Central Data Catalog


1 van der Sande, M. A., P. J. Milligan, O. A. Nyan, J. T. Rowley, W. A. Banya, S. M. Ceesay, W. M. Dolmans, T. Thien, K. P. McAdam, and G. E. Walraven. "Blood pressure patterns and cardiovascular risk factors in rural and urban gambian communities." J Hum Hypertens (2000).
2 Nyan, O. A., G. E. Walraven, W. A. Banya, P. Milligan, M. Van Der Sande, S. M. Ceesay, G. Del Prete, and K. P. McAdam. "Atopy, intestinal helminth infection and total serum IgE in rural and urban adult Gambian communities." Clin. Exp. Allergy (2001).
3 Sirugo, Giorgio, Maarten Schim van der Loeff, Omar Sam, Ousman Nyan, Margaret Pinder, Adrian V Hill, Dominic Kwiatkowski, Andrew Prentice, Claudia de Toma, Howard M Cann, Mathurin Diatta, Muminatou Jallow, Gareth Morgan, Malcolm Clarke, Tumani Corrah, Hilton Whittle, and Keith McAdam. "A national DNA bank in The Gambia, West Africa, and genomic research in developing countries." Nat. Genet. 36, no. 8 (2004): 785-786.
4 Siervo, M, P Grey, O A Nyan, and A M Prentice. "A pilot study on body image, attractiveness and body size in Gambians living in an urban community." Eat Weight Disord 11, no. 2 (2006): 100-109.
5 Siervo, M, P Grey, O A Nyan, and A M Prentice. "Urbanization and obesity in The Gambia: a country in the early stages of the demographic transition." Eur J Clin Nutr 60, no. 4 (2006): 455-463.