Central Data Catalog


1 Akazili, James, Bertha Garshong, Moses Aikins, John Gyapong, and Di McIntyre. "Progressivity of health care financing and incidence of service benefits in Ghana." Health Policy Plan (2012).
2 Akweongo, Patricia, Peter Agyei-Baffour, Morankar Sudhakar, Bertha N Simwaka, Amadou T Konaté, Philip B Adongo, Edmund N L Browne, Ayalew Tegegn, Doreen Ali, Abdoulaye Traoré, Mary Amuyunzu-Nyamongo, Franco Pagnoni, and Guy Barnish. "Feasibility and acceptability of ACT for the community case management of malaria in urban settings in five African sites." Malar. J. (2011).
3 Macha, Jane, Bronwyn Harris, Bertha Garshong, John E Ataguba, James Akazili, August Kuwawenaruwa, and Josephine Borghi. "Factors influencing the burden of health care financing and the distribution of health care benefits in Ghana, Tanzania and South Africa." Health Policy Plan (2012).
4 McIntyre, Diane, Bertha Garshong, Gemini Mtei, Filip Meheus, Michael Thiede, James Akazili, Mariam Ally, Moses Aikins, Jo-Ann Mulligan, and Jane Goudge. "Beyond fragmentation and towards universal coverage: insights from Ghana, South Africa and the United Republic of Tanzania." Bull. World Health Organ. 86, no. 11 (2008): 871-876.
5 Mills, Anne, John E Ataguba, James Akazili, Jo Borghi, Bertha Garshong, Suzan Makawia, Gemini Mtei, Bronwyn Harris, Jane Macha, Filip Meheus, and Di McIntyre. "Equity in financing and use of health care in Ghana, South Africa, and Tanzania: implications for paths to universal coverage." Lancet 380, no. 9837 (2012): 126-133.
6 Nonvignon, Justice, Moses K S Aikins, Margaret A Chinbuah, Mercy Abbey, Margaret Gyapong, Bertha N A Garshong, Saviour Fia, and John O Gyapong. "Treatment choices for fevers in children under-five years in a rural Ghanaian district." Malar. J. (2010).