Central Data Catalog


1 Kajungu, Dan K., Majige Selemani, Irene Masanja, Amuri Baraka, Mustafa Njozi, Rashid Khatib, Alexander N. Dodoo, Fred Binka, Jean Macq, Umberto D'Alessandro, and Niko Speybroeck. "Using classification tree modelling to investigate drug prescription practices at health facilities in rural Tanzania." Malar J (2012).
2 Khatib, Rashid A., Majige Selemani, Gumi A. Mrisho, Irene M. Masanja, Mbaraka Amuri, Mustafa H. Njozi, Dan Kajungu, Irene Kuepfer, Salim M. Abdulla, and Don de Savigny. "Access to artemisinin-based anti-malarial treatment and its related factors in rural Tanzania." (2013).
3 Razzaque, A., J. Da Vanzo, M. Rahman, K. Gausia, L. Hale, M. A. Khan, and A. H. M. G. Mustafa. "Pregnancy spacing and maternal morbidity in Matlab, Bangladesh." (2005).