Central Data Catalog


1 Arrivé, Elise, Marie-Louise Newell, Didier K Ekouevi, Marie-Laure Chaix, Rodolphe Thiebaut, Bernard Masquelier, Valériane Leroy, Philippe Van de Perre, Christine Rouzioux, and François Dabis. "Prevalence of resistance to nevirapine in mothers and children after single-dose exposure to prevent vertical transmission of HIV-1: a meta-analysis." Int J Epidemiol 36, no. 5 (2007): 1009-1021.
2 Bärnighausen, Till, Victoria Hosegood, Ian M Timaeus, and Marie-Louise Newell. "The socioeconomic determinants of HIV incidence: evidence from a longitudinal, population-based study in rural South Africa." AIDS (2007).
3 Bärnighausen, Till, Thomas A McWalter, Zachary Rosner, Marie-Louise Newell, and Alex Welte. "HIV incidence estimation using the BED capture enzyme immunoassay: systematic review and sensitivity analysis." Epidemiology 21, no. 5 (2010): 685-697.
4 Bärnighausen, Till, Frank Tanser, Zanomsa Gqwede, Clifford Mbizana, Kobus Herbst, and Marie-Louise Newell. "High HIV incidence in a community with high HIV prevalence in rural South Africa: findings from a prospective population-based study." AIDS 22, no. 1 (2008): 139-144.
5 Bärnighausen, Till, Frank Tanser, Timothy Hallett, and Marie-Louise Newell. "Short communication: Prioritizing communities for HIV prevention in sub-Saharan Africa." AIDS Res. Hum. Retroviruses 26, no. 4 (2010): 401-405.
6 Bärnighausen, Till, Frank Tanser, and Marie-Louise Newell. "Lack of a decline in HIV incidence in a rural community with high HIV prevalence in South Africa, 2003-2007." AIDS Res. Hum. Retroviruses 25, no. 4 (2009): 405-409.
7 Bärnighausen, Till, Claudia Wallrauch, Alex Welte, Thomas A McWalter, Nhlanhla Mbizana, Johannes Viljoen, Natalie Graham, Frank Tanser, Adrian Puren, and Marie-Louise Newell. "HIV incidence in rural South Africa: comparison of estimates from longitudinal surveillance and cross-sectional cBED assay testing." PLoS ONE 3, no. 11 (2008).
8 Becquet, Renaud, and Marie-Louise Newell. "Prevention of postnatal HIV infection: infant feeding and antiretroviral interventions." Curr Opin HIV AIDS 2, no. 5 (2007): 361-366.
9 Bevilacqua, Elena, Annalisa Fabris, Paolo Floreano, Lucy Pembrey, Marie-Louise Newell, Pier-Angelo Tovo, and Antonio Amoroso. "Genetic factors in mother-to-child transmission of HCV infection." Virology 390, no. 1 (2009): 64-70.
10 Bland, Ruth M, Kirsty E Little, Hoosen M Coovadia, Anna Coutsoudis, Nigel C Rollins, and Marie-Louise Newell. "Intervention to promote exclusive breast-feeding for the first 6 months of life in a high HIV prevalence area." AIDS 22, no. 7 (2008): 883-891.
12 Bland, Ruth M, and Marie-Louise Newell. "Prolonged breastfeeding and HIV transmission." Prev Med 47, no. 1 (2008): 34-35.
13 Bor, Jacob, Till Bärnighausen, Colin Newell, Frank Tanser, and Marie-Louise Newell. "Social exposure to an antiretroviral treatment programme in rural KwaZulu-Natal." Trop. Med. Int. Health 16, no. 8 (2011): 988-994.
14 Bor, Jacob, Abraham J Herbst, Marie-Louise Newell, and Till Bärnighausen. "Increases in adult life expectancy in rural South Africa: valuing the scale-up of HIV treatment." Science 339, no. 6122 (2013): 961-965.
15 Bor, Jacob, Frank Tanser, Marie-Louise Newell, and Till Bärnighausen. "In A Study Of A Population Cohort In South Africa, HIV Patients On Antiretrovirals Had Nearly Full Recovery Of Employment." Health Aff 31, no. 7 (2012): 1459-1469.
16 Burke, Ronald L, Kelly G Vest, Angelia A Eick, Jose L Sanchez, Matthew C Johns, Julie A Pavlin, Richard G Jarman, Jerry L Mothershead, Miguel Quintana, Thomas Palys, Michael J Cooper, Jian Guan, David Schnabel, John Waitumbi, Alisa Wilma, Candelaria Daniels, Matthew L Brown, Steven Tobias, Matthew R Kasper, Maya Williams, Jeffrey A Tjaden, Buhari Oyofo, Timothy Styles, Patrick J Blair, Anthony Hawksworth, Joel M Montgomery, Hugo Razuri, Alberto Laguna-Torres, Randal J Schoepp, David A Norwood, Victor H Macintosh, Thomas Gibbons, Gregory C Gray, David L Blazes, Kevin L Russell, Jennifer Rubenstein, Kyle Hathaway, Robert Gibbons, In-Kyu Yoon, David Saunders, Jariyanart Gaywee, Mikal Stoner, Ans Timmermans, Sanjaya K Shrestha, John Mark S Velasco, Maria T Alera, Darunee Tannitisupawong, Khin Saw Myint, Sathit Pichyangkul, Ben Woods, Kurt H Jerke, Michael G Koenig, Denis K Byarugaba, Fred Wabwire Mangen, Berhane Assefa, Maya Williams, Gary Brice, Moustafa Mansour, Guillermo Pimentel, Peter Sebeny, Maha Talaat, Tamer Saeed, Ben Espinosa, Dennis Faix, Ryan Maves, Tadeusz Kochel, James Smith, Alicia Guerrero, Gen Maupin, Paul Sjoberg, Mark Duffy, Jason Garner, Linda Canas, Elizabeth Macias, Robert A Kuschner, Dennis Shanks, Sheri Lewis, Gosia Nowak, Lucy M Ndip, Nathan Wolfe, and Karen Saylors. "Department of Defense influenza and other respiratory disease surveillance during the 2009 pandemic." BMC Public Health (2011).
17 Camlin, Carol S, Victoria Hosegood, Marie-Louise Newell, Nuala McGrath, Till Bärnighausen, and Rachel C Snow. "Gender, migration and HIV in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa." PLoS ONE 5, no. 7 (2010).
18 Chaki, Prosper P., Stefan Dongus, Ulrike Fillinger, Ann Kelly, and Gerry F. Killeen. "Community-owned resource persons for malaria vector control: enabling factors and challenges in an operational programme in Dar es Salaam, United Republic of Tanzania." Hum Resour Health (2011).
19 Chimbindi, Natsayi Z, Nuala McGrath, Kobus Herbst, Khin San Tint, and Marie-Louise Newell. "Socio-Demographic Determinants of Condom Use Among Sexually Active Young Adults in Rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa." Open AIDS J (2010).
20 Cooke, Graham S, Kirsty E Little, Ruth M Bland, Hilary Thulare, and Marie-Louise Newell. "Need for timely paediatric HIV treatment within primary health care in rural South Africa." PLoS ONE 4, no. 9 (2009).
21 Cooke, Graham S, Frank C Tanser, Till W Bärnighausen, and Marie-Louise Newell. "Population uptake of antiretroviral treatment through primary care in rural South Africa." BMC Public Health (2010).
22 Coovadia, Hoosen M, Nigel C Rollins, Ruth M Bland, Kirsty Little, Anna Coutsoudis, Michael L Bennish, and Marie-Louise Newell. "Mother-to-child transmission of HIV-1 infection during exclusive breastfeeding in the first 6 months of life: an intervention cohort study." Lancet 369, no. 9567 (2007): 1107-1116.
23 Coutsoudis, Anna, Kirsty England, Nigel Rollins, Hoosen Coovadia, Marie-Louise Newell, and Ruth Bland. "Women's morbidity and mortality in the first 2 years after delivery according to HIV status." AIDS 24, no. 18 (2010): 2859-2866.
24 Dabis, François, Marie-Louise Newell, and Bernard Hirschel. "HIV drugs for treatment, and for prevention." (2010).
25 Desmond, Chris, Ruth M Bland, Gerard Boyce, Hoosen M Coovadia, Anna Coutsoudis, Nigel Rollins, and Marie-Louise Newell. "Scaling-up exclusive breastfeeding support programmes: the example of KwaZulu-Natal." PLoS ONE 3, no. 6 (2008).
26 Dinh, Minh H, Taha Hirbod, Godfrey Kigozi, Eneniziaogochukwu A Okocha, Gianguido C Cianci, Xiangrong Kong, Jessica L Prodger, Kristina Broliden, Rupert Kaul, David Serwadda, Maria J Wawer, Ronald H Gray, and Thomas J Hope. "No difference in keratin thickness between inner and outer foreskins from elective male circumcisions in Rakai, Uganda." PLoS ONE 7, no. 7 (2012).
27 Eaton, Jeffrey W., Nuala McGrath, and Marie-Louise Newell. "Unpacking the recommended indicator for concurrent sexual partnerships." (2012).
28 England, Kirsty, Claire Thorne, Lucy Pembrey, and Marie-Louise Newell. "Policies and practices for the clinical management of HIV/HCV coinfected children in Europe: an epidemiological survey." Eur. J. Pediatr. 168, no. 8 (2009): 915-917.
29 Giordano, Katie, Till Bärnighausen, Nuala McGrath, Rachel Snow, Siobán Harlow, and Marie-Louise Newell. "Factors associated with repeated refusal to participate in longitudinal population-based HIV surveillance in rural South Africa: an observational study, regression analyses." (2012).
30 Gray, R. H., N. Kiwanuka, T. C. Quinn, N. K. Sewankambo, D. Serwadda, F. W. Mangen, T. Lutalo, F. Nalugoda, R. Kelly, M. Meehan, M. Z. Chen, C. Li, and M. J. Wawer. "Male circumcision and HIV acquisition and transmission: cohort studies in Rakai, Uganda. Rakai Project Team." AIDS (2000).
31 Harrison, Abigail, Marie-Louise Newell, John Imrie, and Graeme Hoddinott. "HIV prevention for South African youth: which interventions work? A systematic review of current evidence." BMC Public Health (2010).
32 Herbst, Abraham J, Graham S Cooke, Till Bärnighausen, Angelique KanyKany, Frank Tanser, and Marie-Louise Newell. "Adult mortality and antiretroviral treatment roll-out in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa." Bull. World Health Organ. 87, no. 10 (2009): 754-762.
33 Hill, Caterina, Victoria Hosegood, and Marie-Louise Newell. "Children's care and living arrangements in a high HIV prevalence area in rural South Africa." (2008).
34 Houlihan, Catherine F, Portia C Mutevedzi, Richard J Lessells, Graham S Cooke, Frank C Tanser, and Marie-Louise Newell. "The tuberculosis challenge in a rural South African HIV programme." BMC Infect. Dis. (2010).
35 Houlihan, Catherine F., Ruth M. Bland, Portia C. Mutevedzi, Richard J. Lessells, James Ndirangu, Hilary Thulare, and Marie-Louise Newell. "Cohort profile: Hlabisa HIV treatment and care programme." Int J Epidemiol (2011).
36 Huntington, Susie E, Claire Thorne, Loveleen K Bansi, Jane Anderson, Marie-Louise Newell, Graham P Taylor, Deenan Pillay, Teresa Hill, Pat A Tookey, and Caroline A Sabin. "Predictors of pregnancy and changes in pregnancy incidence among HIV-positive women accessing HIV clinical care." AIDS 27, no. 1 (2013): 95-103.
37 Imrie, John, Graeme Hoddinott, Sebastian Fuller, Stephen Oliver, and Marie-Louise Newell. "Why MSM in rural South African communities should be an HIV prevention research priority." AIDS Behav (2013).
38 Jaffe, Harold, Adrian Smith, and Tony Hope. "Universal voluntary HIV testing and immediate antiretroviral therapy." Lancet (2009).
39 Johnson, Leigh F, Mary-Ann Davies, Harry Moultrie, Gayle G Sherman, Ruth M Bland, Thomas M Rehle, Rob E Dorrington, and Marie-Louise Newell. "The effect of early initiation of antiretroviral treatment in infants on pediatric AIDS mortality in South Africa: a model-based analysis." Pediatr. Infect. Dis. J. 31, no. 5 (2012): 474-480.
40 Johnson, Leigh F, Kathryn Stinson, Marie-Louise Newell, Ruth M Bland, Harry Moultrie, Mary-Ann Davies, Thomas M Rehle, Rob E Dorrington, and Gayle G Sherman. "The contribution of maternal HIV seroconversion during late pregnancy and breastfeeding to mother-to-child transmission of HIV." J. Acquir. Immune Defic. Syndr. 59, no. 4 (2012): 417-425.
41 Jones, Christopher M., Camille Machin, Khalfan Mohammed, Silas Majambere, Abdullah S. Ali, Bakari O. Khatib, Juma Mcha, Hilary Ranson, and Louise A. Kelly-Hope. "Insecticide resistance in Culex quinquefasciatus from Zanzibar: implications for vector control programmes." Parasit Vectors (2012).
42 Kelly, Ann H., David Ameh, Silas Majambere, Steve Lindsay, and Margaret Pinder. "'Like sugar and honey': the embedded ethics of a larval control project in The Gambia." Soc Sci Med (2010).
43 Kelly, R., N. Kiwanuka, M. J. Wawer, D. Serwadda, N. K. Sewankambo, F. Wabwire-Mangen, C. Li, J. K. Konde-Lule, T. Lutalo, F. Makumbi, and R. H. Gray. "Age of male circumcision and risk of prevalent HIV infection in rural Uganda." AIDS (1999).
44 Kelly, Robert J., Ronald H. Gray, Nelson K. Sewankambo, David Serwadda, Fred Wabwire-Mangen, Tom Lutalo, and Maria J. Wawer. "Age differences in sexual partners and risk of HIV-1 infection in rural Uganda." J. Acquir. Immune Defic. Syndr. (2003).
45 Lebon, Ankie, Ruth M Bland, Nigel C Rollins, Anna Coutsoudis, Hoosen Coovadia, and Marie-Louise Newell. "Short communication: CD4 counts of HIV-infected pregnant women and their infected children--implications for PMTCT and treatment programmes." Trop. Med. Int. Health 12, no. 12 (2007): 1472-1474.
46 Lewycka, Sonia, Charles Mwansambo, Mikey Rosato, Peter Kazembe, Tambosi Phiri, Andrew Mganga, Hilda Chapota, Florida Malamba, Esther Kainja, Marie-Louise Newell, Giulia Greco, Anni-Maria Pulkki-Brännström, Jolene Skordis-Worrall, Stefania Vergnano, David Osrin, and Anthony Costello. "Effect of women's groups and volunteer peer counselling on rates of mortality, morbidity, and health behaviours in mothers and children in rural Malawi (MaiMwana): a factorial, cluster-randomised controlled trial." Lancet 381, no. 9879 (2013): 1721-1735.
47 Lightowler, Josephine V. J., Graham S. Cooke, Portia Mutevedzi, Richard J. Lessells, Marie-Louise Newell, and Martin Dedicoat. "Treatment of Cryptococcal Meningitis in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa." PLoS ONE 5, no. 1 (2010).
48 Manasa, Justen, David Katzenstein, Sharon Cassol, Marie-Louise Newell, and Tulio de Oliveira. "Primary drug resistance in South Africa: data from 10 years of surveys." AIDS Res. Hum. Retroviruses 28, no. 6 (2012): 558-565.
49 Martinez de Tejada, Begoña, and Marie-Louise Newell. "The clinical content of preconception care: infectious diseases in preconception care." Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 201, no. 4 (2009).
50 Mkwanazi, Ntombizodumo B, Deven Patel, Marie-Louise Newell, Nigel C Rollins, A Coutsoudis, H M Coovadia, and R M Bland. "Rapid testing may not improve uptake of HIV testing and same day results in a rural South African community: a cohort study of 12,000 women." PLoS ONE 3, no. 10 (2008).