Central Data Catalog


1 Gingrich, Chris D., Kara G. Hanson, Tanya J. Marchant, Jo-Ann Mulligan, and Hadji Mponda. "Household demand for insecticide-treated bednets in Tanzania and policy options for increasing uptake." Health Policy Plan (2011).
2 Haji, Khamis A., Bakari O. Khatib, Stephen Smith, Abdullah S. Ali, Gregor J. Devine, Maureen Coetzee, and Silas Majambere. "Challenges for malaria elimination in Zanzibar: pyrethroid resistance in malaria vectors and poor performance of long-lasting insecticide nets." Parasit Vectors (2013).
3 Hanson, Kara, Nassor Kikumbih, Joanna Armstrong Schellenberg, Haji Mponda, Rose Nathan, Sally Lake, Anne Mills, Marcel Tanner, and Christian Lengeler. "Cost-effectiveness of social marketing of insecticide-treated nets for malaria control in the United Republic of Tanzania." Bull. World Health Organ. (2003).
5 Hanson, Kara, Rose Nathan, Tanya Marchant, Hadji Mponda, Caroline Jones, Jane Bruce, Godlove Stephen, Jo Mulligan, Hassan Mshinda, and Joanna Armstrong Schellenberg. "Vouchers for scaling up insecticide-treated nets in Tanzania: methods for monitoring and evaluation of a national health system intervention." BMC Public Health (2008).
6 Marchant, T., K. Hanson, R. Nathan, H. Mponda, J. Bruce, C. Jones, Y. Sedekia, H. Mshinda, and J. Schellenberg. "Timing of delivery of malaria preventive interventions in pregnancy: results from the Tanzania national voucher programme." (2009).
7 Marchant, Tanya, David Schellenberg, Rose Nathan, Joanna Armstrong-Schellenberg, Hadji Mponda, Caroline Jones, Yovitha Sedekia, Jane Bruce, and Kara Hanson. "Assessment of a national voucher scheme to deliver insecticide-treated mosquito nets to pregnant women." CMAJ (2010).
8 Marchant, Tanya, Joanna Armstrong Schellenberg, Tabitha Edgar, Rose Nathan, Salim Abdulla, Oscar Mukasa, Hadji Mponda, and Christian Lengeler. "Socially marketed insecticide-treated nets improve malaria and anaemia in pregnancy in southern Tanzania." Trop. Med. Int. Health (2002).
9 Minja, H., J. A. Schellenberg, O. Mukasa, R. Nathan, S. Abdulla, H. Mponda, M. Tanner, C. Lengeler, and B. Obrist. "Introducing insecticide-treated nets in the Kilombero Valley, Tanzania: the relevance of local knowledge and practice for an information, education and communication (IEC) campaign." Trop. Med. Int. Health (2001).
10 Mushi, Adiel K., Joanna Schellenberg, Mwifadhi Mrisho, Fatuma Manzi, Conrad Mbuya, Haji Mponda, Hassan Mshinda, Marcel Tanner, Pedro Alonso, Robert Pool, and David Schellenberg. "Development of behaviour change communication strategy for a vaccination-linked malaria control tool in southern Tanzania." Malar. J. (2008).
11 Mushi, Adiel K., Joanna R. M. Armstrong Schellenberg, Haji Mponda, and Christian Lengeler. "Targeted subsidy for malaria control with treated nets using a discount voucher system in Tanzania." Health Policy Plan (2003).
12 Schellenberg, J. R., S. Abdulla, H. Minja, R. Nathan, O. Mukasa, T. Marchant, H. Mponda, N. Kikumbih, E. Lyimo, T. Manchester, M. Tanner, and C. Lengeler. "KINET: a social marketing programme of treated nets and net treatment for malaria control in Tanzania, with evaluation of child health and long-term survival." Trans. R. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. (1999).
13 Schellenberg, Joanna Armstrong, Happiness Minja, Haji Mponda, Nassor Kikumbih, Adiel Mushi, Rose Nathan, Salim Abdulla, Oscar Mukasa, Tanya J. Marchant, Marcel Tanner, and Christian Lengeler. "Re-treatment of mosquito nets with insecticide." Trans. R. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. (2002).
14 Tami, Adriana, Juliet Mbati, Rose Nathan, Haji Mponda, Christian Lengeler, and Joanna R. M. Armstrong Schellenberg. "Use and misuse of a discount voucher scheme as a subsidy for insecticide-treated nets for malaria control in southern Tanzania." Health Policy Plan (2006).