quantitative methods in longitudinal, household research
Scand J Public Health Suppl (2007).
Goudge, Jane, Steven Russell, Lucy Gilson, Tebogo Gumede, Steve Tollman, and Anne Mills.
Illness-related impoverishment in rural South Africa: Why does social protection work for some households but not others?
Hanson, Kara, Nassor Kikumbih, Joanna Armstrong Schellenberg, Haji Mponda, Rose Nathan, Sally Lake, Anne Mills, Marcel Tanner, and Christian Lengeler.
Cost-effectiveness of social marketing of insecticide-treated nets for malaria control in the United Republic of Tanzania
Bull. World Health Organ. (2003).
Kagulire, S C, P Opendi, P D Stamper, J L Nakavuma, L A Mills, F Makumbi, R H Gray, J P Shott, D Serwadda, and S J Reynolds.
Field evaluation of five rapid diagnostic tests for screening of HIV-1 infections in rural Rakai, Uganda
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Kagulire, S. C., P. D. Stamper, P. Opendi, J. L. Nakavuma, L. A. Mills, F. Makumbi, R. H. Gray, D. Serwadda, and S. J. Reynolds.
Performance of two commercial immunochromatographic assays for rapid detection of antibodies specific to human immunodeficiency virus types 1 and 2 in serum and urine samples in a rural community-based research setting (Rakai, Uganda)
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Kaur, Harparkash, Catherine Goodman, Eloise Thompson, Katy-Anne Thompson, Irene Masanja, S. Patrick Kachur, and Salim Abdulla.
A nationwide survey of the quality of antimalarials in retail outlets in Tanzania
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Khor, Chiea C, Fredrik O Vannberg, Stephen J Chapman, Haiyan Guo, Sunny H Wong, Andrew J Walley, Damjan Vukcevic, Anna Rautanen, Tara C Mills, Kwok-Chiu Chang, Kai-Man Kam, Amelia C Crampin, Bagrey Ngwira, Chi-Chiu Leung, Cheuk-Ming Tam, Chiu-Yeung Chan, Joseph J Y Sung, Wing-Wai Yew, Kai-Yee Toh, Stacey K H Tay, Dominic Kwiatkowski, Christian Lienhardt, Tran-Tinh Hien, Nicholas P Day, Nobert Peshu, Kevin Marsh, Kathryn Maitland, J Anthony Scott, Thomas N Williams, James A Berkley, Sian Floyd, Nelson L S Tang, Paul E M Fine, Denise L M Goh, and Adrian V S Hill.
CISH and susceptibility to infectious diseases
N. Engl. J. Med. 362, no. 22 (2010): 2092-2101.
Kiwanuka, Noah, Oliver Laeyendecker, Merlin Robb, Godfrey Kigozi, Miguel Arroyo, Francine McCutchan, Leigh Anne Eller, Michael Eller, Fred Makumbi, Deborah Birx, Fred Wabwire-Mangen, David Serwadda, Nelson K. Sewankambo, Thomas C. Quinn, Maria Wawer, and Ronald Gray.
Effect of human immunodeficiency virus Type 1 (HIV-1) subtype on disease progression in persons from Rakai, Uganda, with incident HIV-1 infection
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Lalor, Maeve K, Anne Ben-Smith, Patricia Gorak-Stolinska, Rosemary E Weir, Sian Floyd, Rose Blitz, Hazzie Mvula, Melanie J Newport, Keith Branson, Nuala McGrath, Amelia C Crampin, Paul E M Fine, and Hazel M Dockrell.
Population differences in immune responses to Bacille Calmette-Guérin vaccination in infancy
J. Infect. Dis. 199, no. 6 (2009): 795-800.
Lalor, Maeve K, Sian Floyd, Patricia Gorak-Stolinska, Anne Ben-Smith, Rosemary E Weir, Steven G Smith, Melanie J Newport, Rose Blitz, Hazzie Mvula, Keith Branson, Nuala McGrath, Amelia C Crampin, Paul E Fine, and Hazel M Dockrell.
BCG vaccination induces different cytokine profiles following infant BCG vaccination in the UK and Malawi
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Lassen, Jonathan, Anne K V Jensen, Peter Bager, Carsten B Pedersen, Inge Panum, Bent Nørgaard-Pedersen, Peter Aaby, Jan Wohlfahrt, and Mads Melbye.
Parvovirus B19 infection in the first trimester of pregnancy and risk of fetal loss: a population-based case-control study
Am. J. Epidemiol. 176, no. 9 (2012): 803-807.
Makanga, Michael, Quique Bassat, Catherine O Falade, Zulfiqarali G Premji, Srivicha Krudsood, Philip Hunt, Verena Walter, Hans-Peter Beck, Anne-Claire Marrast, Marc Cousin, and Philip J Rosenthal.
Efficacy and safety of artemether-lumefantrine in the treatment of acute, uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria: a pooled analysis
Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 85, no. 5 (2011): 793-804.
Mills, Anne, Mariam Ally, Jane Goudge, John Gyapong, and Gemini Mtei.
Progress towards universal coverage: the health systems of Ghana, South Africa and Tanzania
Health Policy Plan (2012).
Mills, Anne, John E Ataguba, James Akazili, Jo Borghi, Bertha Garshong, Suzan Makawia, Gemini Mtei, Bronwyn Harris, Jane Macha, Filip Meheus, and Di McIntyre.
Equity in financing and use of health care in Ghana, South Africa, and Tanzania: implications for paths to universal coverage
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Mills, Edward J., Till Bärnighausen, and Joel Negin.
HIV and Aging — Preparing for the Challenges Ahead
Mills, Lisa A., Joseph Kagaayi, Gertrude Nakigozi, Ronald M. Galiwango, Joseph Ouma, Joseph P. Shott, Victor Ssempijja, Ronald H. Gray, Maria J. Wawer, David Serwadda, Thomas C. Quinn, and Steven J. Reynolds.
Utility of a point-of-care malaria rapid diagnostic test for excluding malaria as the cause of fever among HIV-positive adults in rural Rakai, Uganda
Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. (2010).
Mills, Lisa A., Joseph Kagaayi, Joseph P. Shott, Kevin Newell, John Baptist Bwanika, Victor Ssempijja, Simon Aluma, Thomas C. Quinn, Steven J. Reynolds, and Ronald H. Gray.
Performance of a prototype malaria rapid diagnostic test versus thick film microscopy among HIV-positive subjects in rural Rakai, Uganda
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Mills, Samuel, John E Williams, Martin Adjuik, and Abraham Hodgson.
Use of health professionals for delivery following the availability of free obstetric care in northern Ghana
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Mills, Samuel, John E Williams, George Wak, and Abraham Hodgson.
Maternal mortality decline in the Kassena-Nankana district of northern Ghana
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Moore, Sarah J., Anne Jennifer Mordue Luntz, and James G. Logan.
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Moore, Sophie E, Andrew C Collinson, Anthony J C Fulford, Fehmida Jalil, Claire-Anne Siegrist, David Goldblatt, Lars A Hanson, and Andrew M Prentice.
Effect of month of vaccine administration on antibody responses in The Gambia and Pakistan
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Mulligan, J. A., R. Mandike, N. Palmer, H. Williams, S. Abdulla, P. Bloland, and A. Mills.
The costs of changing national policy: lessons from malaria treatment policy guidelines in Tanzania
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Negin, Joel, Till Bärnighausen, Jens D. Lundgren, and Edward J. Mills.
Aging with HIV in Africa: the challenges of living longer
Njau, J. D., C. Goodman, S. P. Kachur, N. Palmer, R. A. Khatib, S. Abdulla, A. Mills, and P. Bloland.
Fever treatment and household wealth: the challenge posed for rolling out combination therapy for malaria
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Njau, Joseph D., Catherine A. Goodman, S. Patrick Kachur, Jo Mulligan, John S. Munkondya, Naiman McHomvu, Salim Abdulla, Peter Bloland, and Anne Mills.
The costs of introducing artemisinin-based combination therapy: evidence from district-wide implementation in rural Tanzania
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Olesen, Anne Braae, Gratien Andersen, Dorthe L Jeppesen, Christine Stabell Benn, Svend Juul, and Kristian Thestrup-Pedersen.
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Ota, Martin O C, Johan Vekemans, Susanna E Schlegel-Haueter, Katherine Fielding, Mariama Sanneh, Michael Kidd, Melanie J Newport, Peter Aaby, Hilton Whittle, Paul-Henri Lambert, Keith P W J McAdam, Claire-Anne Siegrist, and Arnaud Marchant.
Influence of Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin on antibody and cytokine responses to human neonatal vaccination
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