Central Data Catalog


1 Chopra, Mickey, Joy E. Lawn, David Sanders, Peter Barron, Salim S. Abdool Karim, Debbie Bradshaw, Rachel Jewkes, Quarraisha Abdool Karim, Alan J. Flisher, Bongani M. Mayosi, Stephen M. Tollman, Gavin J. Churchyard, Hoosen Coovadia, and team Lancet South Africa. "Achieving the health Millennium Development Goals for South Africa: challenges and priorities." Lancet (2009).
2 Hoffmann, Christopher J, Michael Schomaker, Matthew P Fox, Portia Mutevedzi, Janet Giddy, Hans Prozesky, Robin Wood, Daniela B Garone, Matthias Egger, Andrew Boulle, and IeDEA Southern Africa Collaboration. "CD4 count slope and mortality in HIV-infected patients on antiretroviral therapy: multicohort analysis from South Africa." J. Acquir. Immune Defic. Syndr. 63, no. 1 (2013): 34-41.
3 Mayosi, Bongani M., Joy E. Lawn, Ashley van Niekerk, Debbie Bradshaw, Salim S. Abdool Karim, Hoosen M. Coovadia, and team Lancet South Africa. "Health in South Africa: changes and challenges since 2009." Lancet (2012).