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Bardají, Azucena, Betuel Sigauque, Laia Bruni, Cleofé Romagosa, Sergi Sanz, Samuel Mabunda, Inacio Mandomando, John Aponte, Esperança Sevene, Pedro L Alonso, and Clara Menéndez.
Clinical malaria in African pregnant women
Malar. J. (2008).
Bardají, Azucena, Betuel Sigauque, Sergi Sanz, María Maixenchs, Jaume Ordi, John J Aponte, Samuel Mabunda, Pedro L Alonso, and Clara Menéndez.
Impact of malaria at the end of pregnancy on infant mortality and morbidity
J. Infect. Dis. 203, no. 5 (2011): 691-699.
Bassat, Quique, Caterina Guinovart, Betuel Sigaúque, Pedro Aide, Jahit Sacarlal, Tacilta Nhampossa, Azucena Bardají, Ariel Nhacolo, Eusébio Macete, Inácio Mandomando, John J Aponte, Clara Menéndez, and Pedro L Alonso.
Malaria in rural Mozambique. Part II: children admitted to hospital
Malar. J. (2008).
Bassat, Quique, Caterina Guinovart, Betuel Sigaúque, Inácio Mandomando, Pedro Aide, Jahit Sacarlal, Tacilta Nhampossa, Azucena Bardají, Luís Morais, Sonia Machevo, Emilio Letang, Eusébio Macete, John J Aponte, Anna Roca, Clara Menéndez, and Pedro L Alonso.
Severe malaria and concomitant bacteraemia in children admitted to a rural Mozambican hospital
Trop. Med. Int. Health 14, no. 9 (2009): 1011-1019.
Guinovart, Caterina, Quique Bassat, Betuel Sigaúque, Pedro Aide, Jahit Sacarlal, Tacilta Nhampossa, Azucena Bardají, Ariel Nhacolo, Eusébio Macete, Inácio Mandomando, John J Aponte, Clara Menéndez, and Pedro L Alonso.
Malaria in rural Mozambique. Part I: children attending the outpatient clinic
Malar. J. (2008).
Lahuerta, Maria, Ester Aparicio, Azucena Bardaji, Sandra Marco, Jahit Sacarlal, Inacio Mandomando, Pedro Alonso, Miguel Angel Martinez, Clara Menendez, and Denise Naniche.
Rapid spread and genetic diversification of HIV type 1 subtype C in a rural area of southern Mozambique
AIDS Res. Hum. Retroviruses 24, no. 2 (2008): 327-335.
Mayor, Alfredo, Elisa Serra-Casas, Azucena Bardají, Sergi Sanz, Laura Puyol, Pau Cisteró, Betuel Sigauque, Inacio Mandomando, John J Aponte, Pedro L Alonso, and Clara Menéndez.
Sub-microscopic infections and long-term recrudescence of Plasmodium falciparum in Mozambican pregnant women
Malar. J. (2009).
Menéndez, Clara, Azucena Bardají, Betuel Sigauque, Cleofé Romagosa, Sergi Sanz, Elisa Serra-Casas, Eusebio Macete, Anna Berenguera, Catarina David, Carlota Dobaño, Denise Naniche, Alfredo Mayor, Jaume Ordi, Inacio Mandomando, John J Aponte, Samuel Mabunda, and Pedro L Alonso.
A randomized placebo-controlled trial of intermittent preventive treatment in pregnant women in the context of insecticide treated nets delivered through the antenatal clinic
PLoS ONE 3, no. 4 (2008).
Menéndez, Clara, Azucena Bardají, Betuel Sigauque, Sergi Sanz, John J Aponte, Samuel Mabunda, and Pedro L Alonso.
Malaria prevention with IPTp during pregnancy reduces neonatal mortality
PLoS ONE 5, no. 2 (2010).
Menéndez, Clara, Cleofé Romagosa, Mamudo R Ismail, Carla Carrilho, Francisco Saute, Nafissa Osman, Fernanda Machungo, Azucena Bardaji, Llorenç Quintó, Alfredo Mayor, Denise Naniche, Carlota Dobaño, Pedro L Alonso, and Jaume Ordi.
An autopsy study of maternal mortality in Mozambique: the contribution of infectious diseases
PLoS Med. 5, no. 2 (2008).
Menéndez, Clara, Elisa Serra-Casas, Michael D Scahill, Sergi Sanz, Augusto Nhabomba, Azucena Bardají, Betuel Sigauque, Pau Cisteró, Inacio Mandomando, Carlota Dobaño, Pedro L Alonso, and Alfredo Mayor.
HIV and placental infection modulate the appearance of drug-resistant Plasmodium falciparum in pregnant women who receive intermittent preventive treatment
Clin. Infect. Dis. 52, no. 1 (2011): 41-48.
Naniche, D, M Lahuerta, A Bardaji, B Sigauque, C Romagosa, A Berenguera, I Mandomando, C David, S Sanz, J Aponte, J Ordi, P Alonso, and C Menendez.
Mother-to-child transmission of HIV-1: association with malaria prevention, anaemia and placental malaria
HIV Med. 9, no. 9 (2008): 757-764.
Naniche, Denise, Azucena Bardají, María Lahuerta, Anna Berenguera, Inacio Mandomando, Sergi Sanz, John J Aponte, Betuel Sigauque, Pedro L Alonso, and Clara Menéndez.
Impact of maternal human immunodeficiency virus infection on birth outcomes and infant survival in rural Mozambique
Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 80, no. 5 (2009): 870-876.
Naniche, Denise, Elisa Serra-Casas, Azucena Bardají, Llorenç Quintó, Carlota Dobaño, Betuel Sigauque, Pau Cisteró, Virander S Chauhan, Chetan E Chitnis, Pedro L Alonso, Clara Menéndez, and Alfredo Mayor.
Reduction of antimalarial antibodies by HIV infection is associated with increased risk of Plasmodium falciparum cord blood infection
J. Infect. Dis. 205, no. 4 (2012): 568-577.
Perez-Hoyos, S, D Naniche, E Macete, Jj Aponte, J Sacarlal, B Sigauque, A Bardaji, C Moraleda, N de Deus, Pl Alonso, and C Menéndez.
Stabilization of HIV incidence in women of reproductive age in southern Mozambique
HIV Med. (2011).
Rovira-Vallbona, Eduard, Carlota Dobaño, Azucena Bardají, Pau Cisteró, Cleofé Romagosa, Elisa Serra-Casas, Llorenç Quintó, Quique Bassat, Betuel Sigaúque, Pedro L Alonso, Jaume Ordi, Clara Menéndez, and Alfredo Mayor.
Transcription of var genes other than var2csa in Plasmodium falciparum parasites infecting Mozambican pregnant women
J. Infect. Dis. 204, no. 1 (2011): 27-35.
Sacarlal, Jahit, Ariel Q Nhacolo, Betuel Sigaúque, Delino A Nhalungo, Fatima Abacassamo, Charfudin N Sacoor, Pedro Aide, Sonia Machevo, Tacilta Nhampossa, Eusébio V Macete, Quique Bassat, Catarina David, Azucena Bardají, Emili Letang, Francisco Saúte, John J Aponte, Ricardo Thompson, and Pedro L Alonso.
A 10 year study of the cause of death in children under 15 years in Manhiça, Mozambique
BMC Public Health (2009).
Serra-Casas, Elisa, Clara Menéndez, Azucena Bardají, Llorenç Quintó, Carlota Dobaño, Betuel Sigauque, Alfons Jiménez, Inacio Mandomando, Virander S Chauhan, Chetan E Chitnis, Pedro L Alonso, and Alfredo Mayor.
The effect of intermittent preventive treatment during pregnancy on malarial antibodies depends on HIV status and is not associated with poor delivery outcomes
J. Infect. Dis. 201, no. 1 (2010): 123-131.
Sevene, Esperança, Azucena Bardají, Alda Mariano, Sónia Machevo, Edgar Ayala, Betuel Sigaúque, John J Aponte, Xavier Carné, Pedro L Alonso, and Clara Menendez.
Drug exposure and pregnancy outcome in Mozambique
Paediatr Drugs 14, no. 1 (2012): 43-49.
Sicuri, Elisa, Azucena Bardají, Betuel Sigauque, Maria Maixenchs, Ariel Nhacolo, Delino Nhalungo, Eusebio Macete, Pedro L Alonso, and Clara Menéndez.
Costs associated with low birth weight in a rural area of Southern Mozambique
PLoS ONE 6, no. 12 (2011).
Sigaúque, Betuel, Anna Roca, Quique Bassat, Luís Morais, Llorenç Quintó, Anna Berenguera, Sónia Machevo, Azucena Bardaji, Manuel Corachan, Josep Ribó, Clara Menéndez, Anne Schuchat, Brendan Flannery, Montse Soriano-Gabarró, and Pedro L Alonso.
Severe pneumonia in Mozambican young children: clinical and radiological characteristics and risk factors
J. Trop. Pediatr. 55, no. 6 (2009): 379-387.
Sigaúque, Betuel, Anna Roca, Inácio Mandomando, Luís Morais, Llorenç Quintó, Jahit Sacarlal, Eusébio Macete, Tacilta Nhamposa, Sónia Machevo, Pedro Aide, Quique Bassat, Azucena Bardají, Delino Nhalungo, Montse Soriano-Gabarró, Brendan Flannery, Clara Menendez, Myron M Levine, and Pedro L Alonso.
Community-acquired bacteremia among children admitted to a rural hospital in Mozambique
Pediatr. Infect. Dis. J. 28, no. 2 (2009): 108-113.
Sikora, Martin, Anna Ferrer-Admetlla, Hafid Laayouni, Clara Menendez, Alfredo Mayor, Azucena Bardaji, Betuel Sigauque, Inacio Mandomando, Pedro L Alonso, Jaume Bertranpetit, and Ferran Casals.
A variant in the gene FUT9 is associated with susceptibility to placental malaria infection
Hum. Mol. Genet. 18, no. 16 (2009): 3136-3144.
Sikora, Martin, Hafid Laayouni, Clara Menendez, Alfredo Mayor, Azucena Bardaji, Betuel Sigauque, Mihai G Netea, Ferran Casals, and Jaume Bertranpetit.
A targeted association study of immunity genes and networks suggests novel associations with placental malaria infection
PLoS ONE 6, no. 9 (2011).
Showing 1-24 of 24