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Abdullahi, O., A. Karani, C. C. Tigoi, D. Mugo, S. Kungu, E. Wanjiru, J. Jomo, R. Musyimi, M. Lipsitch, and J. A. Scott.
Rates of acquisition and clearance of pneumococcal serotypes in the nasopharynges of children in Kilifi District, Kenya
Abdullahi, O., A. Karani, C. C. Tigoi, D. Mugo, S. Kungu, E. Wanjiru, J. Jomo, R. Musyimi, M. Lipsitch, and J. A. Scott.
The prevalence and risk factors for pneumococcal colonization of the nasopharynx among children in Kilifi District, Kenya
Abdullahi, O., J. Nyiro, P. Lewa, M. Slack, and J. A. Scott.
The descriptive epidemiology of Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae nasopharyngeal carriage in children and adults in Kilifi district, Kenya
Abdullahi, O., E. Wanjiru, R. Musyimi, N. Glass, and J. A. Scott.
Validation of nasopharyngeal sampling and culture techniques for detection of Streptococcus pneumoniae in children in Kenya
Aiken, A. M., N. Mturi, P. Njuguna, S. Mohammed, J. A. Berkley, I. Mwangi, S. Mwarumba, B. S. Kitsao, B. S. Lowe, S. C. Morpeth, A. J. Hall, I. Khandawalla, and J. A. Scott.
Risk and causes of paediatric hospital-acquired bacteraemia in Kilifi District Hospital, Kenya: a prospective cohort study
Barrett-Muir, W, F T Scott, P Aaby, J John, P Matondo, Q L Chaudhry, M Siqueira, A Poulsen, K Yaminishi, and J Breuer.
Genetic variation of varicella-zoster virus: evidence for geographical separation of strains
J. Med. Virol. (2003).
Bejon, P., J. A. Berkley, T. Mwangi, E. Ogada, I. Mwangi, K. Maitland, T. Williams, J. A. Scott, M. English, B. S. Lowe, N. Peshu, C. R. Newton, and K. Marsh.
Defining childhood severe falciparum malaria for intervention studies
Berkley, J. A., B. S. Lowe, I. Mwangi, T. Williams, E. Bauni, S. Mwarumba, C. Ngetsa, M. P. Slack, S. Njenga, C. A. Hart, K. Maitland, M. English, K. Marsh, and J. A. Scott.
Bacteremia among children admitted to a rural hospital in Kenya
Brent, A. J., I. Ahmed, M. Ndiritu, P. Lewa, C. Ngetsa, B. Lowe, E. Bauni, M. English, J. A. Berkley, and J. A. Scott.
Incidence of clinically significant bacteraemia in children who present to hospital in Kenya: community-based observational study
Cowgill, K. D., M. Ndiritu, J. Nyiro, M. P. Slack, S. Chiphatsi, A. Ismail, T. Kamau, I. Mwangi, M. English, C. R. Newton, D. R. Feikin, and J. A. Scott.
Effectiveness of Haemophilus influenzae type b Conjugate vaccine introduction into routine childhood immunization in Kenya
Hennig, Branwen J, Digna R Velez-Edwards, Maarten F Schim van der Loeff, Cyrille Bisseye, Todd L Edwards, Alessandra Tacconelli, Giuseppe Novelli, Peter Aaby, Steve Kaye, William K Scott, Assan Jaye, Hilton C Whittle, Scott M Williams, Adrian V Hill, and Giorgio Sirugo.
CD4 intragenic SNPs associate with HIV-2 plasma viral load and CD4 count in a community-based study from Guinea-Bissau, West Africa
J. Acquir. Immune Defic. Syndr. 56, no. 1 (2011): 1-8.
Kihara, M., J. A. Carter, P. A. Holding, F. Vargha-Khadem, R. C. Scott, R. Idro, G. W. Fegan, M. de Haan, B. G. Neville, and C. R. Newton.
Impaired everyday memory associated with encephalopathy of severe malaria: the role of seizures and hippocampal damage
Lyons, E. J., W. Amos, J. A. Berkley, I. Mwangi, M. Shafi, T. N. Williams, C. R. Newton, N. Peshu, K. Marsh, J. A. Scott, and A. V. Hill.
Homozygosity and risk of childhood death due to invasive bacterial disease
M, Cham, Gomez P, Scott S, Roca A, Jasseh M, and Howie S.
Disease-specific mortality burdens in a rural Gambian population using verbal autopsy, 1998-2007.
Global Health Action (2014).
McAuley, C. F., C. Webb, J. Makani, A. Macharia, S. Uyoga, D. H. Opi, C. Ndila, A. Ngatia, J. A. Scott, K. Marsh, and T. N. Williams.
High mortality from Plasmodium falciparum malaria in children living with sickle cell anemia on the coast of Kenya
Moisi, J. C., H. Gatakaa, J. A. Berkley, K. Maitland, N. Mturi, C. R. Newton, P. Njuguna, J. Nokes, J. Ojal, E. Bauni, B. Tsofa, N. Peshu, K. Marsh, T. N. Williams, and J. A. Scott.
Excess child mortality after discharge from hospital in Kilifi, Kenya: a retrospective cohort analysis
Moisi, J. C., H. Gatakaa, A. M. Noor, T. N. Williams, E. Bauni, B. Tsofa, O. S. Levine, and J. A. Scott.
Geographic access to care is not a determinant of child mortality in a rural Kenyan setting with high health facility density
Moisi, J. C., J. Kabuka, D. Mitingi, O. S. Levine, and J. A. Scott.
Spatial and socio-demographic predictors of time-to-immunization in a rural area in Kenya: Is equity attainable?
Moisi, J. C., D. J. Nokes, H. Gatakaa, T. N. Williams, E. Bauni, O. S. Levine, and J. A. Scott.
Sensitivity of hospital-based surveillance for severe disease: a geographic information system analysis of access to care in Kilifi district, Kenya
Ndiritu, M., K. D. Cowgill, A. Ismail, S. Chiphatsi, T. Kamau, G. Fegan, D. R. Feikin, C. R. Newton, and J. A. Scott.
Immunization coverage and risk factors for failure to immunize within the Expanded Programme on Immunization in Kenya after introduction of new Haemophilus influenzae type b and hepatitis b virus antigens
Nokes, D. J., J. Abwao, A. Pamba, I. Peenze, J. Dewar, J. K. Maghenda, H. Gatakaa, E. Bauni, J. A. Scott, K. Maitland, and T. N. Williams.
Incidence and clinical characteristics of group A rotavirus infections among children admitted to hospital in Kilifi, Kenya
Nokes, D. J., M. Ngama, A. Bett, J. Abwao, P. Munywoki, M. English, J. A. Scott, P. A. Cane, and G. F. Medley.
Incidence and severity of respiratory syncytial virus pneumonia in rural Kenyan children identified through hospital surveillance
Nokes, D. J., E. A. Okiro, M. Ngama, R. Ochola, L. J. White, P. D. Scott, M. English, P. A. Cane, and G. F. Medley.
Respiratory syncytial virus infection and disease in infants and young children observed from birth in Kilifi District, Kenya
Nokes, D. J., E. A. Okiro, M. Ngama, L. J. White, R. Ochola, P. D. Scott, P. A. Cane, and G. F. Medley.
Respiratory syncytial virus epidemiology in a birth cohort from Kilifi District, Kenya: Infection during the first year of life
Quinlivan, M., K. Hawrami, W. Barrett-Muir, P. Aaby, A. Arvin, V. T. Chow, T. John, P. Matondo, M. Peiris, A. Poulsen, M. Siqueira, M. Takahashi, Y. Talukder, K. Yamanishi, M. Leedham-Green, F. T. Scott, S. L. Thomas, and J. Breuer.
The molecular epidemiology of varicella-zoster virus: evidence for geographic segregation
Richter, Linda M, Lorraine Sherr, Michele Adato, Mark Belsey, Upjeet Chandan, Chris Desmond, Scott Drimie, Mary Haour-Knipe, Victoria Hosegood, Jose Kimou, Sangeetha Madhavan, Vuyiswa Mathambo, and Angela Wakhweya.
Strengthening families to support children affected by HIV and AIDS
AIDS Care (2009).
Ryckman, Kelli K, Katherine Fielding, Adrian V Hill, Maimuna Mendy, Pura Rayco-Solon, Giorgio Sirugo, Marianne A van der Sande, Pauline Waight, Hilton C Whittle, Andrew J Hall, Scott M Williams, and Branwen J Hennig.
Host genetic factors and vaccine-induced immunity to HBV infection: haplotype analysis
PLoS ONE 5, no. 8 (2010).
Sadarangani, M., C. Seaton, J. A. Scott, B. Ogutu, T. Edwards, A. Prins, H. Gatakaa, R. Idro, J. A. Berkley, N. Peshu, B. G. Neville, and C. R. Newton.
Incidence and outcome of convulsive status epilepticus in Kenyan children: a cohort study
Scott, B E, H A Weiss, and J I Viljoen.
The acceptability of male circumcision as an HIV intervention among a rural Zulu population, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa
AIDS Care 17, no. 3 (2005): 304-313.
Scott, J. A., J. A. Berkley, I. Mwangi, L. Ochola, S. Uyoga, A. Macharia, C. Ndila, B. S. Lowe, S. Mwarumba, E. Bauni, K. Marsh, and T. N. Williams.
Relation between falciparum malaria and bacteraemia in Kenyan children: a population-based, case-control study and a longitudinal study
Scott, J. A., J. Ojal, L. Ashton, A. Muhoro, P. Burbidge, and D. Goldblatt.
Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine given shortly after birth stimulates effective antibody concentrations and primes immunological memory for sustained infant protection
Scott, J. Anthony G., Evasius Bauni, Jennifer C. Moisi, John Ojal, Hellen Gatakaa, Christopher Nyundo, Catherine S. Molyneux, Francis Kombe, Benjamin Tsofa, Kevin Marsh, Norbert Peshu, and Thomas N. Williams.
Profile: The Kilifi Health and Demographic Surveillance System (KHDSS)
Int J Epidemiol (2012).
Scott, P. D., R. Ochola, M. Ngama, E. A. Okiro, D. J. Nokes, G. F. Medley, and P. A. Cane.
Molecular epidemiology of respiratory syncytial virus in Kilifi district, Kenya
Shann, Frank, Hanna Nohynek, J Anthony Scott, Anneke Hesseling, and Katie L Flanagan.
Randomized trials to study the nonspecific effects of vaccines in children in low-income countries
Pediatr. Infect. Dis. J. 29, no. 5 (2010): 457-461.
Sherr, Lorraine, Rebecca Varrall, Joanne Mueller, Linda Richter, Angela Wakhweya, Michele Adato, Mark Belsey, Upjeet Chandan, Scott Drimie, Mary Haour-Knipe Victoria Hosegood, Jose Kimou, Sangeetha Madhavan, Vuyiswa Mathambo, and Chris Desmond.
A systematic review on the meaning of the concept 'AIDS Orphan': confusion over definitions and implications for care
AIDS Care 20, no. 5 (2008): 527-536.
Sikulu, Maggy, Kayla M. Dowell, Leon E. Hugo, Robert A. Wirtz, Kristin Michel, Kamaranga H. S. Peiris, Sarah Moore, Gerry F. Killeen, and Floyd E. Dowell.
Evaluating RNAlater® as a preservative for using near-infrared spectroscopy to predict Anopheles gambiae age and species
Malar. J. (2011).
Sikulu, Maggy, Gerry F. Killeen, Leon E. Hugo, Peter A. Ryan, Kayla M. Dowell, Robert A. Wirtz, Sarah J. Moore, and Floyd E. Dowell.
Near-infrared spectroscopy as a complementary age grading and species identification tool for African malaria vectors
Parasit Vectors (2010).
Tigoi, C. C., H. Gatakaa, A. Karani, D. Mugo, S. Kungu, E. Wanjiru, J. Jomo, R. Musyimi, J. Ojal, N. E. Glass, O. Abdullahi, and J. A. Scott.
Rates of acquisition of pneumococcal colonization and transmission probabilities, by serotype, among newborn infants in Kilifi District, Kenya
Velez, Digna Rosa, Christian Wejse, Martin E Stryjewski, Eduardo Abbate, William F Hulme, Jamie L Myers, Rosa Estevan, Sara G Patillo, Rikke Olesen, Alessandra Tacconelli, Giorgio Sirugo, John R Gilbert, Carol D Hamilton, and William K Scott.
Variants in toll-like receptors 2 and 9 influence susceptibility to pulmonary tuberculosis in Caucasians, African-Americans, and West Africans
Hum. Genet. 127, no. 1 (2010): 65-73.
Walter, Nicholas D., Thomas Lyimo, Jacek Skarbinski, Emmy Metta, Elizeus Kahigwa, Brendan Flannery, Scott F. Dowell, Salim Abdulla, and S. Patrick Kachur.
Why first-level health workers fail to follow guidelines for managing severe disease in children in the Coast Region, the United Republic of Tanzania
Bull. World Health Organ. (2009).
Williams, T. N., S. Uyoga, A. Macharia, C. Ndila, C. F. McAuley, D. H. Opi, S. Mwarumba, J. Makani, A. Komba, M. N. Ndiritu, S. K. Sharif, K. Marsh, J. A. Berkley, and J. A. Scott.
Bacteraemia in Kenyan children with sickle-cell anaemia: a retrospective cohort and case-control study
Wiseman, Virginia, Anthony Scott, Lesong Conteh, Brendan McElroy, and Warren Stevens.
Determinants of provider choice for malaria treatment: experiences from The Gambia
Soc Sci Med (2008).
Wiseman, Virginia, Anthony Scott, Brendan McElroy, Lesong Conteh, and Warren Stevens.
Determinants of bed net use in the Gambia: implications for malaria control
Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. (2007).
Showing 1-43 of 43