Central Data Catalog


1 Biggar, Robert J, Sharon Cassol, Newton Kumwenda, Valentino Lema, Michelle Janes, Richard Pilon, Vincent Senzani, Frances Yellin, Taha E T Taha, and Robin L Broadhead. "The risk of human immunodeficiency virus-1 infection in twin pairs born to infected mothers in Africa." J. Infect. Dis. 188, no. 6 (2003): 850-855.
2 Case, A., V. Hosegood, and Frances Lund. "The reach and impact of Child Support Grants: evidence from KwaZulu-Natal." (2005).
3 Goodyer, Larry I., Ashley M. Croft, Steve P. Frances, Nigel Hill, Sarah J. Moore, Sangoro P. Onyango, and Mustapha Debboun. "Expert review of the evidence base for arthropod bite avoidance." J Travel Med (2010).
4 Posel, Dorrit, James A. Fairburn, and Frances Lund. "Labour migration and households: A reconsideration of the effects of the social pension on labour supply in South Africa." Economic Modelling 23, no. 5 (2006): 836-853.