Central Data Catalog


1 Aaby, Peter, Christine Benn, Jens Nielsen, Ida Maria Lisse, Amabelia Rodrigues, and Henrik Ravn. "Testing the hypothesis that diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine has negative non-specific and sex-differential effects on child survival in high-mortality countries." BMJ Open 2, no. 3 (2012).
2 Aaby, Peter, Christine Stabell Benn, Jens Nielsen, Ida Maria Lisse, Amabelia Rodrigues, and Henrik Jensen. "DTP vaccination and child survival in observational studies with incomplete vaccination data." Trop. Med. Int. Health 12, no. 1 (2007): 15-24.
3 Aaby, Peter, Christine Stabell Benn, Jens Nielsen, and Henrik Ravn. "Sex-differential non-specific effects of BCG and DTP in Cebu, The Philippines." Int J Epidemiol 38, no. 1 (2009): 320-323; .
4 Aaby, Peter, May-Lill Garly, Jens Nielsen, Henrik Ravn, Cesario Martins, Carlitos Balé, Amabelia Rodrigues, Christine Stabell Benn, and Ida Maria Lisse. "Increased female-male mortality ratio associated with inactivated polio and diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccines: Observations from vaccination trials in Guinea-Bissau." Pediatr. Infect. Dis. J. 26, no. 3 (2007): 247-252.
5 Aaby, Peter, Hannu Vessari, Jens Nielsen, Kenneth Maleta, Christine Stabell Benn, Henrik Jensen, and Per Ashorn. "Sex differential effects of routine immunizations and childhood survival in rural Malawi." Pediatr. Infect. Dis. J. 25, no. 8 (2006): 721-727.
6 Agergaard, J, E Nante, G Poulstrup, J Nielsen, K L Flanagan, L Østergaard, C S Benn, and P Aaby. "Diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine administered simultaneously with measles vaccine is associated with increased morbidity and poor growth in girls. A randomised trial from Guinea-Bissau." Vaccine 29, no. 3 (2011): 487-500.
7 Bager, P., T. Westergaard, K. Rostgaard, N. M. Nielsen, M. Melbye, and P. Aaby. "Smallpox vaccination and risk of allergy and asthma." (2003).
8 Balé, Carlito, May-Lill Garly, Cesario Martins, Jens Nielsen, Hilton Whittle, and Peter Aaby. "Risk factors for measles in young infants in an urban African area with high measles vaccination coverage." Pediatr. Infect. Dis. J. 30, no. 8 (2011): 689-693.
9 Benn, C. S., D. L. Jeppesen, H. Hasselbalch, A. B. Olesen, J. Nielsen, B. Bjorksten, I. M. Lisse, and P. Aaby. "Thymus size and head circumference at birth and the development of allergic diseases." (2001).
10 Benn, Christine S, Peter Aaby, Jens Nielsen, Fred N Binka, and David A Ross. "Does vitamin A supplementation interact with routine vaccinations? An analysis of the Ghana Vitamin A Supplementation Trial." Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 90, no. 3 (2009): 629-639.
11 Biai, Sidu, Amabelia Rodrigues, Jens Nielsen, Morten Sodemann, and Peter Aaby. "Vaccination status and sequence of vaccinations as risk factors for hospitalisation among outpatients in a high mortality country." Vaccine 29, no. 20 (2011): 3662-3669.
12 Bjerregaard-Andersen, Morten, Margarida A Gomes, Luis C Joaquím, Amabelia Rodrigues, Dorte M Jensen, Kaare Christensen, Christine S Benn, Peter Aaby, Henning Beck-Nielsen, and Morten Sodemann. "Establishing a twin registry in Guinea-Bissau." Twin Res Hum Genet 16, no. 1 (2013): 179-184.
13 Bjerregaard-Andersen, Morten, Najaaraq Lund, Frida Staarup Jepsen, Luis Camala, Margarida Alfredo Gomes, Kaare Christensen, Lene Christiansen, Dorte Møller Jensen, Peter Aaby, Henning Beck-Nielsen, Christine Stabell Benn, and Morten Sodemann. "A prospective study of twinning and perinatal mortality in urban Guinea-Bissau." BMC Pregnancy Childbirth (2012).
14 da Silva, Zacarias J, Jens Nielsen, Andreas Andersen, Inés Oliveira, Francisco Dias, Amabélia Rodrigues, Birgitta Holmgren, Sören Andersson, and Peter Aaby. "Decline in human T-cell lymphotropic virus-1 prevalence in urban areas of Bissau, Guinea-Bissau: exploring the association with HIV infections." AIDS 23, no. 5 (2009): 637-639.
15 Garly, May-Lill, Carlitos Balé, Cesário Lourenco Martins, Hilton C Whittle, Jens Nielsen, Ida M Lisse, and Peter Aaby. "Prophylactic antibiotics to prevent pneumonia and other complications after measles: community based randomised double blind placebo controlled trial in Guinea-Bissau." BMJ 333, no. 7581 (2006).
16 Garly, May-Lill, Sisse Lecanda Trautner, Charlotte Marx, Kamilla Danebod, Jens Nielsen, Henrik Ravn, Cesário Lourenco Martins, Carlito Balé, Peter Aaby, and Ida Maria Lisse. "Thymus size at 6 months of age and subsequent child mortality." J. Pediatr. 153, no. 5 (2008): 683-688, .
17 Hirve, Siddhivinayak, Ashish Bavdekar, Sanjay Juvekar, Christine S. Benn, Jens Nielsen, and Peter Aaby. "Non-specific and sex-differential effects of vaccinations on child survival in rural western India." Vaccine (2012).
20 Jakobsen, Marianne S, Morten Sodemann, Sidu Biai, Jens Nielsen, and Peter Aaby. "Promotion of exclusive breastfeeding is not likely to be cost effective in West Africa. A randomized intervention study from Guinea-Bissau." Acta Paediatr. 97, no. 1 (2008): 68-75.
21 Jakobsen, Marianne, Morten Sodemann, Gunnar Nylén, Carlitos Balé, Jens Nielsen, Ida Lisse, and Peter Aaby. "Breastfeeding status as a predictor of mortality among refugee children in an emergency situation in Guinea-Bissau." Trop. Med. Int. Health 8, no. 11 (2003): 992-996.
22 Källander, Karin, Daniel Kadobera, Thomas N Williams, Rikke Thoft Nielsen, Lucy Yevoo, Aloysius Mutebi, Jonas Akpakli, Clement Narh, Margaret Gyapong, Alberta Amu, and Peter Waiswa. "Social autopsy: INDEPTH Network experiences of utility, process, practices, and challenges in investigating causes and contributors to mortality." Popul Health Metr (2011).
23 Källander, Karin, Daniel Kadobera, Thomas N. Williams, Rikke Thoft Nielsen, Lucy Yevoo, Aloysius Mutebi, Jonas Akpakli, Clement Narh, Margaret Gyapong, Alberta Amu, and Peter Waiswa. "Social autopsy: INDEPTH Network experiences of utility, process, practices, and challenges in investigating causes and contributors to mortality." Popul Health Metr (2011).
24 Knudsen, T B, P Gustafson, G Kronborg, T B Kristiansen, S K Moestrup, J O Nielsen, V Gomes, P Aaby, I Lisse, H J Møller, and J Eugen-Olsen. "Predictive value of soluble haemoglobin scavenger receptor CD163 serum levels for survival in verified tuberculosis patients." Clin. Microbiol. Infect. 11, no. 9 (2005): 730-735.
25 Kristensen, K, L G Stensballe, J Bjerre, D Roth, N Fisker, T Kongstad, A L Svendsen, and B W Nielsen. "Risk factors for respiratory syncytial virus hospitalisation in children with heart disease." Arch. Dis. Child. 94, no. 10 (2009): 785-789.
26 Lisse, I. M., K. Qureshi, A. Poulsen, P. Kofoed, J. Nielsen, B. F. Vestergaard, and P. Aaby. "T-lymphocyte subsets and eosinophil counts in acute and convalescence chickenpox infection: a household study in Guinea-Bissau." (2005).
27 Lorenz, Lena M., Aidan Keane, Jason D. Moore, Cristina J. Munk, Laura Seeholzer, Antony Mseka, Emmanuel Simfukwe, Joseph Ligamba, Elizabeth L. Turner, Lubandwa R. Biswaro, Fredros O. Okumu, Gerry F. Killeen, Wolfgang R. Mukabana, and Sarah J. Moore. "Taxis assays measure directional movement of mosquitoes to olfactory cues." Parasit Vectors (2013).
29 Nielsen, J., P. Valentiner-Branth, C. Martins, F. Cabral, and P. Aaby. "Malnourished children and supplementary feeding during the war emergency in Guinea-Bissau in 1998-1999." (2004).
30 Nielsen, Jens, Christine S Benn, Carlitos Balé, Cesario Martins, and Peter Aaby. "Vitamin A supplementation during war-emergency in Guinea-Bissau 1998-1999." Acta Trop. 93, no. 3 (2005): 275-282.
32 Nielsen, Jens, Henrik Jensen, Per Kragh Andersen, and Peter Aaby. "Mortality patterns during a war in Guinea-Bissau 1998-99: changes in risk factors?." Int J Epidemiol 35, no. 2 (2006): 438-446.
33 Nielsen, Jens, Claudine Prudhon, and Xavier de Radigues. "Trends in malnutrition and mortality in Darfur, Sudan, between 2004 and 2008: a meta-analysis of publicly available surveys." Int J Epidemiol 40, no. 4 (2011): 971-984.
34 Nielsen, L L, N M Nielsen, M Melbye, M Sodermann, M Jacobsen, and P Aaby. "Exposure to measles in utero and Crohn's disease: Danish register study." BMJ 316, no. 7126 (1998): 196-197.
35 Nielsen, N M, J Wohlfahrt, P Aaby, H Hjalgrim, C B Pedersen, D S Askgaard, and M Melbye. "Cancer risk in a cohort of polio patients." Int. J. Cancer 92, no. 4 (2001): 605-608.
36 Nielsen, N M, J Wohlfahrt, M Melbye, S Rasmussen, K Mølbak, D S Askgaard, and P Aaby. "Multiple sclerosis and poliomyelitis. A Danish historical cohort study." Acta Neurol. Scand. 101, no. 6 (2000): 384-387.
37 Nielsen, N. M., P. Aaby, J. Wohlfahrt, K. Molbak, and M. Melbye. "The polio model. Does it apply to polio?." (2002).
38 Nielsen, N. M., P. Aaby, J. Wohlfahrt, J. B. Pedersen, M. Melbye, and K. Molbak. "Intensive exposure as a risk factor for severe polio: a study of multiple family cases." (2001).
40 Nielsen, N. M., K. Hedegaard, and P. Aaby. "Intensity of exposure and severity of whooping cough." (2001).
41 Nielsen, N. M., K. Rostgaard, H. Hjalgrim, P. Aaby, and D. Askgaard. "Poliomyelitis and Parkinson disease." (2002).
42 Nielsen, N. M., J. Wohlfahrt, M. Melbye, K. Molbak, and P. Aaby. "Does cross-sex transmission increase the severity of polio infection? A study of multiple family cases." (2002).
43 Nielsen, Nete Munk, Klaus Rostgaard, Dorthe Askgaard, Peter Skinhøj, and Peter Aaby. "Life-long morbidity among Danes with poliomyelitis." Arch Phys Med Rehabil 85, no. 3 (2004): 385-391.
44 Nielsen, Nete Munk, Klaus Rostgaard, Henrik Hjalgrim, Dorthe Askgaard, Peter Skinhøj, and Peter Aaby. "Psychiatric hospitalizations in a cohort of Danish polio patients." Am. J. Epidemiol. 165, no. 3 (2007): 319-324.
45 Nielsen, Nete Munk, Klaus Rostgaard, Knud Juel, Dorthe Askgaard, and Peter Aaby. "Long-term mortality after poliomyelitis." Epidemiology 14, no. 3 (2003): 355-360.
46 Nowroozalizadeh, Salma, Fredrik Månsson, Zacarias da Silva, Johanna Repits, Braima Dabo, Carla Pereira, Antonio Biague, Jan Albert, Jens Nielsen, Peter Aaby, Eva Maria Fenyö, Hans Norrgren, Birgitta Holmgren, and Marianne Jansson. "Studies on toll-like receptor stimuli responsiveness in HIV-1 and HIV-2 infections." Cytokine 46, no. 3 (2009): 325-331.
47 Nowroozalizadeh, Salma, Fredrik Månsson, Zacarias da Silva, Johanna Repits, Braima Dabo, Carla Pereira, Antonio Biague, Jan Albert, Jens Nielsen, Peter Aaby, Eva Maria Fenyö, Hans Norrgren, Birgitta Holmgren, and Marianne Jansson. "Microbial translocation correlates with the severity of both HIV-1 and HIV-2 infections." J. Infect. Dis. 201, no. 8 (2010): 1150-1154.
48 Okumu, Fredros O., Gerry F. Killeen, Sheila Ogoma, Lubandwa Biswaro, Renate C. Smallegange, Edgar Mbeyela, Emmanuel Titus, Cristina Munk, Hassan Ngonyani, Willem Takken, Hassan Mshinda, Wolfgang R. Mukabana, and Sarah J. Moore. "Development and field evaluation of a synthetic mosquito lure that is more attractive than humans." PLoS ONE (2010).
49 Ozkaya Sahin, Gülsen, Birgitta Holmgren, Zacarias da Silva, Jens Nielsen, Salma Nowroozalizadeh, Joakim Esbjörnsson, Fredrik Månsson, Sören Andersson, Hans Norrgren, Peter Aaby, Marianne Jansson, and Eva Maria Fenyö. "Potent intratype neutralizing activity distinguishes human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV-2) from HIV-1." J. Virol. 86, no. 2 (2012): 961-971.
50 Özkaya Şahin, Gülşen, Birgitta Holmgren, Enas Sheik-Khalil, Zacarias da Silva, Jens Nielsen, Salma Nowroozalizadeh, Fredrik Månsson, Hans Norrgren, Peter Aaby, Eva Maria Fenyö, and Marianne Jansson. "Effect of complement on HIV-2 plasma antiviral activity is intratype specific and potent." J. Virol. 87, no. 1 (2013): 273-281.