Central Data Catalog


1 Abdulahi, H., D. H. Mariam, and D. Kebede. "Burden of disease analysis in rural Ethiopia." Ethiop. Med. J. (2001).
2 Alem, A., L. Jacobsson, M. Araya, D. Kebede, and G. Kullgren. "How are mental disorders seen and where is help sought in a rural Ethiopian community? A key informant study in Butajira, Ethiopia." Acta Psychiatr Scand Suppl (1999).
3 Alem, A., L. Jacobsson, D. Kebede, and G. Kullgren. "Awareness and attitudes of a rural Ethiopian community toward suicidal behaviour. A key informant study in Butajira, Ethiopia." Acta Psychiatr Scand Suppl (1999).
4 Alem, A., D. Kebede, L. Jacobsson, and G. Kullgren. "Suicide attempts among adults in Butajira, Ethiopia." Acta Psychiatr Scand Suppl (1999).
5 Alem, A., D. Kebede, and G. Kullgren. "The prevalence and socio-demographic correlates of khat chewing in Butajira, Ethiopia." Acta Psychiatr Scand Suppl (1999).
6 Alem, A., D. Kebede, and G. Kullgren. "The epidemiology of problem drinking in Butajira, Ethiopia." Acta Psychiatr Scand Suppl (1999).
7 Alem, A., D. Kebede, G. Woldesemiat, L. Jacobsson, and G. Kullgren. "The prevalence and socio-demographic correlates of mental distress in Butajira, Ethiopia." Acta Psychiatr Scand Suppl (1999).
8 Alem, Atalay, Derege Kebede, Teshome Shibre, Alemayehu Negash, and Negusse Deyassa. "Comparison of computer assisted scan diagnoses and clinical diagnoses of major mental disorders in Butajira, rural Ethiopia." Ethiop. Med. J. (2004).
9 Ashenafi, Y., D. Kebede, M. Desta, and A. Alem. "Prevalence of mental and behavioural disorders in Ethiopian children." East Afr Med J (2001).
10 Awas, M., D. Kebede, and A. Alem. "Major mental disorders in Butajira, southern Ethiopia." Acta Psychiatr Scand Suppl (1999).
11 Beyero, Teferra, Atalay Alem, Derege Kebede, Teshome Shibire, Menelik Desta, and Negussie Deyessa. "Mental disorders among the Borana semi-nomadic community in Southern Ethiopia." World Psychiatry (2004).
12 Byass, P., Y. Berhane, A. Emmelin, D. Kebede, T. Andersson, U. Högberg, and S. Wall. "The role of demographic surveillance systems (DSS) in assessing the health of communities: an example from rural Ethiopia." Public Health (2002).
13 Deribew, Amare, Fessehaye Alemseged, Fasil Tessema, Lelisa Sena, Zewdie Birhanu, Ahmed Zeynudin, Morankar Sudhakar, Nasir Abdo, Kebede Deribe, and Sibhatu Biadgilign. "Malaria and Under-Nutrition: A Community Based Study Among Under-Five Children at Risk of Malaria, South-West Ethiopia." PLoS ONE 5, no. 5 (2010).
14 Deribew, Amare, Zewdie Birhanu, Lelisa Sena, Tariku Dejene, Ayalu A Reda, Morankar Sudhakar, Fessehaye Alemseged, Fasil Tessema, Ahmed Zeynudin, Sibhatu Biadgilign, and Kebede Deribe. "The effect of household heads training about the use of treated bed nets on the burden of malaria and anaemia in under-five children: a cluster randomized trial in Ethiopia." Malar. J. (2012).
15 Fantahun, Mesganaw, Solomon Kumbi, Getu Degù, Yigzaw Kebede, Mengesha Admassu, Worku Haile, and Sirak Haile. "Dabat Rural Health Project, North west Ethiopia: report of the baseline survey." (2001).
16 Fekadu, A., D. Kebede, A. Alem, D. Fekadu, S. Mogga, A. Negash, G. Medhin, T. Beyero, and T. Shibre. "Clinical outcome in bipolar disorder in a community-based follow-up study in Butajira, Ethiopia." Acta Psychiatr Scand (2006).
17 Kebede, D., A. Alem, T. Shibre, A. Negash, N. Deyassa, and T. Beyero. "Socio-demographic correlates of bipolar disorder in Butajira, rural Ethiopia." East Afr Med J (2005).
18 Kebede, D., A. Alem, T. Shibre, A. Negash, N. Deyassa, T. Beyero, and G. Medhin. "Short-term symptomatic and functional outcomes of schizophrenia in Butajira, Ethiopia." Schizophr. Res. (2005).
19 Kebede, D., A. Alem, T. Shibre, A. Negash, A. Fekadu, D. Fekadu, N. Deyassa, L. Jacobsson, and G. Kullgren. "Onset and clinical course of schizophrenia in Butajira-Ethiopia--a community-based study." Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol (2003).
20 Kebede, Derege, Atalay Alem, Teshome Shibire, Negussie Deyassa, Alemayehu Negash, Teferra Beyero, Ghirmay Medhin, and Abebaw Fekadu. "Symptomatic and functional outcome of bipolar disorder in Butajira, Ethiopia." J Affect Disord (2006).
21 Kebede, Derege, Atalay Alem, Teshome Shibre, Alemayehu Negash, Negussie Deyassa, and Tefera Beyero. "The sociodemographic correlates of schizophrenia in Butajira, rural Ethiopia." Schizophr. Res. (2004).
22 Kebede, Derege, Atalay Alem, Teshome Shibre, Alemayehu Negash, Negussie Deyassa, and Teferra Beyero. "Health related quality of life (SF-36) survey in Butajira, rural Ethiopia: normative data and evaluation of reliability and validity." Ethiop. Med. J. (2004).
23 Kebede, Derege, Abebaw Fekadu, Atalay Alem, Teferra Beyero, Teshome Shibire, and Negussie Deyessa. "The distribution of mental disorders among an isolated island community in southern Ethiopia." Ethiop. Med. J. (2005).
24 Negash, A., A. Alem, D. Kebede, N. Deyessa, T. Shibre, and G. Kullgren. "Prevalence and clinical characteristics of bipolar I disorder in Butajira, Ethiopia: a community-based study." J Affect Disord (2005).
25 Negash, A., D. Kebede, A. Alem, Z. Melaku, N. Deyessa, T. Shibire, A. Fekadu, D. Fekadu, L. Jacobsson, and G. Kullgren. "Neurological soft signs in bipolar I disorder patients." J Affect Disord (2004).
26 Shibre, T., D. Kebede, A. Alem, S. Kebreab, Z. Melaku, N. Deyassa, A. Negash, A. Fekadu, D. Fekadu, G. Medhin, C. Negeri, L. Jacobsson, and G. Kullgren. "Neurological soft signs (NSS) in 200 treatment-naïve cases with schizophrenia: a community-based study in a rural setting." Nord J Psychiatry (2002).
27 Shibre, T., D. Kebede, A. Alem, A. Negash, N. Deyassa, A. Fekadu, D. Fekadu, L. Jacobsson, and G. Kullgren. "Schizophrenia: illness impact on family members in a traditional society--rural Ethiopia." Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol (2003).
28 Tadesse, Takele, Yigzaw Kebede, Tadesse Awoke, Tesfahun Melese, Solomon Am-salu, Shiyate Alemu, Gashaw Andargie, Belaynew Wasie, and Kassahun Alemu. "Demographic and health survey at Dabat district in Northwest Ethiopia: report of the 2008 baseline survey.." (2011).