Central Data Catalog


1 Hennig, Branwen J, Katherine Fielding, John Broxholme, Mathurin Diatta, Maimuna Mendy, Catrin Moore, Andrew J Pollard, Pura Rayco-Solon, Giorgio Sirugo, Marianne A van der Sande, Pauline Waight, Hilton C Whittle, Syed M Zaman, Adrian V Hill, and Andrew J Hall. "Host genetic factors and vaccine-induced immunity to hepatitis B virus infection." PLoS ONE 3, no. 3 (2008).
2 Mendy, Maimuna E, Steve Kaye, Marianne van der Sande, Pura Rayco-Solon, Pauline A Waight, Deborah Shipton, Dorka Awi, Paul Snell, Hilton Whittle, and Samuel J McConkey. "Application of real-time PCR to quantify hepatitis B virus DNA in chronic carriers in The Gambia." Virol. J. (2006).
3 Nyan, O. A., G. E. Walraven, W. A. Banya, P. Milligan, M. Van Der Sande, S. M. Ceesay, G. Del Prete, and K. P. McAdam. "Atopy, intestinal helminth infection and total serum IgE in rural and urban adult Gambian communities." Clin. Exp. Allergy (2001).
4 Ohuma, E. O., E. A. Okiro, R. Ochola, C. J. Sande, P. A. Cane, G. F. Medley, C. Bottomley, and D. J. Nokes. "The natural history of respiratory syncytial virus in a birth cohort: the influence of age and previous infection on reinfection and disease." (2012).
6 Ryckman, Kelli K, Katherine Fielding, Adrian V Hill, Maimuna Mendy, Pura Rayco-Solon, Giorgio Sirugo, Marianne A van der Sande, Pauline Waight, Hilton C Whittle, Andrew J Hall, Scott M Williams, and Branwen J Hennig. "Host genetic factors and vaccine-induced immunity to HBV infection: haplotype analysis." PLoS ONE 5, no. 8 (2010).
8 Sartono, Erliyani, Ida M Lisse, Elisabeth M Terveer, Paula J M van de Sande, Hilton Whittle, Ane B Fisker, Adam Roth, Peter Aaby, Maria Yazdanbakhsh, and Christine S Benn. "Oral polio vaccine influences the immune response to BCG vaccination. A natural experiment." PLoS ONE 5, no. 5 (2010).
9 van der Sande, M A B, P Waight, M Mendy, P Rayco-Solon, P Hutt, T Fulford, C Doherty, S J McConkey, D Jeffries, A J Hall, and H C Whittle. "Long-term protection against carriage of hepatitis B virus after infant vaccination." J. Infect. Dis. 193, no. 11 (2006): 1528-1535.
10 van der Sande, M. A., P. J. Milligan, O. A. Nyan, J. T. Rowley, W. A. Banya, S. M. Ceesay, W. M. Dolmans, T. Thien, K. P. McAdam, and G. E. Walraven. "Blood pressure patterns and cardiovascular risk factors in rural and urban gambian communities." J Hum Hypertens (2000).