Central Data Catalog


1 Kirkland, Tracy, Lori M. Hunter, and Wayne Twine. ""The Bush is No More": Insights on Institutional Change and Natural Resource Availability in Rural South Africa." Soc Nat Resour (2007).
2 Tindana, Paulina O, Jerome A Singh, C Shawn Tracy, Ross E G Upshur, Abdallah S Daar, Peter A Singer, Janet Frohlich, and James V Lavery. "Grand challenges in global health: community engagement in research in developing countries." PLoS Med. 4, no. 9 (2007).
3 Kent, David M, Makaya Mwamburi, Richard A Cash, Tracy L Rabin, and Michael L Bennish. "Testing therapies less effective than the best current standard: ethical beliefs in an international sample of researchers." Am J Bioeth 3, no. 2 (2003).
4 Gross, Karin, Sandra Alba, Tracy R. Glass, Joanna Armstrong Schellenberg, and Brigit Obrist. "Timing of antenatal care for adolescent and adult pregnant women in south-eastern Tanzania." BMC Pregnancy Childbirth (2012).
5 Kirkland, Tracy M., Robert J. Kemp, Lori M. Hunter, and Wayne Twine. "Toward Improved Understanding of Food Security: A Methodological Examination Based in Rural South Africa." Food, Culture and Society: An International Journal of MultidisciplinaryResearch (2013).