Central Data Catalog


1 Mulligan, J. A., R. Mandike, N. Palmer, H. Williams, S. Abdulla, P. Bloland, and A. Mills. "The costs of changing national policy: lessons from malaria treatment policy guidelines in Tanzania." Trop. Med. Int. Health (2006).
2 Deen, Jacqueline L., Matthias Funk, Victor C. Guevara, Haroon Saloojee, James Y. Doe, Ayo Palmer, and Martin W. Weber. "Implementation of WHO guidelines on management of severe malnutrition in hospitals in Africa." Bull. World Health Organ. (2003).
3 Njau, J. D., C. Goodman, S. P. Kachur, N. Palmer, R. A. Khatib, S. Abdulla, A. Mills, and P. Bloland. "Fever treatment and household wealth: the challenge posed for rolling out combination therapy for malaria." Trop. Med. Int. Health (2006).
4 Palmer, M. G., N. T. M. Thuy, Q. T. N. Quyen, D. S. Duy, H. Van Huynh, and H. L. Berry. "Disability measures as an indicator of poverty: A case study from Viet Nam." (2012).
5 Ceesay, Serign J, Climent Casals-Pascual, Jamie Erskine, Samuel E Anya, Nancy O Duah, Anthony J C Fulford, Sanie S S Sesay, Ismaela Abubakar, Samuel Dunyo, Omar Sey, Ayo Palmer, Malang Fofana, Tumani Corrah, Kalifa A Bojang, Hilton C Whittle, Brian M Greenwood, and David J Conway. "Changes in malaria indices between 1999 and 2007 in The Gambia: a retrospective analysis." Lancet 372, no. 9649 (2008): 1545-1554.