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Garly, M. L., C. Martins, C. Bale, F. da Costa, F. Dias, H. Whittle, and P. Aaby.
Early two-dose measles vaccination schedule in Guinea-Bissau: good protection and coverage in infancy
Garly, M. L., C. Bale, C. Martins, M. A. Balde, K. Hedegaard, H. Whittle, and P. Aaby.
BCG vaccination among West African infants is associated with less anergy to tuberculin and diphtheria-tetanus antigens
Garly, M. L., C. Bale, C. Martins, M. Monteiro, E. George, M. Kidd, F. Dias, P. Aaby, and H. Whittle.
Measles antibody responses after early two dose trials in Guinea-Bissau with Edmonston-Zagreb and Schwarz standard-titre measles vaccine: better antibody increase from booster dose of the Edmonston-Zagreb vaccine
Aaby, P., H. Jensen, M. L. Garly, C. Bale, C. Martins, and I. M. Lisse.
Routine vaccinations and child survival in a war situation with high mortality: effect of gender
Garly, M. L., C. Martins, C. Bale, M. A. Balde, K. Hedegaard, P. Gustafson, I. M. Lisse, H. Whittle, and P. Aaby.
BCG scar and positive tuberculin reaction associated with reduced child mortality in West Africa. A non-specific beneficial effect of BCG?
Garly, M. L., and P. Aaby.
The challenge of improving the efficacy of measles vaccine
Aaby, P., M. L. Garly, C. Bale, C. Martins, H. Jensen, I. M. Lisse, and H. Whittle.
Survival of previously measles-vaccinated and measles-unvaccinated children in an emergency situation: an unplanned study
Roth, Adam, Henrik Jensen, May-Lill Garly, Queba Djana, Cesário Lourenco Martins, Morten Sodemann, Amabelia Rodrigues, and Peter Aaby.
Low birth weight infants and Calmette-Guérin bacillus vaccination at birth: community study from Guinea-Bissau
Pediatr. Infect. Dis. J. 23, no. 6 (2004): 544-550.
Garly, M. L., H. Jensen, C. Martins, C. Bale, M. A. Balde, I. M. Lisse, and P. Aaby.
Hepatitis B vaccination associated with higher female than male mortality in Guinea-bissau: an observational study
Aaby, P., H. Jensen, A. Rodrigues, M. L. Garly, C. S. Benn, I. M. Lisse, and F. Simondon.
Divergent female-male mortality ratios associated with different routine vaccinations among female-male twin pairs
Roth, A., M. Sodemann, H. Jensen, A. Poulsen, P. Gustafson, J. Gomes, Q. Djana, M. Jakobsen, M. L. Garly, A. Rodrigues, and P. Aaby.
Vaccination technique, PPD reaction and BCG scarring in a cohort of children born in Guinea-Bissau 2000-2002
Roth, A., P. Gustafson, A. Nhaga, Q. Djana, A. Poulsen, M. L. Garly, H. Jensen, M. Sodemann, A. Rodrigues, and P. Aaby.
BCG vaccination scar associated with better childhood survival in Guinea-Bissau
Int J Epidemiol 34, no. 3 (2005): 540-547.
Veirum, J., M. Sodemann, S. Biai, M. Jakobsen, M. L. Garly, K. Hedegaard, H. Jensen, and P. Aaby.
Routine vaccinations associated with divergent effects on female and male mortality at the paediatric ward in Bissau, Guinea-Bissau
Aaby, Peter, Per Gustafson, Adam Roth, Amabelia Rodrigues, Manuel Fernandes, Morten Sodemann, Birgitta Holmgren, Christine Stabell Benn, May-Lill Garly, Ida Maria Lisse, and Henrik Jensen.
Vaccinia scars associated with better survival for adults. An observational study from Guinea-Bissau
Vaccine 24, no. 29-30 (2006): 5718-5725.
Masmas, Tania N, May-Lill Garly, Ida M Lisse, Amabelia Rodriques, Pia T Petersen, and Henrik Birgens.
Inherited hemoglobin disorders in Guinea-Bissau, West Africa: a population study
Hemoglobin 30, no. 3 (2006): 355-364.
Garly, May-Lill, Carlitos Balé, Cesário Lourenco Martins, Hilton C Whittle, Jens Nielsen, Ida M Lisse, and Peter Aaby.
Prophylactic antibiotics to prevent pneumonia and other complications after measles: community based randomised double blind placebo controlled trial in Guinea-Bissau
BMJ 333, no. 7581 (2006).
Roth, A E, L G Stensballe, M L Garly, and P Aaby.
Beneficial non-targeted effects of BCG--ethical implications for the coming introduction of new TB vaccines
Tuberculosis (Edinb) 86, no. 6 (2006): 397-403.
Roth, A., M. L. Garly, H. Jensen, J. Nielsen, and P. Aaby.
Bacille Calmette Guerin vaccination and infant mortality
Valentiner-Branth, P., M. Perch, J. Nielsen, H. Steinsland, M. L. Garly, T. K. Fischer, H. Sommerfelt, K. Molbak, and P. Aaby.
Community cohort study of Cryptosporidium parvum infections: sex-differential incidences associated with BCG and diptheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccinations VL -.
Rodrigues, A., T. K. Fischer, P. Valentiner-Branth, J. Nielsen, H. Steinsland, M. Perch, M. L. Garly, K. Molbak, and P. Aaby.
Community cohort study of rotavirus and other enteropathogens: Are routine vaccinations associated with sex-differential incidence rates?
Roth, Adam, Morten Sodemann, Henrik Jensen, Anja Poulsen, Per Gustafson, Christian Weise, Justino Gomes, Queba Djana, Marianne Jakobsen, May-Lill Garly, Amabelia Rodrigues, and Peter Aaby.
Tuberculin reaction, BCG scar, and lower female mortality
Epidemiology 17, no. 5 (2006): 562-568.
Aaby, Peter, Sidu Biai, Jens Erik Veirum, Morten Sodemann, Ida Lisse, May-Lill Garly, Henrik Ravn, Christine Stabell Benn, and Amabelia Rodrigues.
DTP with or after measles vaccination is associated with increased in-hospital mortality in Guinea-Bissau
Vaccine 25, no. 7 (2007): 1265-1269.
Valentiner-Branth, Palle, Michael Perch, Jens Nielsen, Hans Steinsland, May-Lill Garly, Thea K Fischer, Halvor Sommerfelt, Kåre Mølbak, and Peter Aaby.
Community cohort study of Cryptosporidium parvum infections: sex-differential incidences associated with BCG and diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccinations
Vaccine 25, no. 14 (2007): 2733-2741.
Aaby, Peter, May-Lill Garly, Jens Nielsen, Henrik Ravn, Cesario Martins, Carlitos Balé, Amabelia Rodrigues, Christine Stabell Benn, and Ida Maria Lisse.
Increased female-male mortality ratio associated with inactivated polio and diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccines: Observations from vaccination trials in Guinea-Bissau
Pediatr. Infect. Dis. J. 26, no. 3 (2007): 247-252.
Eriksson, M, E Sartono, C L Martins, C Balé, M-L Garly, H Whittle, P Aaby, B K Pedersen, M Yazdanbakhsh, C Erikstrup, and C S Benn.
A comparison of ex vivo cytokine production in venous and capillary blood
Clin. Exp. Immunol. 150, no. 3 (2007): 469-476.
Garly, May-Lill, Sisse Lecanda Trautner, Charlotte Marx, Kamilla Danebod, Jens Nielsen, Henrik Ravn, Cesário Lourenco Martins, Carlito Balé, Peter Aaby, and Ida Maria Lisse.
Thymus size at 6 months of age and subsequent child mortality
J. Pediatr. 153, no. 5 (2008): 683-688, .
Martins, Cesário L, May-Lill Garly, Carlito Balé, Amabelia Rodrigues, Henrik Ravn, Hilton C Whittle, Ida M Lisse, and Peter Aaby.
Protective efficacy of standard Edmonston-Zagreb measles vaccination in infants aged 4.5 months: interim analysis of a randomised clinical trial
BMJ (2008).
Martins, Cesario, Carlitos Bale, May-Lill Garly, Amabelia Rodrigues, Ida M Lisse, Andreas Andersen, Mia Eriksson, Christine S Benn, Hilton Whittle, and Peter Aaby.
Girls may have lower levels of maternal measles antibodies and higher risk of subclinical measles infection before the age of measles vaccination
Vaccine 27, no. 38 (2009): 5220-5225.
Aaby, Peter, Cesário L Martins, May-Lill Garly, Carlito Balé, Andreas Andersen, Amabelia Rodrigues, Henrik Ravn, Ida M Lisse, Christine S Benn, and Hilton C Whittle.
Non-specific effects of standard measles vaccine at 4.5 and 9 months of age on childhood mortality: randomised controlled trial
BMJ (2010).
Aaby, Peter, Cesario Martins, Carlito Bale, May-Lill Garly, Amabelia Rodrigues, Sidu Biai, Ida M Lisse, Hilton Whittle, and Christine S Benn.
Sex differences in the effect of vaccines on the risk of hospitalization due to measles in Guinea-bissau
Pediatr. Infect. Dis. J. 29, no. 4 (2010): 324-328.
Balé, Carlito, May-Lill Garly, Cesario Martins, Jens Nielsen, Hilton Whittle, and Peter Aaby.
Risk factors for measles in young infants in an urban African area with high measles vaccination coverage
Pediatr. Infect. Dis. J. 30, no. 8 (2011): 689-693.
Diness, Birgitte R, Cesário L Martins, Carlitos Balé, May-Lill Garly, Henrik Ravn, Amabelia Rodrigues, Hilton Whittle, Peter Aaby, and Christine S Benn.
The effect of high-dose vitamin A supplementation at birth on measles incidence during the first 12 months of life in boys and girls: an unplanned study within a randomised trial
Br. J. Nutr. (2011).
Aaby, Peter, Cesário L. Martins, May-Lill Garly, Amabelia Rodrigues, Christine S. Benn, and Hilton Whittle.
The optimal age of measles immunisation in low-income countries: a secondary analysis of the assumptions underlying the current policy
BMJ Open 2, no. 4 (2012).
Showing 1-33 of 33