Central Data Catalog


51 Marchant, Tanya, Joanna Armstrong Schellenberg, Tabitha Edgar, Rose Nathan, Salim Abdulla, Oscar Mukasa, Hadji Mponda, and Christian Lengeler. "Socially marketed insecticide-treated nets improve malaria and anaemia in pregnancy in southern Tanzania." Trop. Med. Int. Health (2002).
52 Marchant, Tanya, Joanna Armstrong Schellenberg, Rose Nathan, Salim Abdulla, Oscar Mukasa, Hassan Mshinda, and Christian Lengeler. "Anaemia in pregnancy and infant mortality in Tanzania." Trop. Med. Int. Health (2004).
53 Masanja, Honorati, Joanna Armstrong Schellenberg, Don de Savigny, Hassan Mshinda, and Cesar G. Victora. "Impact of Integrated Management of Childhood Illness on inequalities in child health in rural Tanzania." Health Policy Plan (2005).
54 Masanja, Honorati, Joanna Armstrong Schellenberg, Hassan M. Mshinda, Meera Shekar, Joseph K. L. Mugyabuso, Godwin D. Ndossi, and Don de Savigny. "Vitamin A supplementation in Tanzania: the impact of a change in programmatic delivery strategy on coverage." BMC Health Serv Res (2006).
55 Menendez, Clara, David Schellenberg, Eusebio Macete, Pedro Aide, Elizeus Kahigwa, Sergi Sanz, John J Aponte, Jahit Sacarlal, Hassan Mshinda, Marcel Tanner, and Pedro L Alonso. "Varying efficacy of intermittent preventive treatment for malaria in infants in two similar trials: public health implications." Malar. J. (2007).
56 Menendez, Clara, David Schellenberg, Llorenç Quinto, Elizeus Kahigwa, Luisa Alvarez, John J. Aponte, and Pedro L. Alonso. "The effects of short-term iron supplementation on iron status in infants in malaria-endemic areas." Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. (2004).
57 Menendez, Clara, Jordi Sunyer, Pere J. Ventura, John J. Aponte, Camilo J. Acosta, David Schellenberg, Elizeus Kahigwa, Josep M. Antó, and Pedro L. Alonso. "Malaria infection does not appear to modify the risk of bronchiolitis early in life." Pediatr. Infect. Dis. J. (2002).
58 Minja, H., J. A. Schellenberg, O. Mukasa, R. Nathan, S. Abdulla, H. Mponda, M. Tanner, C. Lengeler, and B. Obrist. "Introducing insecticide-treated nets in the Kilombero Valley, Tanzania: the relevance of local knowledge and practice for an information, education and communication (IEC) campaign." Trop. Med. Int. Health (2001).
59 Montgomery, Catherine M, Victoria Hosegood, Joanna Busza, and Ian M Timaeus. "Men's involvement in the South African family: engendering change in the AIDS era." Soc Sci Med 62, no. 10 (2006): 2411-2419.
60 Mrisho, Mwifadhi, Brigit Obrist, Joanna Armstrong Schellenberg, Rachel A. Haws, Adiel K. Mushi, Hassan Mshinda, Marcel Tanner, and David Schellenberg. "The use of antenatal and postnatal care: perspectives and experiences of women and health care providers in rural southern Tanzania." BMC Pregnancy Childbirth (2009).
61 Mrisho, Mwifadhi, David Schellenberg, Fatuma Manzi, Marcel Tanner, Hassan Mshinda, Kizito Shirima, Beverly Msambichaka, Salim Abdulla, and Joanna Armstrong Schellenberg. "Neonatal deaths in rural southern Tanzania: care-seeking and causes of death." ISRN Pediatr (2012).
62 Mrisho, Mwifadhi, Joanna A. Schellenberg, Adiel K. Mushi, Brigit Obrist, Hassan Mshinda, Marcel Tanner, and David Schellenberg. "Factors affecting home delivery in rural Tanzania." Trop. Med. Int. Health (2007).
63 Mushi, Adiel K., Joanna Schellenberg, Mwifadhi Mrisho, Fatuma Manzi, Conrad Mbuya, Haji Mponda, Hassan Mshinda, Marcel Tanner, Pedro Alonso, Robert Pool, and David Schellenberg. "Development of behaviour change communication strategy for a vaccination-linked malaria control tool in southern Tanzania." Malar. J. (2008).
64 Mushi, Adiel K., Joanna R. M. Armstrong Schellenberg, Haji Mponda, and Christian Lengeler. "Targeted subsidy for malaria control with treated nets using a discount voucher system in Tanzania." Health Policy Plan (2003).
65 Nathan, Rose, Honorati Masanja, Hassan Mshinda, Joanna A. Schellenberg, Don de Savigny, Christian Lengeler, Marcel Tanner, and Cesar G. Victora. "Mosquito nets and the poor: can social marketing redress inequities in access?." Trop. Med. Int. Health (2004).
66 Oduro, Abraham R, Kalifa A Bojang, David J Conway, Tumani Corrah, Brian M Greenwood, and David Schellenberg. "Health centre surveys as a potential tool for monitoring malaria epidemiology by area and over time." PLoS ONE 6, no. 11 (2011).
67 Orne-Gliemann, Joanna, Renaud Becquet, Didier K Ekouevi, Valériane Leroy, Freddy Perez, and François Dabis. "Children and HIV/AIDS: from research to policy and action in resource-limited settings." AIDS 22, no. 7 (2008): 797-805.
68 Oronje, Rose Ndakala, Chi-Chi Undie, Eliya Msiyaphazi Zulu, and Joanna Crichton. "Engaging media in communicating research on sexual and reproductive health and rights in sub-Saharan Africa: experiences and lessons learned." Health Res Policy Syst (2011).
69 Penfold, Suzanne, Donat Shamba, Claudia Hanson, Jennie Jaribu, Fatuma Manzi, Tanya Marchant, Marcel Tanner, Kate Ramsey, David Schellenberg, and Joanna Armstrong Schellenberg. "Staff experiences of providing maternity services in rural southern Tanzania - a focus on equipment, drug and supply issues." BMC Health Serv Res (2013).
70 Pool, Robert, Adiel Mushi, Joanna Armstrong Schellenberg, Mwifadhi Mrisho, Pedro Alonso, Catherine Montgomery, Marcel Tanner, Hassan Mshinda, and David Schellenberg. "The acceptability of intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in infants (IPTi) delivered through the expanded programme of immunization in southern Tanzania." Malar. J. (2008).
71 Rodrigues, Amabelia, Joanna Armstrong Schellenberg, Poul-Erik Kofoed, Peter Aaby, and Brian Greenwood. "Changing pattern of malaria in Bissau, Guinea Bissau." Trop. Med. Int. Health 13, no. 3 (2008): 410-417.
72 Rodrigues, Amabelia, Joanna Armstrong Schellenberg, Adam Roth, Christine Stabell Benn, Peter Aaby, and Brian Greenwood. "Revaccination with Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine does not reduce morbidity from malaria in African children." Trop. Med. Int. Health 12, no. 2 (2007): 224-229.
73 Ross, Amanda, Melissa Penny, Nicolas Maire, Alain Studer, Ilona Carneiro, David Schellenberg, Brian Greenwood, Marcel Tanner, and Thomas Smith. "Modelling the epidemiological impact of intermittent preventive treatment against malaria in infants." PLoS ONE (2008).
74 Rudan, Igor, Joy Lawn, Simon Cousens, Alexander K. Rowe, Cynthia Boschi-Pinto, Lana Tomasković, Walter Mendoza, Claudio F. Lanata, Arantxa Roca-Feltrer, Ilona Carneiro, Joanna A. Schellenberg, Ozren Polasek, Martin Weber, Jennifer Bryce, Saul S. Morris, Robert E. Black, and Harry Campbell. "Gaps in policy-relevant information on burden of disease in children: a systematic review." Lancet (2005).
75 Schellenberg, D., S. Abdulla, and C. Roper. "Current issues for anti-malarial drugs to control P. falciparum malaria." Curr. Mol. Med. (2006).
76 Schellenberg, D. M., J. J. Aponte, E. A. Kahigwa, H. Mshinda, M. Tanner, C. Menendez, and P. L. Alonso. "The incidence of clinical malaria detected by active case detection in children in Ifakara, southern Tanzania." Trans. R. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. (2003).
77 Schellenberg, D., C. Menendez, E. Kahigwa, J. Aponte, J. Vidal, M. Tanner, H. Mshinda, and P. Alonso. "Intermittent treatment for malaria and anaemia control at time of routine vaccinations in Tanzanian infants: a randomised, placebo-controlled trial." Lancet (2001).
78 Schellenberg, D., J. R. M. Armstrong Schellenberg, A. Mushi, D. de Savigny, L. Mgalula, C. Mbuya, and C. G. Victora. "The silent burden of anaemia in Tanzanian children: a community-based study." Bull. World Health Organ. (2003).
79 Schellenberg, David, Badara Cisse, and Clara Menendez. "The IPTi Consortium: research for policy and action." Trends Parasitol. (2006).
80 Schellenberg, David, Elizeus Kahigwa, Chris Drakeley, Athumani Malende, John Wigayi, Chris Msokame, John J. Aponte, Marcel Tanner, Hassan Mshinda, Clara Menendez, and Pedro L. Alonso. "The safety and efficacy of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine, amodiaquine, and their combination in the treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria." Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. (2002).
81 Schellenberg, David, Elizeus Kahigwa, Sergi Sanz, John J. Aponte, Hassan Mshinda, Pedro Alonso, and Clara Menendez. "A randomized comparison of two anemia treatment regimens in Tanzanian children." Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. (2004).
82 Schellenberg, David, Clara Menendez, John Aponte, Caterina Guinovart, Hassan Mshinda, Marcel Tanner, and Pedro Alonso. "The changing epidemiology of malaria in Ifakara Town, southern Tanzania." Trop. Med. Int. Health (2004).
83 Schellenberg, David, Clara Menendez, John J. Aponte, Elizeus Kahigwa, Marcel Tanner, Hassan Mshinda, and Pedro Alonso. "Intermittent preventive antimalarial treatment for Tanzanian infants: follow-up to age 2 years of a randomised, placebo-controlled trial." Lancet (2005).
84 Schellenberg, J. R., S. Abdulla, H. Minja, R. Nathan, O. Mukasa, T. Marchant, H. Mponda, N. Kikumbih, E. Lyimo, T. Manchester, M. Tanner, and C. Lengeler. "KINET: a social marketing programme of treated nets and net treatment for malaria control in Tanzania, with evaluation of child health and long-term survival." Trans. R. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. (1999).
85 Schellenberg, Joanna Armstrong, Happiness Minja, Haji Mponda, Nassor Kikumbih, Adiel Mushi, Rose Nathan, Salim Abdulla, Oscar Mukasa, Tanya J. Marchant, Marcel Tanner, and Christian Lengeler. "Re-treatment of mosquito nets with insecticide." Trans. R. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. (2002).
86 Schellenberg, Joanna Armstrong, Cesar G. Victora, Adiel Mushi, Don de Savigny, David Schellenberg, Hassan Mshinda, Jennifer Bryce, and M. C. E. Baseline Household Survey Study Group Tanzania Integrated Management of Childhood Illness. "Inequities among the very poor: health care for children in rural southern Tanzania." Lancet (2003).
87 Schellenberg, Joanna R. M. Armstrong, Werner Maokola, Kizito Shirima, Fatuma Manzi, Mwifadhi Mrisho, Adiel Mushi, Pedro Alonso, Hassan Mshinda, Marcel Tanner, and David M. Schellenberg. "Cluster-randomized study of intermittent preventive treatment for malaria in infants (IPTi) in southern Tanzania: evaluation of impact on survival." Malar. J. (2011).
88 Shamba, Donat D., Joanna Schellenberg, Suzanne C. Penfold, Irene Mashasi, Mwifadhi Mrisho, Fatuma Manzi, Tanya Marchant, Marcel Tanner, Hassan Mshinda, David Schellenberg, and Zelee Hill. "Clean home-delivery in rural Southern Tanzania: barriers, influencers, and facilitators." J Health Popul Nutr (2013).
89 Shirima, Kizito, Oscar Mukasa, Joanna Armstrong Schellenberg, Fatuma Manzi, Davis John, Adiel Mushi, Mwifadhi Mrisho, Marcel Tanner, Hassan Mshinda, and David Schellenberg. "The use of personal digital assistants for data entry at the point of collection in a large household survey in southern Tanzania." Emerg Themes Epidemiol (2007).
90 Sunyer, J., J. Torregrosa, J. M. Anto, C. Menendez, C. Acosta, D. Schellenberg, P. L. Alonso, and E. Kahigwa. "The association between atopy and asthma in a semirural area of Tanzania (East Africa)." Allergy (2000).
91 Tami, Adriana, Juliet Mbati, Rose Nathan, Haji Mponda, Christian Lengeler, and Joanna R. M. Armstrong Schellenberg. "Use and misuse of a discount voucher scheme as a subsidy for insecticide-treated nets for malaria control in southern Tanzania." Health Policy Plan (2006).
92 Targett, Geoffrey, Pedro Alonso, Fred Binka, Frank Collins, Brian Greenwood, Janet Hemingway, Feiko Ter Kuile, Osman Sankoh, and David Schellenberg. "Global health and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation." Lancet (2009).
93 Vargas, Martha, Joaquim Gascon, Climent Casals, David Schellenberg, Honorati Urassa, Eliseus Kahigwa, Joaquim Ruiz, and Jordi Vila. "Etiology of diarrhea in children less than five years of age in Ifakara, Tanzania." Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. (2004).
94 Victora, Cesar G., Joanna Armstrong Schellenberg, Luis Huicho, João Amaral, Shams El Arifeen, George Pariyo, Fatuma Manzi, Robert W. Scherpbier, Jennifer Bryce, and Jean-Pierre Habicht. "Context matters: interpreting impact findings in child survival evaluations." Health Policy Plan (2005).
95 Weiler, Hope, Shirley Fitzpatrick-Wong, Jeannine Schellenberg, Ursula McCloy, Rebecca Veitch, Heather Kovacs, June Kohut, and Chui Kin Yuen. "Maternal and cord blood long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids are predictive of bone mass at birth in healthy term-born infants." Pediatr. Res. (2005).
96 Weiler, Hope, Shirley Fitzpatrick-Wong, Rebecca Veitch, Heather Kovacs, Jeannine Schellenberg, Ursula McCloy, and Chui Kin Yuen. "Vitamin D deficiency and whole-body and femur bone mass relative to weight in healthy newborns." CMAJ (2005).
97 Willey, Barbara A., Joanna R. M. Armstrong Schellenberg, Werner Maokola, Kizito Shirima, Mwajuma Chemba, Hassan Mshinda, Pedro Alonso, Marcel Tanner, and David Schellenberg. "Evaluating the effectiveness of IPTi on malaria using routine health information from sentinel health centres in southern Tanzania." Malar. J. (2011).