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Cech, Patrick Georges, Thomas Aebi, Mwanajaa Shomari Abdallah, Maxmillian Mpina, Ester Barnabas Machunda, Nicole Westerfeld, Sabine Alexandra Stoffel, Rinaldo Zurbriggen, Gerd Pluschke, Marcel Tanner, Claudia Daubenberger, Blaise Genton, and Salim Abdulla.
Virosome-formulated Plasmodium falciparum AMA-1 & CSP derived peptides as malaria vaccine: randomized phase 1b trial in semi-immune adults & children
PLoS ONE (2011).
Crameri, Andreas, Jutta Marfurt, Kefas Mugittu, Nicolas Maire, Attila Regös, Jean Yves Coppee, Odile Sismeiro, Richard Burki, Eric Huber, Daniel Laubscher, Odile Puijalon, Blaise Genton, Ingrid Felger, and Hans-Peter Beck.
Rapid microarray-based method for monitoring of all currently known single-nucleotide polymorphisms associated with parasite resistance to antimalaria drugs
J. Clin. Microbiol. (2007).
Gagneux, S., A. Hodgson, I. Ehrhard, G. Morelli, B. Genton, T. Smith, M. Tanner, F. Binka, M. Achtman, and G. Pluschke.
Microheterogeneity of serogroup A (subgroup III) Neisseria meningitidis during an outbreak in northern Ghana
Gagneux, S., A. Hodgson, T. Smith, T. Wirth, I. Ehrhard, G. Morelli, B. Genton, F. Binka, M. Achtman, and G. Pluschke.
Prospective study of a serogroup X Neisseria meningitidis outbreak in northern Ghana
Gagneux, S., T. Wirth, A. Hodgson, I. Ehrhard, G. Morelli, P. Kriz, B. Genton, T. Smith, F. Binka, G. Pluschke, and M. Achtman.
Clonal groupings in serogroup X Neisseria meningitidis
Genton, B, F Al-Yaman, M Ginny, J Taraika, and M P Alpers.
Relation of anthropometry to malaria morbidity and immunity in Papua New Guinean children
Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 68, no. 3 (1998): 734-741.
Genton, B., F. al Yaman, I. Betuela, R. F. Anders, A. Saul, K. Baea, M. Mellombo, J. Taraika, G. V. Brown, D. Pye, D. O. Irving, I. Felger, H. P. Beck, T. Smith, and M. Alpers.
Safety and immunogenicity of a three-component blood-stage malaria vaccine (MSP1, MSP2, RESA) against Plasmodium falciparum in Papua New Guinean children
Genton, Blaise, Robin F Anders, Michael P Alpers, and John C Reeder.
The malaria vaccine development program in Papua New Guinea
Trends Parasitol. 19, no. 6 (2003): 264-270.
Genton, Blaise, Inoni Betuela, Ingrid Felger, Fadwa Al-Yaman, Robin F Anders, Allan Saul, Lawrence Rare, Moses Baisor, Kerry Lorry, Graham V Brown, David Pye, David O Irving, Thomas A Smith, Hans-Peter Beck, and Michael P Alpers.
A recombinant blood-stage malaria vaccine reduces Plasmodium falciparum density and exerts selective pressure on parasite populations in a phase 1-2b trial in Papua New Guinea
J. Infect. Dis. 185, no. 6 (2002): 820-827.
Hodel, Eva Maria, Abdunoor Mulokozi Kabanywanyi, Aggrey Malila, Boris Zanolari, Thomas Mercier, Hans-Peter Beck, Thierry Buclin, Piero Olliaro, Laurent Arthur Decosterd, and Blaise Genton.
Residual antimalarials in malaria patients from Tanzania--implications on drug efficacy assessment and spread of parasite resistance
PLoS ONE (2009).
Hodgson, A., T. Smith, S. Gagneux, M. Adjuik, G. Pluschke, N. Mensah, F. Binka, and B. Genton.
Risk factors for meningococcal meningitis in northern Ghana
Hodgson, A., T. Smith, S. Gagneux, I. Akumah, M. Adjuik, G. Pluschke, F. Binka, and B. Genton.
Survival and sequelae of meningococcal meningitis in Ghana
Kabanywanyi, Abdunoor M., Christian Lengeler, Prudensiana Kasim, Said King'eng'ena, Raymond Schlienger, Nathan Mulure, and Blaise Genton.
Adherence to and acceptability of artemether-lumefantrine as first-line anti-malarial treatment: evidence from a rural community in Tanzania
Malar. J. (2010).
Kabanywanyi, Abdunoor M., Nathan Mulure, Christopher Migoha, Aggrey Malila, Christian Lengeler, Raymond Schlienger, and Blaise Genton.
Experience of safety monitoring in the context of a prospective observational study of artemether-lumefantrine in rural Tanzania: lessons learned for pharmacovigilance reporting
Malar. J. (2010).
Marfurt, Jutta, Ivo Müller, Albert Sie, Olive Oa, John C Reeder, Thomas A Smith, Hans-Peter Beck, and Blaise Genton.
The usefulness of twenty-four molecular markers in predicting treatment outcome with combination therapy of amodiaquine plus sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine against falciparum malaria in Papua New Guinea
Malar. J. (2008).
Mugittu, Kefas, Salim Abdulla, Nicole Falk, Honorati Masanja, Ingrid Felger, Hassan Mshinda, Hans-Peter Beck, and Blaise Genton.
Efficacy of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine in Tanzania after two years as first-line drug for uncomplicated malaria: assessment protocol and implication for treatment policy strategies
Malar. J. (2005).
Mugittu, Kefas, Blaise Genton, Hassan Mshinda, and Hans Peter Beck.
Molecular monitoring of Plasmodium falciparum resistance to artemisinin in Tanzania
Malar. J. (2006).
Müller, Ivo, Blaise Genton, Lawrence Rare, Benson Kiniboro, Will Kastens, Peter Zimmerman, James Kazura, Michael Alpers, and Thomas A Smith.
Three different Plasmodium species show similar patterns of clinical tolerance of malaria infection
Malar. J. (2009).
Shankar, A H, B Genton, R D Semba, M Baisor, J Paino, S Tamja, T Adiguma, L Wu, L Rare, J M Tielsch, M P Alpers, and K P West.
Effect of vitamin A supplementation on morbidity due to Plasmodium falciparum in young children in Papua New Guinea: a randomised trial
Lancet 354, no. 9174 (1999): 203-209.
Zimmerman, P A, I Woolley, G L Masinde, S M Miller, D T McNamara, F Hazlett, C S Mgone, M P Alpers, B Genton, B A Boatin, and J W Kazura.
Emergence of FY*A(null) in a Plasmodium vivax-endemic region of Papua New Guinea
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 96, no. 24 (1999): 13973-13977.
Showing 1-20 of 20