Central Data Catalog


1 Cortina, M. A., K. Kahn, M. Fazel, T. Hlungwani, S. Tollman, A. Bhana, D. Prothrow-Stith, and A. Stein. "School-based interventions can play a critical role in enhancing children's development and health in the developing world." (2008).
2 Cortina, Melissa A., Mina Fazel, Tintswalo Mercy Hlungwani, Kathleen Kahn, Stephen Tollman, Mario Cortina-Borja, and Alan Stein. "Childhood psychological problems in school settings in rural southern Africa." PLoS ONE (2013).
3 Nnedu, Obinna N, Michael P O'Leary, Daniel Mutua, Beth Mutai, Mina Kalantari-Dehaghi, Al Jasinskas, Rie Nakajima-Sasaki, Grace John-Stewart, Phelgona Otieno, Xiaowu Liang, John Waitumbi, Francis Kimani, David Camerini, Philip L Felgner, Judd L Walson, and Adam Vigil. "Humoral immune responses to Plasmodium falciparum among HIV-1-infected Kenyan adults." Proteomics Clin Appl 5, no. 11-12 (2011): 613-623.