Central Data Catalog


1 Akech, S. O., O. Hassall, A. Pamba, R. Idro, T. N. Williams, C. R. Newton, and K. Maitland. "Survival and haematological recovery of children with severe malaria transfused in accordance to WHO guidelines in Kilifi, Kenya." (2008).
3 Idro, R., J. A. Carter, G. Fegan, B. G. Neville, and C. R. Newton. "Risk factors for persisting neurological and cognitive impairments following cerebral malaria." (2006).
4 Idro, R., S. Gwer, M. Kahindi, H. Gatakaa, T. Kazungu, M. Ndiritu, K. Maitland, B. G. Neville, P. A. Kager, and C. R. Newton. "The incidence, aetiology and outcome of acute seizures in children admitted to a rural Kenyan district hospital." (2008).
5 Idro, R., M. Ndiritu, B. Ogutu, S. Mithwani, K. Maitland, J. Berkley, J. Crawley, G. Fegan, E. Bauni, N. Peshu, K. Marsh, B. Neville, and C. Newton. "Burden, features, and outcome of neurological involvement in acute falciparum malaria in Kenyan children." (2007).
6 Idro, R., T. N. Williams, S. Gwer, S. Uyoga, A. Macharia, H. Opi, S. Atkinson, K. Maitland, P. A. Kager, D. Kwiatkowski, B. G. Neville, and C. R. Newton. "Haptoglobin HP2-2 genotype, alpha-thalassaemia and acute seizures in children living in a malaria-endemic area." (2008).
7 Kariuki, S. M., M. Ikumi, J. Ojal, M. Sadarangani, R. Idro, A. Olotu, P. Bejon, J. A. Berkley, K. Marsh, and C. R. Newton. "Acute seizures attributable to falciparum malaria in an endemic area on the Kenyan coast." (2011).
8 Kihara, M., J. A. Carter, P. A. Holding, F. Vargha-Khadem, R. C. Scott, R. Idro, G. W. Fegan, M. de Haan, B. G. Neville, and C. R. Newton. "Impaired everyday memory associated with encephalopathy of severe malaria: the role of seizures and hippocampal damage." (2009).
9 Mwaniki, M., A. Mathenge, S. Gwer, N. Mturi, E. Bauni, C. R. Newton, J. Berkley, and R. Idro. "Neonatal seizures in a rural Kenyan District Hospital: aetiology, incidence and outcome of hospitalization." (2010).
10 Sadarangani, M., C. Seaton, J. A. Scott, B. Ogutu, T. Edwards, A. Prins, H. Gatakaa, R. Idro, J. A. Berkley, N. Peshu, B. G. Neville, and C. R. Newton. "Incidence and outcome of convulsive status epilepticus in Kenyan children: a cohort study." (2008).