Central Data Catalog


1 Adjuik, Martin, Tom Smith, Sam Clark, Jim Todd, Anu Garrib, Yohannes Kinfu, Kathy Kahn, Mitiki Mola, Ali Ashraf, Honorati Masanja, Kubaje Adazu, Ubaje Adazu, Jahit Sacarlal, Nurul Alam, Adama Marra, Adjima Gbangou, Eleuther Mwageni, and Fred Binka. "Cause-specific mortality rates in sub-Saharan Africa and Bangladesh." Bull. World Health Organ. 84, no. 3 (2006): 181-188.
2 Habte, Abebe, Mulu Geletu, Joseph Okao Olobo, Dawit Kidane, Yohannes Negesse, Mohammed Ahmed Yassin, Bereda Kifle, Getahun Abate, Morten Harboe, and Abraham Aseff. "T cell mediated immune responses in patients with tuberculous lymphadenitis from Butajira, southern Ethiopia." Ethiop. Med. J. (2004).
3 Weldearegawi, Berhe, Yemane Ashebir, Ejigu Gebeye, Tesfay Gebregziabiher, Mekonnen Yohannes, Seid Mussa, Haftu Berhe, and Zerihun Abebe. "Emerging chronic non-communicable diseases in rural communities of Northern Ethiopia: evidence using population-based verbal autopsy method in Kilite Awlaelo surveillance site." Health Policy Plan (2013).
4 Yassin, Mohammed Ahmed, Joseph Okao Olobo, Dawit Kidane, Yohannes Negesse, Ezra Shimeles, Azeb Tadesse, Abebech Demissie, Sven Britton, Morten Harboe, Abraham Aseffa, and Getahun Abate. "Diagnosis of tuberculous lymphadenitis in Butajira, rural Ethiopia." Scand. J. Infect. Dis. (2003).