Central Data Catalog


1 Akech, S. O., O. Hassall, A. Pamba, R. Idro, T. N. Williams, C. R. Newton, and K. Maitland. "Survival and haematological recovery of children with severe malaria transfused in accordance to WHO guidelines in Kilifi, Kenya." (2008).
2 Atkinson, S. H., T. W. Mwangi, S. M. Uyoga, E. Ogada, A. W. Macharia, K. Marsh, A. M. Prentice, and T. N. Williams. "The haptoglobin 2-2 genotype is associated with a reduced incidence of Plasmodium falciparum malaria in children on the coast of Kenya." (2007).
3 Auburn, Sarah, Mahamadou Diakite, Andrew E Fry, Anita Ghansah, Susana Campino, Anna Richardson, Muminatou Jallow, Fatou Sisay-Joof, Margaret Pinder, Michael J Griffiths, Norbert Peshu, Thomas N Williams, Kevin Marsh, Malcolm E Molyneux, Terrie E Taylor, Kwadwo A Koram, Abraham R Oduro, William O Rogers, Kirk A Rockett, Kasturi Haldar, and Dominic P Kwiatkowski. "Association of the GNAS locus with severe malaria." Hum. Genet. 124, no. 5 (2008): 499-506.
4 Baiden, F, Rita Baiden, J Williams, Patricia Akweongo, Christine Clerk, C Debpuur, J Philips, and A Hodgson. "Review of Antenatal-Linked Voluntary Counseling and HIV Testing in Sub-Saharan Africa: Lessons and Options for Ghana." Ghana Med J 39, no. 1 (2005): 8-13.
5 Baiden, F., P. Remes, R. Baiden, J. Williams, A. Hodgson, M. Boelaert, and A. Buve. "Voluntary counseling and HIV testing for pregnant women in the Kassena-Nankana district of northern Ghana: is couple counseling the way forward?." (2005).
6 Baker, Ulrika, Göran Tomson, Mathias Somé, Bocar Kouyaté, John Williams, Rose Mpembeni, Siriel Massawe, Antje Blank, Lars L Gustafsson, and Jaran Eriksen. "'How to know what you need to do': a cross-country comparison of maternal health guidelines in Burkina Faso, Ghana and Tanzania." Implement Sci (2012).
7 Bauni, E., C. Ndila, G. Mochamah, G. Nyutu, L. Matata, C. Ondieki, B. Mambo, M. Mutinda, B. Tsofa, E. Maitha, A. Etyang, and T. N. Williams. "Validating physician-certified verbal autopsy and probabilistic modeling (InterVA) approaches to verbal autopsy interpretation using hospital causes of adult deaths." (2011).
8 Bejon, P., J. A. Berkley, T. Mwangi, E. Ogada, I. Mwangi, K. Maitland, T. Williams, J. A. Scott, M. English, B. S. Lowe, N. Peshu, C. R. Newton, and K. Marsh. "Defining childhood severe falciparum malaria for intervention studies." (2007).
9 Bejon, P., T. N. Williams, A. Liljander, A. M. Noor, J. Wambua, E. Ogada, A. Olotu, F. H. Osier, S. I. Hay, A. Farnert, and K. Marsh. "Stable and unstable malaria hotspots in longitudinal cohort studies in Kenya." (2010).
10 Berkley, J. A., P. Bejon, T. Mwangi, S. Gwer, K. Maitland, T. N. Williams, S. Mohammed, F. Osier, S. Kinyanjui, G. Fegan, B. S. Lowe, M. English, N. Peshu, K. Marsh, and C. R. Newton. "HIV infection, malnutrition, and invasive bacterial infection among children with severe malaria." (2009).
11 Berkley, J. A., B. S. Lowe, I. Mwangi, T. Williams, E. Bauni, S. Mwarumba, C. Ngetsa, M. P. Slack, S. Njenga, C. A. Hart, K. Maitland, M. English, K. Marsh, and J. A. Scott. "Bacteremia among children admitted to a rural hospital in Kenya." (2005).
12 Crush, Jonathan, Brian Williams, Eleanor Gouws, and Mark Lurie. "Migration and HIV/AIDS in South Africa." (2005).
13 Dorfman, J. R., P. Bejon, F. M. Ndungu, J. Langhorne, M. M. Kortok, B. S. Lowe, T. W. Mwangi, T. N. Williams, and K. Marsh. "B cell memory to 3 Plasmodium falciparum blood-stage antigens in a malaria-endemic area." (2005).
14 Engmann, Cyril, Paul Walega, Raymond A Aborigo, Philip Adongo, Cheryl A Moyer, Layla Lavasani, John Williams, Carl Bose, Fred Binka, and Abraham Hodgson. "Stillbirths and early neonatal mortality in rural Northern Ghana." Trop. Med. Int. Health 17, no. 3 (2012): 272-282.
15 Fine, Paul E M, Thomas N Williams, Peter Aaby, Karin Källander, Lawrence H Moulton, Katie L Flanagan, Peter G Smith, and Christine S Benn. "Epidemiological studies of the 'non-specific effects' of vaccines: I--data collection in observational studies." Trop. Med. Int. Health 14, no. 9 (2009): 969-976.
16 Frimpong, Jemima A, Stéphane Helleringer, John Koku Awoonor-Williams, Francis Yeji, and James F Phillips. "Does supervision improve health worker productivity? Evidence from the Upper East Region of Ghana." Trop. Med. Int. Health 16, no. 10 (2011): 1225-1233.
17 Fry, A. E., S. Auburn, M. Diakite, A. Green, A. Richardson, J. Wilson, M. Jallow, F. Sisay-Joof, M. Pinder, M. J. Griffiths, N. Peshu, T. N. Williams, K. Marsh, M. E. Molyneux, T. E. Taylor, K. A. Rockett, and D. P. Kwiatkowski. "Variation in the ICAM1 gene is not associated with severe malaria phenotypes." (2008).
18 Gómez-Olivé, Francesc Xavier, Nicole Angotti, Brian Houle, Kerstin Klipstein-Grobusch, Chodziwadziwa Kabudula, Jane Menken, Jill Williams, Stephen Tollman, and Samuel J. Clark. "Prevalence of HIV among those 15 and older in rural South Africa." AIDS Care (2013).
19 Gray, Ronald H., Godfrey Kigozi, David Serwadda, Frederick Makumbi, Stephen Watya, Fred Nalugoda, Noah Kiwanuka, Lawrence H. Moulton, Mohammad A. Chaudhary, Michael Z. Chen, Nelson K. Sewankambo, Fred Wabwire-Mangen, Melanie C. Bacon, Carolyn F. M. Williams, Pius Opendi, Steven J. Reynolds, Oliver Laeyendecker, Thomas C. Quinn, and Maria J. Wawer. "Male circumcision for HIV prevention in men in Rakai, Uganda: a randomised trial." Lancet (2007).
20 Hammitt, L. L., L. Bulkow, T. W. Hennessy, C. Zanis, M. Snowball, J. L. Williams, B. P. Bell, and B. J. McMahon. "Persistence of antibody to hepatitis A virus 10 years after vaccination among children and adults." (2008).
21 Hennig, Branwen J, Digna R Velez-Edwards, Maarten F Schim van der Loeff, Cyrille Bisseye, Todd L Edwards, Alessandra Tacconelli, Giuseppe Novelli, Peter Aaby, Steve Kaye, William K Scott, Assan Jaye, Hilton C Whittle, Scott M Williams, Adrian V Hill, and Giorgio Sirugo. "CD4 intragenic SNPs associate with HIV-2 plasma viral load and CD4 count in a community-based study from Guinea-Bissau, West Africa." J. Acquir. Immune Defic. Syndr. 56, no. 1 (2011): 1-8.
22 Idro, R., T. N. Williams, S. Gwer, S. Uyoga, A. Macharia, H. Opi, S. Atkinson, K. Maitland, P. A. Kager, D. Kwiatkowski, B. G. Neville, and C. R. Newton. "Haptoglobin HP2-2 genotype, alpha-thalassaemia and acute seizures in children living in a malaria-endemic area." (2008).
23 Jenkins, N. E., T. W. Mwangi, M. Kortok, K. Marsh, A. G. Craig, and T. N. Williams. "A polymorphism of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 is associated with a reduced incidence of nonmalarial febrile illness in Kenyan children." (2005).
24 Källander, Karin, Daniel Kadobera, Thomas N Williams, Rikke Thoft Nielsen, Lucy Yevoo, Aloysius Mutebi, Jonas Akpakli, Clement Narh, Margaret Gyapong, Alberta Amu, and Peter Waiswa. "Social autopsy: INDEPTH Network experiences of utility, process, practices, and challenges in investigating causes and contributors to mortality." Popul Health Metr (2011).
25 Källander, Karin, Daniel Kadobera, Thomas N. Williams, Rikke Thoft Nielsen, Lucy Yevoo, Aloysius Mutebi, Jonas Akpakli, Clement Narh, Margaret Gyapong, Alberta Amu, and Peter Waiswa. "Social autopsy: INDEPTH Network experiences of utility, process, practices, and challenges in investigating causes and contributors to mortality." Popul Health Metr (2011).
26 Komba, A. N., J. Makani, M. Sadarangani, T. Ajala-Agbo, J. A. Berkley, C. R. Newton, K. Marsh, and T. N. Williams. "Malaria as a cause of morbidity and mortality in children with homozygous sickle cell disease on the coast of Kenya." (2009).
27 Kowal, Paul, Somnath Chatterji, Nirmala Naidoo, Richard Biritwum, Wu Fan, Ruy Lopez Ridaura, Tamara Maximova, Perianayagam Arokiasamy, Nancy Phaswana-Mafuya, Sharon Williams, J. Josh Snodgrass, Nadia Minicuci, Catherine D'Este, Karl Peltzer, J. Ties Boerma, and Sage Collaborators. "Data resource profile: the World Health Organization Study on global AGEing and adult health (SAGE)." Int J Epidemiol (2012).
28 Lurie, Mark N, Brian G Williams, Khangelani Zuma, David Mkaya-Mwamburi, Geoff P Garnett, Michael D Sweat, Joel Gittelsohn, and Salim S Abdool Karim. "Who infects whom? HIV-1 concordance and discordance among migrant and non-migrant couples in South Africa." AIDS 17, no. 15 (2003): 2245-2252.
29 Lurie, Mark N, Brian G Williams, Khangelani Zuma, David Mkaya-Mwamburi, Geoff Garnett, Adriaan W Sturm, Michael D Sweat, Joel Gittelsohn, and Salim S Abdool Karim. "The impact of migration on HIV-1 transmission in South Africa: a study of migrant and nonmigrant men and their partners." Sex Transm Dis 30, no. 2 (2003): 149-156.
30 Lyons, E. J., W. Amos, J. A. Berkley, I. Mwangi, M. Shafi, T. N. Williams, C. R. Newton, N. Peshu, K. Marsh, J. A. Scott, and A. V. Hill. "Homozygosity and risk of childhood death due to invasive bacterial disease." (2009).
31 Mackinnon, Margaret J, Tabitha W Mwangi, Robert W Snow, Kevin Marsh, and Thomas N Williams. "Heritability of malaria in Africa." PLoS Med. 2, no. 12 (2005).
32 Marsh, V. M., D. M. Kamuya, A. M. Mlamba, T. N. Williams, and S. S. Molyneux. "Experiences with community engagement and informed consent in a genetic cohort study of severe childhood diseases in Kenya." (2010).
33 McAuley, C. F., C. Webb, J. Makani, A. Macharia, S. Uyoga, D. H. Opi, C. Ndila, A. Ngatia, J. A. Scott, K. Marsh, and T. N. Williams. "High mortality from Plasmodium falciparum malaria in children living with sickle cell anemia on the coast of Kenya." (2010).
34 Mills, Samuel, John E Williams, Martin Adjuik, and Abraham Hodgson. "Use of health professionals for delivery following the availability of free obstetric care in northern Ghana." Matern Child Health J 12, no. 4 (2008): 509-518.
35 Mills, Samuel, John E Williams, George Wak, and Abraham Hodgson. "Maternal mortality decline in the Kassena-Nankana district of northern Ghana." Matern Child Health J 12, no. 5 (2008): 577-585.
36 Moisi, J. C., H. Gatakaa, J. A. Berkley, K. Maitland, N. Mturi, C. R. Newton, P. Njuguna, J. Nokes, J. Ojal, E. Bauni, B. Tsofa, N. Peshu, K. Marsh, T. N. Williams, and J. A. Scott. "Excess child mortality after discharge from hospital in Kilifi, Kenya: a retrospective cohort analysis." (2011).
37 Moisi, J. C., H. Gatakaa, A. M. Noor, T. N. Williams, E. Bauni, B. Tsofa, O. S. Levine, and J. A. Scott. "Geographic access to care is not a determinant of child mortality in a rural Kenyan setting with high health facility density." (2010).
38 Moisi, J. C., D. J. Nokes, H. Gatakaa, T. N. Williams, E. Bauni, O. S. Levine, and J. A. Scott. "Sensitivity of hospital-based surveillance for severe disease: a geographic information system analysis of access to care in Kilifi district, Kenya." (2011).
39 Moyer, Cheryl A, Raymond Akawire Aborigo, Gideon Logonia, Gideon Affah, Sarah Rominski, Philip B Adongo, John Williams, Abraham Hodgson, and Cyril Engmann. "Clean delivery practices in rural northern Ghana: a qualitative study of community and provider knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs." BMC Pregnancy Childbirth (2012).
40 Mulligan, J. A., R. Mandike, N. Palmer, H. Williams, S. Abdulla, P. Bloland, and A. Mills. "The costs of changing national policy: lessons from malaria treatment policy guidelines in Tanzania." Trop. Med. Int. Health (2006).
41 Mwangi, T. W., G. Fegan, T. N. Williams, S. M. Kinyanjui, R. W. Snow, and K. Marsh. "Evidence for over-dispersion in the distribution of clinical malaria episodes in children." (2008).
42 Nokes, D. J., J. Abwao, A. Pamba, I. Peenze, J. Dewar, J. K. Maghenda, H. Gatakaa, E. Bauni, J. A. Scott, K. Maitland, and T. N. Williams. "Incidence and clinical characteristics of group A rotavirus infections among children admitted to hospital in Kilifi, Kenya." (2008).
43 Nokes, D. J., I. Peenze, L. Netshifhefhe, J. Abwao, M. C. De Beer, M. Seheri, T. N. Williams, N. Page, and D. Steele. "Rotavirus genetic diversity, disease association, and temporal change in hospitalized rural Kenyan children." (2010).
44 Nyakeriga, A. M., M. Troye-Blomberg, A. K. Chemtai, K. Marsh, and T. Williams. "Malaria and nutritional status in children living on the coast of Kenya." (2004).
45 Nyakeriga, A. M., M. Troye-Blomberg, J. R. Dorfman, N. D. Alexander, R. Back, M. Kortok, A. K. Chemtai, K. Marsh, and T. N. Williams. "Iron deficiency and malaria among children living on the coast of Kenya." (2004).
46 Nyakeriga, A. M., T. N. Williams, K. Marsh, S. Wambua, H. Perlmann, P. Perlmann, A. Grandien, and M. Troye-Blomberg. "Cytokine mRNA expression and iron status in children living in a malaria endemic area." (2005).
47 Nyonator, Frank K, J Koku Awoonor-Williams, James F Phillips, Tanya C Jones, and Robert A Miller. "The Ghana community-based health planning and services initiative for scaling up service delivery innovation." Health Policy Plan 20, no. 1 (2005): 25-34.
48 O'Reilly, Ciara E, Peter Jaron, Benjamin Ochieng, Amek Nyaguara, Jacqueline E Tate, Michele B Parsons, Cheryl A Bopp, Kara A Williams, Jan Vinjé, Elizabeth Blanton, Kathleen A Wannemuehler, John Vulule, Kayla F Laserson, Robert F Breiman, Daniel R Feikin, Marc-Alain Widdowson, and Eric Mintz. "Risk factors for death among children less than 5 years old hospitalized with diarrhea in rural western Kenya, 2005-2007: a cohort study." PLoS Med. 9, no. 7 (2012).
49 Oduro, Abraham Rexford, George Wak, Daniel Azongo, Cornelius Debpuur, Peter Wontuo, Felix Kondayire, Paul Welaga, Ayaga Bawah, Alex Nazzar, John Williams, Abraham Hodgson, and Fred Binka. "Profile of the Navrongo Health and Demographic Surveillance System." Int J Epidemiol (2012).
50 Olesen, R, C Wejse, D R Velez, C Bisseye, M Sodemann, P Aaby, P Rabna, A Worwui, H Chapman, M Diatta, R A Adegbola, P C Hill, L Østergaard, S M Williams, and G Sirugo. "DC-SIGN (CD209), pentraxin 3 and vitamin D receptor gene variants associate with pulmonary tuberculosis risk in West Africans." Genes Immun. 8, no. 6 (2007): 456-467.