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1 Rao, Chalapati, Yawarat Porapakkham, Junya Pattaraarchachai, Warangkana Polprasert, Narumol Swampunyalert, and Alan D Lopez. "Verifying causes of death in Thailand: rationale and methods for empirical investigation." Popul Health Metr (2010).
2 Porapakkham, Yawarat, Chalapati Rao, Junya Pattaraarchachai, Warangkana Polprasert, Theo Vos, Timothy Adair, and Alan D Lopez. "Estimated causes of death in Thailand, 2005: implications for health policy." Popul Health Metr (2010).
3 Hill, Kenneth, Patama Vapattanawong, Pramote Prasartkul, Yawarat Porapakkham, Stephen S. Lim, and Alan D. Lopez. "Epidemiologic transition interrupted: a reassessment of mortality trends in Thailand, 1980–2000." Int. J. Epidemiol. 36, no. 2 (2007): 374-384.
4 Polprasert, Warangkana, Chalapati Rao, Timothy Adair, Junya Pattaraarchachai, Yawarat Porapakkham, and Alan D Lopez. "Cause-of-death ascertainment for deaths that occur outside hospitals in Thailand: application of verbal autopsy methods." Popul Health Metr (2010).