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Showing 1-50 of 55
Adjuik, Martin, Ernest Kanyomse, Felix Kondayire, George Wak, and Abraham Hodgson.
Clustering of under-five mortality in the Navrongo HDSS in the Kassena-Nankana District of northern Ghana
Glob Health Action (2010).
Aikins, Moses, George Armah, James Akazili, and Abraham Hodgson.
Hospital health care cost of diarrheal disease in Northern Ghana
J. Infect. Dis. (2010).
Armah, George E, Robert F Breiman, Milagritos D Tapia, Michael J Dallas, Kathleen M Neuzil, Fred N Binka, Samba O Sow, Joel Ojwando, Max Ciarlet, and A Duncan Steele.
Immunogenicity of the pentavalent rotavirus vaccine in African infants
Vaccine (2012).
Armah, George E, Chris I Gallimore, Fred N Binka, Richard H Asmah, Jonathan Green, Ucheoma Ugoji, Francis Anto, David W G Brown, and Jim J Gray.
Characterisation of norovirus strains in rural Ghanaian children with acute diarrhoea
J. Med. Virol. 78, no. 11 (2006): 1480-1485.
Armah, George E, Yasutaka Hoshino, Norma Santos, Fred Binka, Susana Damanka, Rosemary Adjei, Shinjiro Honma, Masatoshi Tatsumi, Theresa Manful, and Francis Anto.
The global spread of rotavirus G10 strains: Detection in Ghanaian children hospitalized with diarrhea
J. Infect. Dis. (2010).
Armah, George E, Samba O Sow, Robert F Breiman, Michael J Dallas, Milagritos D Tapia, Daniel R Feikin, Fred N Binka, A Duncan Steele, Kayla F Laserson, Nana A Ansah, Myron M Levine, Kristen Lewis, Michele L Coia, Margaret Attah-Poku, Joel Ojwando, Stephen B Rivers, John C Victor, Geoffrey Nyambane, Abraham Hodgson, Florian Schödel, Max Ciarlet, and Kathleen M Neuzil.
Efficacy of pentavalent rotavirus vaccine against severe rotavirus gastroenteritis in infants in developing countries in sub-Saharan Africa: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
Lancet 376, no. 9741 (2010): 606-614.
Arvay, Melissa L, Aaron T Curns, Sophia Terp, George Armah, Peter Wontuo, Umesh D Parashar, Fred Binka, Roger I Glass, and Marc-Alain Widdowson.
How much could rotavirus vaccines reduce diarrhea-associated mortality in northern Ghana? A model to assess impact
J. Infect. Dis. (2009).
Asante, Kwaku Poku, Ruth Owusu, David Dosoo, Elizabeth Awini, George Adjei, Seeba Amenga Etego, Daniel Chandramohan, and Seth Owusu-Agyei.
Adherence to Artesunate-Amodiaquine Therapy for Uncomplicated Malaria in Rural Ghana: A Randomised Trial of Supervised versus Unsupervised Drug Administration
J Trop Med (2009).
Benn, C. S., A. Balde, E. George, M. Kidd, H. Whittle, I. M. Lisse, and P. Aaby.
Effect of vitamin A supplementation on measles-specific antibody levels in Guinea-Bissau
Beyene, Negussie, Amanda Mahoney, Christophe Cox, Bart Weetjens, George Makingi, Georgies Mgode, Amy Durgin, Dian Kuipers, Maureen Jubitana, Said Egwaga, Deus Kamara, Fred Lwilla, Sayoki G. Mfinanga, Amos Kahwa, Robert Machang'u, Rudovick Kazwala, Klaus Reither, Stefan H. E. Kaufmann, and Alan Poling.
APOPO’s tuberculosis research agenda: achievements, challenges and prospects
Breiman, Robert F., Leonard Cosmas, Henry Njuguna, Allan Audi, Beatrice Olack, John B. Ochieng, Newton Wamola, Godfrey M. Bigogo, George Awiti, Collins W. Tabu, Heather Burke, John Williamson, Joseph O. Oundo, Eric D. Mintz, and Daniel R. Feikin.
Population-Based Incidence of Typhoid Fever in an Urban Informal Settlement and a Rural Area in Kenya: Implications for Typhoid Vaccine Use in Africa
PLoS ONE 7, no. 1 (2012).
Bryce, Jennifer, Shams El Arifeen, Zulfiqar A. Bhutta, Robert E. Black, Mariam Claeson, Duff Gillespie, Davidson R. Gwatkin, Jean-Pierre Habicht, Gareth Jones, Claudio F. Lanata, Saul S. Morris, Hassan Mshinda, George Pariyo, Gordon Perkin, Joanna Armstrong Schellenberg, Richard W. Steketee, Hans Troedsson, and Cesar G. Victora.
Getting it right for children: a review of UNICEF joint health and nutrition strategy for 2006-15
Lancet (2006).
Debpuur, Cornelius, Paul Welaga, George Wak, and Abraham Hodgson.
Self-reported health and functional limitations among older people in the Kassena-Nankana District, Ghana
Glob Health Action (2010).
Wak, George, Paul Welaga, Cornelius Debpuur, and Abraham Hodgson.
Self-reported health and functional limitations among older people in the Kassena-Nankana District, Ghana
Global Health Action (2010).
Epstein, Helen, Ann Swidler, Ron Gray, George Reniers, Warren Parker, Justin Parkhurst, Roger Short, and Daniel Halperin.
Measuring concurrent partnerships
Lancet (2010).
Ettarh, Remare, Edward Galiwango, Elizeus Rutebemberwa, George Pariyo, and Stefan Peterson.
Spatial analysis of determinants of choice of treatment provider for fever in under-five children in Iganga, Uganda
Health Place (2011).
Feikin, Daniel R, M Kariuki Njenga, Godfrey Bigogo, Barrack Aura, George Aol, Allan Audi, Geoffrey Jagero, Peter Ochieng Muluare, Stella Gikunju, Leonard Nderitu, Amanda Balish, Jonas Winchell, Eileen Schneider, Dean Erdman, M Steven Oberste, Mark A Katz, and Robert F Breiman.
Etiology and Incidence of viral and bacterial acute respiratory illness among older children and adults in rural western Kenya, 2007-2010
PLoS ONE 7, no. 8 (2012).
Fillinger, Ulrike, Khadija Kannady, George William, Michael J. Vanek, Stefan Dongus, Dickson Nyika, Yvonne Geissbühler, Prosper P. Chaki, Nico J. Govella, Evan M. Mathenge, Burton H. Singer, Hassan Mshinda, Steven W. Lindsay, Marcel Tanner, Deo Mtasiwa, Marcia C. de Castro, and Gerry F. Killeen.
A tool box for operational mosquito larval control: preliminary results and early lessons from the Urban Malaria Control Programme in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Malar. J. (2008).
Garly, M. L., C. Bale, C. Martins, M. Monteiro, E. George, M. Kidd, F. Dias, P. Aaby, and H. Whittle.
Measles antibody responses after early two dose trials in Guinea-Bissau with Edmonston-Zagreb and Schwarz standard-titre measles vaccine: better antibody increase from booster dose of the Edmonston-Zagreb vaccine
Ghattas, Hala, Bakary M Darboe, Diana L Wallace, George E Griffin, Andrew M Prentice, and Derek C Macallan.
Measuring lymphocyte kinetics in tropical field settings
Trans. R. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. 99, no. 9 (2005): 675-685.
Ghattas, Hala, Diana L Wallace, Juan A Solon, Sian M Henson, Yan Zhang, Pa T Ngom, Richard Aspinall, Gareth Morgan, George E Griffin, Andrew M Prentice, and Derek C Macallan.
Long-term effects of perinatal nutrition on T lymphocyte kinetics in young Gambian men
Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 85, no. 2 (2007): 480-487.
Gouws, Eleanor, Jennifer Bryce, Jean-Pierre Habicht, João Amaral, George Pariyo, Joanna Armstrong Schellenberg, and Olivier Fontaine.
Improving antimicrobial use among health workers in first-level facilities: results from the multi-country evaluation of the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness strategy
Bull. World Health Organ. (2004).
Guerrant, R L, T Van Gilder, T S Steiner, N M Thielman, L Slutsker, R V Tauxe, T Hennessy, P M Griffin, H DuPont, R B Sack, P Tarr, M Neill, I Nachamkin, L B Reller, M T Osterholm, M L Bennish, and L K Pickering.
Practice guidelines for the management of infectious diarrhea
Clin. Infect. Dis. 32, no. 3 (2001): 331-351.
Gysels, Marjolein, Christopher Pell, Don P Mathanga, Philip Adongo, Frank Odhiambo, Roly Gosling, Patricia Akweongo, Rose Mwangi, George Okello, Peter Mangesho, Lawrence Slutsker, Peter G Kremsner, Martin P Grobusch, Mary J Hamel, Robert D Newman, and Robert Pool.
Community response to intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in infants (IPTi) delivered through the expanded programme of immunization in five African settings
Malar. J. (2009).
Hildenwall, Helena, Elizeus Rutebemberwa, Xavier Nsabagasani, George Pariyo, Göran Tomson, and Stefan Peterson.
Local illness concepts--implications for management of childhood pneumonia in eastern Uganda
Acta Trop. (2007).
Hildenwall, Helena, Göran Tomson, Judith Kaija, George Pariyo, and Stefan Peterson.
"I never had the money for blood testing" - caretakers' experiences of care-seeking for fatal childhood fevers in rural Uganda - a mixed methods study
BMC Int Health Hum Rights (2008).
Hollingsworth, T. Déirdre, Oliver Laeyendecker, George Shirreff, Christl A. Donnelly, David Serwadda, Maria J. Wawer, Noah Kiwanuka, Fred Nalugoda, Aleisha Collinson-Streng, Victor Ssempijja, William P. Hanage, Thomas C. Quinn, Ronald H. Gray, and Christophe Fraser.
HIV-1 transmitting couples have similar viral load set-points in Rakai, Uganda
PLoS Pathog. (2010).
Iwashita, Hanako, Gabriel Dida, Kyoko Futami, George Sonye, Satoshi Kaneko, Masahiro Horio, Hitoshi Kawada, Yoshihide Maekawa, Yoshiki Aoki, and Noboru Minakawa.
Sleeping arrangement and house structure affect bed net use in villages along Lake Victoria
Malar. J. (2010).
Källander, Karin, Helena Hildenwall, Peter Waiswa, Edward Galiwango, Stefan Peterson, and George Pariyo.
Delayed care seeking for fatal pneumonia in children aged under five years in Uganda: a case-series study
Bull. World Health Organ. (2008).
Larsson, Elin C., Anna Ekéus Thorson, George Pariyo, Peter Waiswa, Daniel Kadobera, Gaetano Marrone, and Anna Mia Ekström.
Missed Opportunities: barriers to HIV testing during pregnancy from a population based cohort study in rural Uganda
PLoS ONE (2012).
Larsson, Elin C., Peter Waiswa, Anna Thorson, Göran Tomson, Stefan Peterson, George Pariyo, and Anna Mia Ekström.
Low uptake of HIV testing during antenatal care: a population-based study from eastern Uganda
AIDS (2009).
Macallan, Derek C, Diana Wallace, Yan Zhang, Catherine De Lara, Andrew T Worth, Hala Ghattas, George E Griffin, Peter C L Beverley, and David F Tough.
Rapid turnover of effector-memory CD4(+) T cells in healthy humans
J. Exp. Med. 200, no. 2 (2004): 255-260.
Mahoney, Amanda, Bart J. Weetjens, Christophe Cox, Negussie Beyene, Klaus Reither, George Makingi, Maureen Jubitana, Rudovick Kazwala, Godfrey S. Mfinanga, Amos Kahwa, Amy Durgin, and Alan Poling.
Pouched Rats' Detection of Tuberculosis in Human Sputum: Comparison to Culturing and Polymerase Chain Reaction
Tuberc Res Treat (2012).
Mills, Samuel, John E Williams, George Wak, and Abraham Hodgson.
Maternal mortality decline in the Kassena-Nankana district of northern Ghana
Matern Child Health J 12, no. 5 (2008): 577-585.
Minakawa, Noboru, George Sonye, Kyoko Futami, Satoshi Kaneko, Emmanuel Mushinzimana, and Ulrike Fillinger.
A large-scale field trial to evaluate the efficacy of bacillus larvicides for controlling malaria in western Kenya: Study design and methods
Muhamadi, Lubega, Nazarius M. Tumwesigye, Daniel Kadobera, Gaetano Marrone, Fred Wabwire-Mangen, George Pariyo, Stefan Peterson, and Anna Mia Ekström.
A single-blind randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effect of extended counseling on uptake of pre-antiretroviral care in Eastern Uganda
Trials (2011).
Muhamadi, Lubega, Nazarius Mbona Tumwesigye, Daniel Kadobera, Gaetano Marrone, Fred Wabwire-Mangen, George Pariyo, Stefan Peterson, and Anna Mia Ekström.
Lack of pre-antiretroviral care and competition from traditional healers, crucial risk factors for very late initiation of antiretroviral therapy for HIV--a case-control study from eastern Uganda
Pan Afr Med J (2011).
Mukanga, David, James K. Tibenderana, Juliet Kiguli, George W. Pariyo, Peter Waiswa, Francis Bajunirwe, Brian Mutamba, Helen Counihan, Godfrey Ojiambo, and Karin Kallander.
Community acceptability of use of rapid diagnostic tests for malaria by community health workers in Uganda
Malar. J. (2010).
Oduro, Abraham Rexford, George Wak, Daniel Azongo, Cornelius Debpuur, Peter Wontuo, Felix Kondayire, Paul Welaga, Ayaga Bawah, Alex Nazzar, John Williams, Abraham Hodgson, and Fred Binka.
Profile of the Navrongo Health and Demographic Surveillance System
Int J Epidemiol (2012).
Owusu-Agyei, Seth, Daniel Ansong, Kwaku Asante, Sandra Kwarteng Owusu, Ruth Owusu, Naana Ayiwa Wireko Brobby, David Dosoo, Alex Osei Akoto, Kingsley Osei-Kwakye, Emmanuel Asafo Adjei, Kwadwo Owusu Boahen, Justice Sylverken, George Adjei, David Sambian, Stephen Apanga, Kingsley Kayan, Johan Vekemans, Opokua Ofori-Anyinam, Amanda Leach, Marc Lievens, Marie-Ange Demoitie, Marie-Claude Dubois, Joe Cohen, W. Ripley Ballou, Barbara Savarese, Daniel Chandramohan, John Owusu Gyapong, Paul Milligan, Sampson Antwi, Tsiri Agbenyega, Brian Greenwood, and Jennifer Evans.
Randomized controlled trial of RTS,S/AS02D and RTS,S/AS01E malaria candidate vaccines given according to different schedules in Ghanaian children
PLoS ONE (2009).
Reynolds, Steven J, Fred Makumbi, Kevin Newell, Noah Kiwanuka, Paschal Ssebbowa, George Mondo, Iga Boaz, Maria J Wawer, Ronald H Gray, David Serwadda, and Thomas C Quinn.
Effect of daily aciclovir on HIV disease progression in individuals in Rakai, Uganda, co-infected with HIV-1 and herpes simplex virus type 2: a randomised, double-blind placebo-controlled trial
Lancet Infect Dis 12, no. 6 (2012): 441-448.
Richards, Anna A, Momodou K Darboe, Kate Tilling, George Davey Smith, Andrew M Prentice, and Debbie A Lawlor.
Breast milk sodium content in rural Gambian women: between- and within-women variation in the first 6 months after delivery
Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol 24, no. 3 (2010): 255-261.
Rutebemberwa, Elizeus, Daniel Kadobera, Sheila Katureebe, Joan N. Kalyango, Edison Mworozi, and George Pariyo.
Use of community health workers for management of malaria and pneumonia in urban and rural areas in eastern Uganda
Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. (2012).
Rutebemberwa, Elizeus, Karin Kallander, Goran Tomson, Stefan Peterson, and George Pariyo.
Determinants of delay in care-seeking for febrile children in eastern Uganda
Trop. Med. Int. Health (2009).
Rutebemberwa, Elizeus, Xavier Nsabagasani, George Pariyo, Goran Tomson, Stefan Peterson, and Karin Kallander.
Use of drugs, perceived drug efficacy and preferred providers for febrile children: implications for home management of fever
Malar. J. (2009).
Rutebemberwa, Elizeus, George Pariyo, Stefan Peterson, Goran Tomson, and Karin Kallander.
Utilization of public or private health care providers by febrile children after user fee removal in Uganda
Malar. J. (2009).
Victora, Cesar G., Joanna Armstrong Schellenberg, Luis Huicho, João Amaral, Shams El Arifeen, George Pariyo, Fatuma Manzi, Robert W. Scherpbier, Jennifer Bryce, and Jean-Pierre Habicht.
Context matters: interpreting impact findings in child survival evaluations
Health Policy Plan (2005).
Wagman, Jennifer, Joy Noel Baumgartner, Cindy Waszak Geary, Neema Nakyanjo, William George Ddaaki, David Serwadda, Ron Gray, Fred Kakaire Nalugoda, and Maria J. Wawer.
Experiences of sexual coercion among adolescent women: qualitative findings from Rakai district, Uganda
J Interpers Violence (2009).
Waiswa, Peter, Karin Kallander, Stefan Peterson, Goran Tomson, and George W. Pariyo.
Using the three delays model to understand why newborn babies die in eastern Uganda
Trop. Med. Int. Health (2010).
Waiswa, Peter, Margaret Kemigisa, Juliet Kiguli, Sarah Naikoba, George W. Pariyo, and Stefan Peterson.
Acceptability of evidence-based neonatal care practices in rural Uganda - implications for programming
BMC Pregnancy Childbirth (2008).
Showing 1-50 of 55