Central Data Catalog


1 Acosta, C. J., C. M. Galindo, J. Kimario, K. Senkoro, H. Urassa, C. Casals, M. Corachán, N. Eseko, M. Tanner, H. Mshinda, F. Lwilla, J. Vila, and P. L. Alonso. "Cholera outbreak in southern Tanzania: risk factors and patterns of transmission." Emerging Infect. Dis. (2001).
2 Alonso, P., J. Sacarlal, J. Aponte, A. Leach, E. Macete, J. Milman, I. Mandomando, B. Spiessens, C. Guinovart, M. Espasa, Q. Bassat, P. Aide, O. Ofori-Anyinam, M. M. Navia, S. Corachan, M. Ceuppens, M. C. Dubois, M. A. Demoitie, F. Dubovsky, C. Menendez, N. Tornieporth, W. R. Ballou, R. Thompson, and J. Cohen. "Efficacy of the RTS,S/AS02A vaccine against Plasmodium falciparum infection and disease in young African children: randomised controlled trial." (2004).
3 Alonso, Pedro L, Jahit Sacarlal, John J Aponte, Amanda Leach, Eusebio Macete, Pedro Aide, Betuel Sigauque, Jessica Milman, Inacio Mandomando, Quique Bassat, Caterina Guinovart, Mateu Espasa, Sabine Corachan, Marc Lievens, Margarita M Navia, Marie-Claude Dubois, Clara Menendez, Filip Dubovsky, Joe Cohen, Ricardo Thompson, and W Ripley Ballou. "Duration of protection with RTS,S/AS02A malaria vaccine in prevention of Plasmodium falciparum disease in Mozambican children: single-blind extended follow-up of a randomised controlled trial." Lancet 366, no. 9502 (2005): 2012-2018.
4 Roca, A, B Sigaúque, Ll Quintó, L Morais, A Berenguera, M Corachan, J L Ribó, D Naniche, Q Bassat, Ch Sacoor, D Nhalungo, E Macete, A Schuchat, M Soriano-Gabarró, B Flannery, and P L Alonso. "Estimating the vaccine-preventable burden of hospitalized pneumonia among young Mozambican children." Vaccine 28, no. 30 (2010): 4851-4857.
5 Sacarlal, Jahit, John J Aponte, Pedro Aide, Inácio Mandomando, Quique Bassat, Caterina Guinovart, Amanda Leach, Jessica Milman, Eusebio Macete, Mateu Espasa, Opokua Ofori-Anyinam, Joelle Thonnard, Sabine Corachan, Marie-Claude Dubois, Marc Lievens, Filip Dubovsky, W Ripley Ballou, Joe Cohen, and Pedro L Alonso. "Safety of the RTS,S/AS02A malaria vaccine in Mozambican children during a Phase IIb trial." Vaccine 26, no. 2 (2008): 174-184.
6 Sigaúque, Betuel, Anna Roca, Quique Bassat, Luís Morais, Llorenç Quintó, Anna Berenguera, Sónia Machevo, Azucena Bardaji, Manuel Corachan, Josep Ribó, Clara Menéndez, Anne Schuchat, Brendan Flannery, Montse Soriano-Gabarró, and Pedro L Alonso. "Severe pneumonia in Mozambican young children: clinical and radiological characteristics and risk factors." J. Trop. Pediatr. 55, no. 6 (2009): 379-387.