Central Data Catalog


101 Tollman, Stephen M., and Kathleen Kahn. "Health, population and social transitions in rural South Africa." Scand J Public Health Suppl (2007).
102 Tollman, Stephen M., Kathleen Kahn, Benn Sartorius, Mark A. Collinson, Samuel J. Clark, and Michel L. Garenne. "Implications of mortality transition for primary health care in rural South Africa: a population-based surveillance study." Lancet (2008).
103 Tollman, Stephen M., and William M. Pick. "Roots, shoots, but too little fruit: assessing the contribution of COPC in South Africa." Am J Public Health (2002).
104 Townsend, Nicholas, Sangeetha Madhavan, Stephen Tollman, Michel Garenne, and Kathleen Kahn. "Children's residence patterns and educational attainment in rural South Africa, 1997." (2002).
105 van der Merwe, Liandré F, Sophie E Moore, Anthony J Fulford, Katherine E Halliday, Saikou Drammeh, Stephen Young, and Andrew M Prentice. "Long-chain PUFA supplementation in rural African infants: a randomized controlled trial of effects on gut integrity, growth, and cognitive development." Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 97, no. 1 (2013): 45-57.
106 Vannberg, Fredrik O, Stephen J Chapman, Chiea C Khor, Kerrie Tosh, Sian Floyd, Dolly Jackson-Sillah, Amelia Crampin, Lifted Sichali, Boubacar Bah, Per Gustafson, Peter Aaby, Keith P W J McAdam, Oumou Bah-Sow, Christian Lienhardt, Giorgio Sirugo, Paul Fine, and Adrian V S Hill. "CD209 genetic polymorphism and tuberculosis disease." PLoS ONE 3, no. 1 (2008).
107 Verguet, Stéphane, Waasila Jassat, Calle Hedberg, Stephen Tollman, Dean T. Jamison, and Karen J. Hofman. "Measles control in Sub-Saharan Africa: South Africa as a case study." Vaccine (2012).
108 Wawer, Maria J, Aaron A R Tobian, Godfrey Kigozi, Xiangrong Kong, Patti E Gravitt, David Serwadda, Fred Nalugoda, Frederick Makumbi, Victor Ssempiija, Nelson Sewankambo, Stephen Watya, Kevin P Eaton, Amy E Oliver, Michael Z Chen, Steven J Reynolds, Thomas C Quinn, and Ronald H Gray. "Effect of circumcision of HIV-negative men on transmission of human papillomavirus to HIV-negative women: a randomised trial in Rakai, Uganda." Lancet 377, no. 9761 (2011): 209-218.
109 Wawer, Maria J., Frederick Makumbi, Godfrey Kigozi, David Serwadda, Stephen Watya, Fred Nalugoda, Dennis Buwembo, Victor Ssempijja, Noah Kiwanuka, Lawrence H. Moulton, Nelson K. Sewankambo, Steven J. Reynolds, Thomas C. Quinn, Pius Opendi, Boaz Iga, Renee Ridzon, Oliver Laeyendecker, and Ronald H. Gray. "Circumcision in HIV-infected men and its effect on HIV transmission to female partners in Rakai, Uganda: a randomised controlled trial." Lancet (2009).
110 Weiner, Renay, Stephen Tollman, Kathleen Kahn, and Loveday Penn-Kekana. "Health and demographic surveillance sites contribute population-based data on maternal deaths in rural areas." S. Afr. Med. J. (2007).
111 Williams, Jill, Latifat Ibisomi, Benn Sartorius, Kathleen Kahn, Mark Collinson, Stephen Tollman, and Michel Garenne. "Convergence in fertility of South Africans and Mozambicans in rural South Africa, 1993-2009." Glob Health Action (2013).
112 Williams, Jill R., Enid J. Schatz, Benjamin D. Clark, Mark A. Collinson, Samuel J. Clark, Jane Menken, Kathleen Kahn, and Stephen M. Tollman. "Improving public health training and research capacity in Africa: a replicable model for linking training to health and socio-demographic surveillance data." Glob Health Action (2010).
113 Wilson, Lauren E, Patti Gravitt, Aaron A R Tobian, Godfrey Kigozi, David Serwadda, Fred Nalugoda, Stephen Watya, Maria J Wawer, and Ronald H Gray. "Male circumcision reduces penile high-risk human papillomavirus viral load in a randomised clinical trial in Rakai, Uganda." Sex Transm Infect 89, no. 3 (2013): 262-266.
114 Wootton, Daniel G., Hyginus Opara, Giancarlo A. Biagini, Maxwell K. Kanjala, Stephan Duparc, Paula L. Kirby, Mary Woessner, Colin Neate, Maggie Nyirenda, Hannah Blencowe, Queen Dube-Mbeye, Thomas Kanyok, Stephen Ward, Malcolm Molyneux, Sam Dunyo, and Peter A. Winstanley. "Open-label comparative clinical study of chlorproguanil-dapsone fixed dose combination (Lapdap) alone or with three different doses of artesunate for uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria." PLoS ONE (2008).
115 Xavier Gómez-Olivé, F., Margaret Thorogood, Benjamin D. Clark, Kathleen Kahn, and Stephen M. Tollman. "Assessing health and well-being among older people in rural South Africa." Glob Health Action (2010).
116 Young, Sera L., Mduduzi N. N. Mbuya, Caroline J. Chantry, Eveline P. Geubbels, Kiersten Israel-Ballard, Deborah Cohan, Stephen A. Vosti, and Michael C. Latham. "Current knowledge and future research on infant feeding in the context of HIV: basic, clinical, behavioral, and programmatic perspectives." Adv Nutr (2011).
117 Zaman, Khalequ, Robert F Breiman, Md Yunus, Shams E Arifeen, Asheque Mahmud, H R Chowdhury, and Stephen P Luby. "Intussusception surveillance in a rural demographic surveillance area in bangladesh." J. Infect. Dis. (2009).
118 Zwang, Julien, Michel Garenne, Kathleen Kahn, Mark Collinson, and Stephen M. Tollman. "Trends in mortality from pulmonary tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS co-infection in rural South Africa (Agincourt)." Trans. R. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. (2007).