Central Data Catalog


1 Berhane, Yemane, Stig Wall, Mesganaw Fantahun, Anders Emmelin, Wubegzier Mekonnen, Ulf Högberg, Alemayehu Worku, Fikru Tesfaye, Mitike Molla, Negussie Deyessa, Abera Kumie, Damen Hailemariam, Fikre Enqueselassie, and Peter Byass. "A rural Ethiopian population undergoing epidemiological transition over a generation: Butajira from 1987 to 2004." Scand J Public Health (2008).
2 Beyero, Teferra, Atalay Alem, Derege Kebede, Teshome Shibire, Menelik Desta, and Negussie Deyessa. "Mental disorders among the Borana semi-nomadic community in Southern Ethiopia." World Psychiatry (2004).
3 Deyessa, N., Y. Berhane, A. Alem, U. Hogberg, and G. Kullgren. "Depression among women in rural Ethiopia as related to socioeconomic factors: a community-based study on women in reproductive age groups." Scand J Public Health (2008).
4 Deyessa, N., M. Kassaye, B. Demeke, and N. Taffa. "Magnitude, type and outcomes of physical violence against married women in Butajira, southern Ethiopia." Ethiop. Med. J. (1998).
5 Deyessa, Negussie, Yemane Berhane, Mary Ellsberg, Maria Emmelin, Gunnar Kullgren, and Ulf Högberg. "Violence against women in relation to literacy and area of residence in Ethiopia." Glob Health Action (2010).
6 Kebede, Derege, Abebaw Fekadu, Atalay Alem, Teferra Beyero, Teshome Shibire, and Negussie Deyessa. "The distribution of mental disorders among an isolated island community in southern Ethiopia." Ethiop. Med. J. (2005).
7 Negash, A., A. Alem, D. Kebede, N. Deyessa, T. Shibre, and G. Kullgren. "Prevalence and clinical characteristics of bipolar I disorder in Butajira, Ethiopia: a community-based study." J Affect Disord (2005).
8 Negash, A., D. Kebede, A. Alem, Z. Melaku, N. Deyessa, T. Shibire, A. Fekadu, D. Fekadu, L. Jacobsson, and G. Kullgren. "Neurological soft signs in bipolar I disorder patients." J Affect Disord (2004).